Is Ryback gonna take the belt from Punk?

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May 24, 2002
I hope Ryback sick of punk and think hes the most overrated wrestler since benoit
Benoit could wrestle circles around everyone, had amazing matches his whole career even as a young boy working Japan his work rate was for beyond most people... I mean dudes first feud was with jushin liger.

Benoit overrated?

Now if we are talking about overrated lets talk about a guy who's gimmick is a complete rip and can barely get through a squash match without botching. I really hope he can bust out more than a handful of power moves and work some legit psychology into a match other than LOOK AT ME AND HOW STRONG I AM....

"Overrated" people who can work > ryback
Feb 8, 2003
Ryback gonna be a huge star. hbk was backing ryback the other night and jericho is too.

WWE > Chris Jericho Feels Ryback Should Beat Punk, More
Posted by Steve Carrier on 10/23/2012 at 02:29 PM

Former WWE Superstar Chris Jericho appeared on Busted Open with Dave LaGreca and Mike Riker, where he addressed CM Punk's WWE Championship defense against Ryback at Hell in a Cell. The program airs Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays on Sirius 94 and XM 208 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Highlights from the interview are as follows:

Why he thinks Ryback should win on Sunday: "I don’t know anything and I don’t work for the WWE. I haven’t talked to Vince in about a month. But I personally think and this is something that obviously Busted Open Radio has very hardcore wrestling fans who are listening as we all are. The number one thing people bitch about is that there is nothing new and it’s the same old same old with John Cena. This is the chance to create a new guy. This is the chance to make a new star instantly, and I know tradition says you must build a star. There is no tradition in a case like this. The comparisons are to Goldberg. Most of the fans in this day and age have no idea who Goldberg is and don’t care. We do, but in the year 2012 Goldberg was over ten years ago. How did Goldberg get over? …. By beating everybody. There was no loss for Goldberg. As soon as he did lose, that’s when things started going downhill for him. Ryback is not a normal guy. This is not a guy that we see that builds his way to the top and fans get behind him slowly but surely. You want to pick a new guy? Have him beat CM Punk this week. Who gives a sh** about Punk’s title reign? It means nothing. Here is a chance to take a guy who people are getting behind. If he beats Punk at Hell in A Cell and after three hundred and thirty seven days or whatever and Punk is finally beaten, people are going to start to take notice of this guy. Those who don’t watch Raw are going to tune in to see what’s going on. Ryback beats everybody. Ryback faces Rock at Royal Rumble. What happens if a couple of weeks before that something goes on with Ryback and Undertaker got involved in the Rock match? What if Rock wins the title and goes on to face Cena we expected and what if its Ryback vs Undertaker at Wrestlemania? What if Ryback beats Undertaker at Wrestlemania? You have a new star for the next ten years to headline pay-per views and main events."

Has CM Punk gone as far as he can go as a character?: "He has gone as far as he can go. The Rock is the Rock. He comes from a different era. Undertaker, Steve Austin, that comes from a different era. Nobody will ever be a bigger star than those guys, because people in their heads...It’s like the old Batman TV show when we were kids. We thought it was the greatest show ever. You watch it back now and it sucks. But it has a certain place in your head that it will never be replaced. The band KISS in 1978 if you’re old enough to remember was thought of as the greatest band ever, even if they weren’t. Rock is a guy unto his own. Punk is as big of a star as he can be as a heel in WWE. Beating Ryback doesn’t make him a bigger star. It doesn’t."

Can the injury to John Cena be a blessing in disguise?: "It is a blessing in disguise. The biggest breaks I ever got in this business was when someone got hurt, or when someone went to make a movie. I won the undisputed championship because Triple H was hurt and Rock was leaving. Cena got hurt. What do we do? One thing about Vince McMahon is his motto is to take a negative and turn it into a positive. Vince knows how rare it is for someone to get over so quickly. Vince knows Ryback is not a money making star right now. But if he goes into Hell In A Cell and he destroys Punk and beats him, a hundred percent those fans are going to go bananas for Ryback. You have created a new star. Punk can come back the next night and bitch and complain and do what a heel does. Heels aren’t built to win. Heels are built to lose. That’s what heels do. The fact that Punk has held the title for three hundred and thirty seven days, it might mean something to you guys. I can tell you Punk doesn’t care. Punk wants to make money and if that means Punk and Ryback becomes the hottest feud and suddenly something happens where it goes to Ryback and Rock, that’s a match where suddenly you made a new guy. I would love to see Punk and Rock and I’m sure Punk would be disappointed if it didn’t work out. But this is business. If you have a chance to build someone that can put a company on his back, then you do it. The stop and start pushes that the WWE has been doing and infamous for the last ten years has got to stop and this is the perfect time for it."

Does he think the WWE will pull the trigger and have Ryback become champion?: "I do because of the reasons I’ve talked about. I’m not saying I know anything. I could be completely wrong. Maybe there would be a scenario where they can protect Ryback and still have Punk as champ. But for me what I like as a wrestling fan, when I was a kid, what I like as wrestling fan now even after doing it for 22 years is the element of surprise. I hate the same old same old. I worked in WCW for three years when guys were passed over. As hard as it is to believe at this point, Eddie Guerrero was the top heel in the company at certain points, but they never let him beat anybody. Billy Kidman was super popular. Probably one of the top two or three babyfaces in the company at certain points, but they never pushed him over the edge. There are guys for whatever reason, get over, even when they are not supposed to get over. If you take advantage of that and push it over the cliff, people will get behind it especially a guy like Ryback because we haven’t seen anyone like that in a long time. We haven’t seen a powerhouse come in and annihilate people. The last time might have been Batista but Ryback is more Neanderthal, more animalistic, more a beast. Batista is very well spoken. Ryback does remind me of Goldberg and like I said it’s not a copy of Goldberg. It’s like saying Jericho is a copy of Shawn Michaels. There are elements and lots of similarities but it’s a different guy and nobody has seen a guy like this in a long, long time. So I think if they do pull the trigger that it will work huge and it will create a superstar instantly. Someone that will be a money drawer, someone that people will tune in who are not watching now to see."
Props: Rasan
Feb 8, 2003
I know you guys are hyped about ryback but to me he is still really green.. But thats my opinion
Thing is this isnt the 90s no more its a new era and new business they dont have too really build a guy for long to make him a star. if he has it and is marketable all they gotta do is shove him down the fans throats.
Nov 14, 2003
Ryback loses due to some form of interference by Brock (Punk is a Paul Heyman guy... along with Brock...). For some reason I see this building to some kind of stable, starting out as Punk, Brock and Heyman against Cena, Ryback and Vince... Punk, Brock and Heyman cause typical stable meyhem (and throw a few other names into each that I can't really pick out right now... Maybe Barret into the Punk stable?) while building up a huge rivalry between Punk, Ryback and Cena (with Cena pushing Ryback to take over as the face of the company...). Also push Brock as the badass, and unstoppable... until around Royal Rumble. Then reveal Undertaker as the new member of Vince's stable, leading to a Brock vs. Taker match at mania, and a Punk vs. Ryback rematch, with Ryback winning (and in the process taking over the face of the company)

I'd watch that.
Feb 8, 2003
If he doesn't beat punk its a waste. And I mean pin him or make him submit. Not no dq bullshit.
Jericho made sense. I'm not a ryback fan, dude is goldberg 2.0, but what a waste of a build up for him to lose. I'm tired of cm punk, he's boring now. Ryback beating undertaker for the streak would be epic!

if punk wins thats not gonna do shit for him bc he already established if ryback wins then thats gonna catapault him saying he destroyed the best.

I kinda see another light now too like they can have Ryback beat punk become champ then fight The Rock and beat the rock at rumble to put him in that next league. just like they had Brock beat the rock at summerslam 2002 for the belt. that right there would put ryback over to the fullest. honestly i think its gonna be a triple threat the rock vs cena vs punk at rumble with the rock pinning punk if they gonna put the belt on him or cena or the rock could win the belt in elimination chamber. see how if tehy put the belt on ryback they can take it off him without even having him pinned or ruined.
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Feb 8, 2003
Ryback loses due to some form of interference by Brock (Punk is a Paul Heyman guy... along with Brock...). For some reason I see this building to some kind of stable, starting out as Punk, Brock and Heyman against Cena, Ryback and Vince... Punk, Brock and Heyman cause typical stable meyhem (and throw a few other names into each that I can't really pick out right now... Maybe Barret into the Punk stable?) while building up a huge rivalry between Punk, Ryback and Cena (with Cena pushing Ryback to take over as the face of the company...). Also push Brock as the badass, and unstoppable... until around Royal Rumble. Then reveal Undertaker as the new member of Vince's stable, leading to a Brock vs. Taker match at mania, and a Punk vs. Ryback rematch, with Ryback winning (and in the process taking over the face of the company)

I'd watch that.

dont forget brock dont have that many appearences left and since he gonna fight Triple H at mania that would be pointless to have him fight ryback unless ryback was to get over. also word is Taker may not fight at this mania nor he fighting brock and just appear for royal rumble only.

