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May 21, 2002
I'm about to boogie off to Whistler and then to NARM, so I can't wait
this week's final numbers. SO, I'm gonna report on the 53.58% of the
now in. Oh, there could be some sudden movement. But, almost always,
chart numbers remain the same after this percentage is in. Although I
leave out the actual sales numbers, since they're not definitive YET.

1. 50 Cent

Yup, everyone BURNED this. And then UPLOADED the files to the Net.
everybody TRADED IT! Showing that every kid in America's a crook and
wants to buy CDs anymore.
Then how in the hell can we explain a total of almost three million CDs
in under five weeks? Huh? EXPLAIN THAT to me Hilary.
Oh, Hilary's damn good. She'll weasel around this one. I KNOW. But
it's really not about Hilary. It's about Doug Morris... Actually, is it
about Doug Morris, or Jimmy Iovine anymore? Is it about
ANYBODY who knows anything about music anymore?
Universal, king of the heap, is just a pawn in Vivendi's game. To be
off to pay debt. This would be as if...Major League Baseball were to
the Yankees at a fire sale price, saying baseball's HISTORY! But, I ASK baseball history? Troubled. Mismanaged. But people still LOVE
the game. People still LOVE music. The business over? No fucking way.
The people RUNNING the labels have depressed the value of their
franchises by
bitching in the press. Therefore, the people above THEM, the Fourtou's
, the
Parsons', just want to BLOW the damn things out. And the press buys it
saying music's over, history, kaput.
But, I ASK you. How can music be kaput when we've sold this many 50
albums in so short a period of time? This rivals the sales of 'N Sync
at the
act's PEAK!! And, if the air hadn't been clouded by the release of the
Mile" soundtrack, with ITS own single, "The Eminem Show" would still be
selling like hotcakes today, certainly in the Top Twenty, probably in
the Top
Ten. Steaming past ten million into legendary territory.
Once again, where's the PROBLEM?
It's OBVIOUSLY not with piracy. It's OBVIOUSLY with the MUSIC! Let me
clue you non-downloading fat cats in... If a CD has three or four
good tracks, you want the whole damn thing. You want the ORIGINAL! If
album's a throwaway, a few MP3s are fine. But, if something is GREAT,
want the pristine, authorized version, as a BADGE OF HONOR!! Don't speak
to me about logic, this is just a FACT! Ask ANYBODY! Same deal with
burned CDs. If the record's a classic, people have to have
Ergo, if more albums had three or four great tracks, people would cough
the fifteen bucks to BUY them.
But since they DON'T, sales are down.
People are voting with their pocketbooks. They'll buy when they think
something's GOOD!
But, but, BUT you say Bob. Are you telling me that when broadband
over fifty percent penetration, we'll STILL sell this many CDs? Shit, I
don't THINK so... Then again, maybe there's another way to look at
all this. Maybe downloading isn't cannibalizing AT ALL! Maybe it's
ADDITIONAL CUSTOMERS!!! Hell, maybe even some of these people who
on the Net buy a CD they weren't even PLANNING TO! It's about expansion
the marketplace baby. THAT'S the paradigm. Not coming down on people
being desirous of something.
I think the days of the CD are over. But, based on the sales figures
this 50 Cent album, NOT YET!!!

3. L'il Kim

A second-rate rapper with a boob job.
This will have NO legs. People just don't CARE!
Let me ask you, how many real L'il Kim fans do you think there ARE?
Probably less than EVE fans, and HER last album proved there weren't
many of
THIS is what's wrong with the business. Why in the hell would ANYBODY
these acts to have careers, sustain sales. Jay-Z, yes. Maybe even LL
J. But not THESE babes.

5. Evanescence

All you've got to know is it's on Wind-Up.
ANYBODY can have one big act. But TWO!
It's not like Wind-Up is Madison House, selling the String Cheese
outside the system. No, Wind-Up is beating the majors at THEIR OWN
GAME! Oh, you'll say it's about the Net. That Wind-Up uses new
I just don't buy that.
Wind-Up seems to be able to pick acts PEOPLE want to HEAR!
The major A&R people are looking at acts that are too cool for the room.
else, lowest common denominator tripe. Whereas Wind-Up is looking for
straight down the middle. Call it meat and potatoes. Whatever, people
their stuff, it's an UNDERSERVED MARKET!
Furthermore, Wind-Up is nimble. And the people there care and will work
RESULTS for THEIR OWN SAKE, not purely for a paycheck like at the major
Maybe the exodus should be reversed. Instead of the indies picking up
players shed by the majors, the MAJORS should pick up some of these
players, pay them just a little bit more, INCENTIVIZE them.
All the creative thinking. All the hard work. All the EXCITEMENT is at
And now the sales are there too.

