my neighbor legitly looks like katt williams and i have about a million stories about his ass, his baby momma always fightin with him and shit too, i think its comedy though, i go outside and watch them fight.
highlights include:
To his baby momma: "what you doin steppin in the mud? I just cleaned the god damn carpets, now you gonna track dirt all over the carpet. What would jesus do? he wouldn't be getting my clean carpets all dirty"
To his 4 year old kid who ran from another neighbors dog: "the fuck you running away from that dog for? i told you to kick the shit out of that dog" (the neighbor was outside and the dog is a maltese haha)
To his kids 4 year old friend: "Whats yo name? (kid doesn't answer) I said whats yo god damn name? (still no answer), and then he says to his baby momma: "fuck this kid, i'm not taking him nowhere, he don't even know his own goddamn name"
maybe one of those you-had-to-be-there things. I think he's like 40 too. weird mofo