You cant forget brock isnt full time and he bout to be gone while ryback is the future so it wouldnt make no kind of since to brock defeat or get over on ryback.

far as brock i can see him making a surprise entrant in royal rumble then getting eliminated or screwed by triple h or hbk.
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Bob Pimp MOBBEN!!!
Apr 25, 2002
Can't dolph only cash in on the world title? Cena won the WWE title mitb...

It's pretty predictable that show is gonna win and then get cashed in on again. And they are gonna run with that angle that he got cashed in on twice...
Feb 8, 2003
I have a feeling Dolph Ziggler is gonna cash in on Ryback after the match and leave as champion.
naw the definately not gonna do that i will bet you money on that too. dolph can only cash it in on world champ cENA WON the wwe tittle briefcase remember. Honestly dolph buzz is gone and his time is up I dont even think he gonna win the world belt I think he gonna have a failed cash in like cena did.

If dolph was to cash in and win it would only be on show or sheamus. Like I said i think they gonna make dolph look like a fuck up since Orton bout to turn heel and fued with sheamus in the next month or so.

Plus Ryback bout to destroy dolph on Main Event.
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Nov 14, 2003
even if ryback does win, Punk will get the belt back pretty quick. They have been teasing Punk vs. Rock for a while now Rock has already said he is coming for the belt. Punk has taken quite a few shots at Rock in his promos, and has even used Rock's finisher on a few occasions.
Feb 8, 2003
even if ryback does win, Punk will get the belt back pretty quick. They have been teasing Punk vs. Rock for a while now Rock has already said he is coming for the belt. Punk has taken quite a few shots at Rock in his promos, and has even used Rock's finisher on a few occasions.
yeah but its not guranteed the rock is gonna be champion. yeah his character talks about it but far as you know dwayne johnson could just be there to elevate someone bc he dont have to win the belt at this point in his career bc he a legend and done more and more famous then anyone on the current roster. but my scenerio was if ryback wins the belt then he would lose it at TLC in a table or ladder match to Punk due to outside interference. but another route they can go is the rock vs punk in a regular match with winner getting a title match at elimination chamber or a triple threat the rock vs punk vs ryback.
they can do it a hundreds of ways honestly even including cena.

its still too early to predict january but any way it goes it will be the rock vs john cena at mania for wwe title bc thats the biggest money maker match they can put together now. punk vs the rock isnbt wrestlemania quality. the night after mania is probaly when the new designed wwe belt will be revealed.
Apr 25, 2002
Benoit could wrestle circles around everyone, had amazing matches his whole career even as a young boy working Japan his work rate was for beyond most people... I mean dudes first feud was with jushin liger.

Benoit overrated?

Now if we are talking about overrated lets talk about a guy who's gimmick is a complete rip and can barely get through a squash match without botching. I really hope he can bust out more than a handful of power moves and work some legit psychology into a match other than LOOK AT ME AND HOW STRONG I AM....

"Overrated" people who can work > ryback
Technically he was sound but he had no personality and never got me emotionally invested in his matches or feuds...Unless he was wrestling someone I really liked I turned the channel....

I wasnt saying I was a fan of Ryback but I do want him to win because its something different...and i do not like CM punk....I just think hes over hyped and not as interesting as people make him out to be
Props: Darkshowdown
Feb 8, 2003
Technically he was sound but he had no personality and never got me emotionally invested in his matches or feuds...Unless he was wrestling someone I really liked I turned the channel....

I wasnt saying I was a fan of Ryback but I do want him to win because its something different...and i do not like CM punk....I just think hes over hyped and not as interesting as people make him out to be
I thought the same thing about beniot. he was one to prove u can still make it to top with shitty ass mic skills bc he just didnt have it on the mic same with jeff hardy.
Feb 8, 2003
if they are tryin to make Ryberg the face of the company, shouldnt they have Cena cost him the match sunday.?
insiders said Cena still hurt and not ready to comeback even though he was cleared two weeks after the surgery and they putting him on the backburner bc he didnt wanna return yet when he was scheduled to after two weeks and family problems he cheated on his wife and fucked AJ. guess they making it into a storyline like they did with edge and lita.

If anything Vince sending a message out to cena like your getting old and you beat up so its time to replace you and build a new star like vince did with Hogan. honestly i wouldnt be surprised to see cena turn heel next year.
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