18. Audioslave

The person responsible for this must have been the same person
for sticking Gary Cherone with Van Halen. Once you start building bands
paper... Or, then again, once BUSINESS PEOPLE/MANAGERS start building
Let's look at history.
MOST bands grow up together. Oh, you might find a better drummer
but the more than the sum of its parts.
Put together acts. Souther, Hillman, Furay...put together by David
the guys HATED each other and never broke through.
I've never known Chris Cornell to go on record on political issues.
What in
the HELL is he doing with Tom Morello?
Tom...sure, it's disillusioning to lose your lead singer, but that's
To TRY to stay on top, to TRY and not lose any momentum, is
into a new relationship after your marriage ends. What do they call
Yup, Audioslave is a REBOUND band. It's a FACSIMILE of a band. The
more you
listen, IF you can listen, you tell yourself...this doesn't feel right,
doesn't work, I'm OUTTA HERE!
Music, a BAND, is not made on paper. It comes out of emotions.
Audioslave is a MERGER. And it sounds like one. It's just Asia a
little bit
heavier. And I mean that as an indictment.
Then again, Asia sold more records than Audioslave ever will. And once
again, is Audioslave a shitty name or WHAT!!
May 21, 2002
2nd half

24. Josh Groban

This record and the Rod Stewart abomination show that there's a HUGE
underserved market out there. Bored, ignorant housewives!!
I mean you can't be really into music and like THIS shit. I mean, that
be like saying Air Supply was one of the best bands of all time. But,
the question that arises is, HOW MANY OTHER UNDERSERVED POPULATION
Think of the possibilities!
These records were hyped on TV. But, not only wimpy records were hyped
TV, "The Rising" was sold there too...
So, does this mean there's room for a new "Gasoline Alley" or Leon
Russell-type album amongst baby boomers?
Hell, people tend to mellow as they age, but it seems that, with "O
included, oldsters WANT to buy, and can't be narrowly categorized. But,
is it only about OLDSTERS! Sure, kids listen to the radio, watch MTV,
but are they REALLY exposed to
many varieties of music?
Just look at the charts. Doesn't seem so.
But, but, BUT, the majors don't want to play that game. It's too damn
HARD! We're gonna expend all that effort and all that money to sell
30,000 records? Well, first of all, you're gonna spend a WHOLE LOT LESS!
Secondly, the paradigm is DIFFERENT! Instead of pushing crap on people,
goal is to infect a few, and have THEM spread the word. Think of ANY
product. If it's good, there are zealots out there proselytizing. It's
"Tipping Point" in action. Think of Grey Goose vodka. It was all word
So, you might sell 30,000 on the first release, but then the second one
start selling 10,000 a week, and then INCREASE as time goes by. As the
spreads further and further.
THIS is the new world. Release something GOOD, that people WANT, and
spread the word.

39. Shania Twain

The fat lady hasn't sung yet... But, the arc of this album is starting
set in cement. It doesn't look like it's going to go back up into the
Ten. Oh, I HEAR there's a killer ballad. But will radio PLAY IT!
Somehow, EVERYBODY in America except for the early adopters, purchasers
the fourth quarter, Christmas buyers, got the memo on this. Everybody
to think that Shania's a bit...PHONY!
She's country, but, she releases rock and world mixes of the same
Hell, could there be a world mix of "Okie From Muskogee"?
She's selling sex, but denying her sexuality in print. She's...kind of a
Barbie Doll. Living in Switzerland, removed. She's...just
not one of us. And, when it comes to country stars ESPECIALLY, we want
feel they're part of our group, that they could come to our barbecue and
Maybe that's what Shania should do. Become a woman of the people. Go
to Fan
Fair. Have a contest where she comes to your house for dinner, and
hangs out
and GOSSIPS! Without her hair and makeup people, just security. Yup,
Shania needs an IMAGE makeover. She's just too damn slick. She's too
smart not to know this. Or maybe, living in her castle, she's just
too far removed.
People have seen Shania's act. Seems very one dimensional. They don't
more of the same, they want something NEW!
Isn't that what the legends taught us, the Beatles, Picasso, MADONNA
that if you want to be a worldwide superstar, on top always, you've got

