Is Owens

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May 27, 2002
pissing you off as much as he's pissing me off? I mean this fool signs a huge 7 year contract with the eagles. He plays for 1 year and wants more money and a new contract. This greedy bitch is already set for life with all the money he has made and now he wants a new contract with 6 years left on his current contract. And then he goes and starts rumors about him wanting to play basketball for the kings and shit...ugh what a disgrace to the game... FUCK YOU TERREL OWENS.


Sicc OG
Nov 7, 2004
The man dosent make enough money to feed his family. Some people will just never understand. Hes broke. Hahaha
Jun 13, 2002
I understand why he thinks he should get paid more and contracts arent fair for the player BUT he still signed. I see it fine to try to re-negotiate but he should have given up after the first denial.
May 27, 2002
Not only that, he is not showing up at training camp and his agent says he won't until he gets a new contract. He signed it himself what right does he have to skip training camp and "strike" if he signed the contract himself just last year?


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
If he wants more money, tell him to find a cure for AIDS or something. He plays fucking football and he's already making a ludicrous amount of money. If you were like "you can play football for 2 million dollars or be a stock broker for 4 million" he'd play football. Its a sport, and despite the hard work and pressure, its fun. I wish I got paid millions to do something that I loved to do. He's fucking ungrateful. If I got a phone call right now that said "we want you to hold the ball for the field goal kicks and we'll pay you $5,000 a year" i'd be like "sign me the fuck up!"


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
Yeah, I meant I'd have two jobs. Special teams aces have more free time anyways.

But this is salary cap football - the money that TO takes from the Eagles is not from an infinite pool. The more money the Eagles give TO, the less money that have to spend on another team. And honestly - they are a good fucking team without TO. They're a spectacular team with him. But the amount of the pie that he wants to take will seriously fuck up their personnel decisions in the future. The Eagles saved TO, who didn't want to go to the Ravens. Now he's saying he "outperformed" his contract in one year. Drew Rosenhaus is the fucking devil. TO is a multimillionaire, and he wants to be a multimillionaire plus another couple million. He's probably just jacked because he thinks he's a better athlete than Michael Vick so he deserves the $130 million contract instead.
Aug 20, 2004
Stealth said:
Its a sport, and despite the hard work and pressure, its fun. I wish I got paid millions to do something that I loved to do. He's fucking ungrateful.
Ive been sayin this for years...

Its stil hard to believe that people get paid to PLAY sports....yet teachers get paid around $30,000 a year...what a wonderful world we live in wouldnt you agree?


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
Then you look at Shaq having to pay for a guys funeral because back then they really were playing for peanuts. But when you look at the old school athletes that didn't make any money at all playing the sport, you knew that the reason they did it was because they loved the sport. I think money is such a driving factor in sports. Everyone should get paid a set amount. Then at that point, players would worry more about their teams than their contracts. What would you do if every football player in the world played in his hometown. Like everyone in florida played for the Dolphins or the Bucaneers or the Jaguars, everyone in PA played for Philly or Pittsburgh, everyone in Cali played for the Raiders, 9ers, or Chargers - that would be fucking sweet. The reason players have no team loyalty is $$. Look at TO - he's in the best situation he could be in, his team is a superbowl contenter, he's the best receiver in the NFL, everyone in Philly loves/loved him. He should feel like the luckiest man in the world. But why doesn't he? Money.


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
He should of learned from Jerry Rice. We all know Jerry Rice is the best receiver ever but we never heard him whining about not being the highest paid.
Apr 25, 2002
it aint the players who aint loyal , its the teams get your head out of your ass, if t.o. can get more money or sits out the whole season for a better contract more power to him. if anyone is the devil its the owner. remmber football isn't just a sport its a bizzness


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
its the teams get your head out of your ass
Get your head out of your ass. Its a salary cap league. Him asking for more money hurts the team. And he signed a 7 year contract. That motherfucker is doing everything wrong. The eagles are a great organization and they make sure all of their players are treated well. Look what they did to reward Trotter for all of his hard work. The fact that football is a business is what bastardizes the sport in the first place. Players like T.0. that hold out for a couple million - I can't relate to that. What I can relate to is players or teams that play with their hearts, for the guts and glory. So if you really think the players should be focused on money, then you have no idea what sports are all about. Shit - that's why so many people like college sports more - these kids are playing for a chance, they're playing for the love of the game, a lot of them know they're not gonna make a career out of it. Those kids are the real champions. Not the ones who worry about whether they can afford 50 Hummers or 51 Hummers.