I fell over, got up, and sat on the hood of a cop car. Dudes said I was just postin. And I said wassup to the cop. They let me go though cause I called someone to come pick me up.
I pissed on my homeboys trampoline. All over the mofucka. Like, I moved to different parts of the trampoline and pissed on it. Most of the piss leaked through, but there was hella piss still on the trampoline. Then I slept on the piss.
I've slept on the grass from someone's front lawn. Police asked me what I was doin and I told em I was camping.
I've pulled so many runners with cigarette packs while drunk I cant even count em. This one spot I used to hit like every 3 months. One time I got chased by this asian dude and hes like come on man just gimme one pack back (I took 3). I threw him one pack and then pos came around the corner. I jumped in someones backyard.
I was hella drunk, put the cap on a 40, and threw it in a bonfire. Some broad has a big ass scar on her temple now cause it exploded.
I literally knocked every picture off the wall in my hallway at my parents old house. They said it sounded like a train in the hallway.
Ive broke hella shit of other peoples.
I smashed up this nice ass car for no reason.
I got in a fight with a 50+ year old man at Dennys for no reason.
Everyone here who drives has probly had no memory or driving home or wtf happened, but wake up the next day with ur car parked perfectly out front.