49. Red Hot Chili Peppers

This record will not die.
My peeps keep telling me a single's gonna break through.
This hasn't truly happened, yet SOMEONE wants this record.
Not me. I don't listen to it.
But, there IS demand.
And, touring will both satiate and INCREASE that demand.
This COULD be one of America's biggest acts.
But they seem to have spent more time playing to the U.K. and the
They sold MILLIONS of records there.
Then again, it's like Jerry Lewis being God in France. You want to be a
in your homeland.
It IS a global business. But, how sexy is it to be a hit far from the
you know??
If you're interested in selling more records, a worldwide philosophy
works. But, is it really about more money, more sales? I'd think Anthony
and Flea would be more interested in bigger stardom in the
U.S. than outside the country.
So, they should have toured the U.S. when the record came out.
within a few months. To satisfy their fans. To establish, SOLIDIFY a
beachhead where it counts...their own backyard.


We seem to have an odd mix of the past and the present. Touring sold
records, established acts in the seventies, because that was the only
way to
get the WORD OUT!
Whereas today, touring is a CLEAN-UP routine. You're not out there
establishing new fans, you're just kachinging those who are already
believers. Usually at extremely high prices, because there's a good
after they see you, and you suck, even with all the pyrotechnics and
production, they're never going to want to see you again.
So, let's not talk about touring selling records. YES, the EXCITEMENT
of the
tour and the attendant hype in the media will generate heat that will
some records. And, some people will buy the record in anticipation of
show. BUT, let's not forget... Ticket prices are SO high, that those
purchasers will already be hard core fans.
Unlike the seventies, there are not fully-fleshed out touring rungs.
There's not the small club to the showcase club to the small theatre to
larger theatre to the arena to the stadium.
There's the shed.
Sometimes the arena.
Almost never the stadium.
Nothing smaller because you can't make the numbers.
NONE of the foregoing has to do with DEMAND! People WANT to see live
there's just not a reasonable amount of quality shows at a reasonable
price. Developing acts have to tour in vans. Have to play for less.
Have to be
acts that people want to see, otherwise, NO ONE WILL! And,
unfortunately, no
one wants to SEE most of the new acts being purveyed by majors. Which is
why the type of act developing is changing. It's back to people who
can PLAY as opposed to people who can DANCE, who don't write their own
These new acts are presently playing WHEREVER! Way below your radar.
Will they establish new venues to play in? Quite possibly. There ARE a
limited number of places to hear music. You DO need a physical
But make no mistake, MUSIC doesn't demand to be played only in the
summer, at
an outdoor venue, that makes its nut through sponsorship monies. The
major labels are gonna have their lunch eaten by independents. Maybe,
just maybe, the same thing's gonna happen in the touring business.
MORE nimble people, willing to WORK harder, are going to invent a NEW
Because they have to.
Because Clear Channel doesn't want to pay them to play in their sheds,
they want to play, and SOME people want to see them. And, when MORE
want to see them, do you think they're going to be enamored of the Clear

Channel fucks?
Live music will truly start selling records again when people lay down
to see acts they're not completely familiar with. This will mean that
price of admission is low, and that there will be quality opening acts
to get
turned on to.
I can't wait.
And neither can the public.
Apr 22, 2002
Big C said:

18. Audioslave

The person responsible for this must have been the same person
for sticking Gary Cherone with Van Halen. Once you start building bands
paper... Or, then again, once BUSINESS PEOPLE/MANAGERS start building
Let's look at history.
MOST bands grow up together. Oh, you might find a better drummer
but the more than the sum of its parts.
Put together acts. Souther, Hillman, Furay...put together by David
the guys HATED each other and never broke through.
I've never known Chris Cornell to go on record on political issues.
What in
the HELL is he doing with Tom Morello?
Tom...sure, it's disillusioning to lose your lead singer, but that's
To TRY to stay on top, to TRY and not lose any momentum, is
into a new relationship after your marriage ends. What do they call
Yup, Audioslave is a REBOUND band. It's a FACSIMILE of a band. The
more you
listen, IF you can listen, you tell yourself...this doesn't feel right,
doesn't work, I'm OUTTA HERE!
Music, a BAND, is not made on paper. It comes out of emotions.
Audioslave is a MERGER. And it sounds like one. It's just Asia a
little bit
heavier. And I mean that as an indictment.
Then again, Asia sold more records than Audioslave ever will. And once
again, is Audioslave a shitty name or WHAT!!
Bullshit. This is a tight ass album. Chris Cornell's never been on anything that wasn't..

