Wudup ya'll I'm locked up right now down here in Walla Walla, and almost EVERYBODY in here knows about Street Level......shit were all waiting for some new shit to drop.
I only get to use the computer on Saturdays for only half an hour, ain't that some bullshit, so I wont be on here as much as I was.
.....but yeah I'm just sayin what up to everyone, and D-sane when can we all expect a new album?
Gots to go back to my dorm. Peace:devious:
I only get to use the computer on Saturdays for only half an hour, ain't that some bullshit, so I wont be on here as much as I was.
.....but yeah I'm just sayin what up to everyone, and D-sane when can we all expect a new album?
Gots to go back to my dorm. Peace:devious: