How Rare? 2003 Absolute power sampler

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Sep 28, 2006
How rare is the 2003 Absolute power sampler cd? I see on here and other places that people are always looking for it? I have a copy of it if some one wants to point me in the way of ripping it I will rip it and upload it


Sicc OG
Jun 16, 2004
Why would you get shrink wrap signed? Reminds me of when Gonzoe released Hard Dayz, Long Nightz. He signed the pre-orders... but did so on the shrink wrap. Haha.
Sep 24, 2002
yall arent even having dude set his eac and lame up right with correct settings just general bs ones.
here is the complete and correct versions of eac and lame scene uses (for those interested) took me a while to find the this version
ill see what i can do about posting the right settings shit
Sep 24, 2002

and general setup quide
heres more specific details

Under the General Tab, uncheck Beep after extraction finished (it's the most annoying thing you'll ever hear if left on).

Next, under the filename tab, on the left hand side were it says Naming Scheme, erase that and copy and paste this in there. (If you have your own string that you use it's fine, use your own.)


%D - %C\%N - %A - %T

And on the right hand side were it says Various Artists naming scheme erase that and copy this:


%C\%N - %A - %T

Next Click F11.

Under the Offset tab there's an option to write something in the ID3 tags right now there is something written in there by default you can choose to leave it there, write a custom comment or erase it and leave it blank.

Click OK and that should be it, no need to touch your extrernal compression options ever that just make's things go wild.

Pop in a cd and click Alt + G to look up cd info in the freedb data base.

Select your tracks and hit the mp3 button on the left.

NOTE: A black box will pop up after each track is extracted, dont close it, as this is LAME encoding the .wav into an .mp3.

A couple of thing's, if your not using (Secure Mode) while using EAC its a waist of time as (Burst Mode) won't detect errors and you'll still get bad rip's if the cd is scratched.

It is NOT recommended to rip Burned CD-R's as your mp3's can only be as good as the source they're coming from.

So ripping that CD-R that you burned with 96 kbs files WON'T make it sound any better, just worse.

^^^dont be a homo and tag the shit with nonsense

that it for now