Jun 5, 2002
Big C said:

18. Audioslave

The person responsible for this must have been the same person
for sticking Gary Cherone with Van Halen. Once you start building bands
paper... Or, then again, once BUSINESS PEOPLE/MANAGERS start building
Let's look at history.
MOST bands grow up together. Oh, you might find a better drummer
but the more than the sum of its parts.
Put together acts. Souther, Hillman, Furay...put together by David
the guys HATED each other and never broke through.
I've never known Chris Cornell to go on record on political issues.
What in
the HELL is he doing with Tom Morello?
Tom...sure, it's disillusioning to lose your lead singer, but that's
To TRY to stay on top, to TRY and not lose any momentum, is
into a new relationship after your marriage ends. What do they call
Yup, Audioslave is a REBOUND band. It's a FACSIMILE of a band. The
more you
listen, IF you can listen, you tell yourself...this doesn't feel right,
doesn't work, I'm OUTTA HERE!
Music, a BAND, is not made on paper. It comes out of emotions.
Audioslave is a MERGER. And it sounds like one. It's just Asia a
little bit
heavier. And I mean that as an indictment.
Then again, Asia sold more records than Audioslave ever will. And once
again, is Audioslave a shitty name or WHAT!!

1. Audioslave is NOT a political band.

2. So Tom Morello should just sit back and not do anything now because one guy left his old band for dead? He's just trying to get his hustle on like anybody else.

3. You got the last part backwards. Audioslave has already sold more records that Asia ever will, not to mention a tour that sold out nationwide under a half-hour the day tickets went on sale. Not too many "reunion" bands doing that.
May 21, 2002
Da Yayologist/
It's all good. I read it for myself and thought that this dude had hella time on his hands to put together soem shit like this.

1. 50 Cent

Yup, everyone BURNED this. And then UPLOADED the files to the Net.
everybody TRADED IT! Showing that every kid in America's a crook and
wants to buy CDs anymore.
Then how in the hell can we explain a total of almost three million CDs
in under five weeks? Huh? EXPLAIN THAT to me Hilary.
Couldn't agree more. The media imperialistic cartels can only lie so long before the masses will see their propaganda for what it is. Lies to cover the fact that they're making six figures and up and don't want to take a paycut and pay the artists what they're worth.

50 cent is also a lesson to all you artists out there that opose MP3s because you don't understand the phenomenom and/or are quick to take Hillary and Jack's word without actually investigating the grandiose claims that MP3s is bankrupting their industries. If you did you would find that artists that have put MP3s available for free download/trade without restrictions have seen sales INCREASE, not only on new material but their whole catalog. The reason the Recording Ass. of America is fighting so hard is because if they win they get to keep their control of distribution and their VERY profitable business model. If they lose they stand to lose several hundred million a year that rightfully should go to the artists they have enslaved and end up owing them money for the art they have created.

If the cartels don't get their head out their ass soon they will have alienated ALL their customers and driven them to aquire the music they like in the format they want illegally. Similar to what happened in the 20's during Prohibition.

They have already started to show that they don't give a fuck about the customer by going after them in court, disregarding our rights to fair use through the use of illegal copy protection, and trying to control when, where and how you and I will listen to music we legally purchased.

I have already decided I won't be buying any major label product anymore. I still will support the independant labels and artists though.

A couple more things. All you artists are quick to condem MP3s as outright piracy, but don't think twice about giving out hundreds of full length copys of you albums to radio, retail and street promotors as "promotional" copies. Which you pay for when its time for recouping. Nor will you get mad when you hear your shit playing on the radio. Wanna know why? Because it's giving you EXPOSURE. Its putting your name out there. All the artists whose albums don't sell need to stop making mp3s the scapegoat. Your album only sold 500 copies because it sucks, not because 4,500 d/l'd it and thats why it didn't do 5k like you told everybody it was guaranteed to do. Too many of you cats are just getting in the game and think that it all it takes is to throw together a comp wit all the hottest names with no or very little promotional budget, no business plan, no marketing plan and think you can throw it out there and it will some how magically stick and you will be a rap star overnight. Because contrary to what you see on American Idol and Pop Star, etc it takes years of blood sweat and tears to gain an inch in this business.

Its going back to the days of actually working a record and not being lazy and hiring some unknown youngsters that call themselves "promoters" but really just want some free shit. Fuck retail. Get yo hustle on and start slanging out the trunk, the bag, your coat, whatever. Hit the malls, the schools, the swap meets. Stop thinking securing distribution is the last stop and that you will then be able to rest on your laurels.

I gotta catch my breath.
