Senatorious! Wuddup top cat? When you comin to see your $ickWid'It fam? Yeah, you know I got some shit in 40s FLOSSARY. I got my own $ICKTIONARY in tha CD cover of my albumble. It's just so the general poppinulations unda stand what we speech on tha record. Some individuals get slang words twisted up like a RoldGold in a yoga class on Lombard St., so this shit'll help tha listener undastand what we all hollanbout and maybe get a better undastandin how to use shit right(especially those on tha other coast and within)....All my YAY AREA folks, tha game is heavily infiltrated rit now. Watch what you spray upon tha microfone. There may be bugs planted in tha sound booth. Fools be analyzing songs after midnight wid a dim light talkin bout RHYTHMXXXXXCELLLENT....... I'm just fuckinwidcha.......Take Care-Peace & Pro$$$perity to all, RHYTHMXorcist. $ickWid'It Board of Weoplizations.