gotta write a paper on war being good or bad,im arguing its bad of course...just wanted some educated opinions or other views..right on in advance..
Good or bad is an ethical question..
The US involvement in WWII, good or bad?
The US involvement in Vietnam, good or bad?
Beyond all the moonbats the US has faught for the most ethical ideologies, the same ideologies or similar ideologies we live by today as US citizens.
Is war ethically right?
Is our lifestyle right?
Was Hitler right?
Was the Viet Cong right?
Was Pol Pot right?
Was Saddam Hussein right?
Imagine if we didnt invade Iraq, Uday or Qusay???
Your the one sitting on your nice computer contemplating ethics when I dont think many even have the opportunity to do that in some nations or would have the freedoms to do so...