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May 17, 2002
@ :H: peep this line

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers,

against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness

in high places" (Eph. 6:12).

notice how the spirit world is correlated to the material world.

I know you're aware of the Celestial Hierarchy:

the hierarchy of angels ranked from lowest to highest in the nine orders: angels, archangels, principalities, powers, virtues, dominions, thrones, cherubim, and seraphim

(BTW the orders are bullshit. made up to put something out of context in context with catholicism)

When the Most High divided the nations, when He scattered the children of Adam, He established the bounds of the nations according to the number of the angels of God
Catholicism I believe Clement I's spin on Acts 17.26

When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel
Deuteronomy 32:8-9

Twelve tribes twelve / signs of the zodiac

principalities, power, dominions, thrones???? hmmm. These aren't specters these are representations of organization.

I know you're familiar with Egypt Sumeria Babylon etc. . . notice that "gods" correspond to jurisdictions either of function or of designation/location.

This is my understanding of demons and angels. not physical/humanoid entities but concepts. We may not be on the same page but I find parallel in your "violence, lust, materialism etc etc etc" i.e. the order of virtues

this reminds me of pandoras box for some reason

???? hmmm ????

All the spooky dooky religious shit is al'chemy. and I ain't talking about philosophers stones and metal. I'm talking about something more tangible. something so close to home that even rappers do it all the time and don't recognize. hopefully you know what I'm talking about.

for those who dig deep in there bibles replace the word philistines with palestinians it will give you a cute perspective on the the israeli vs. arab wars
May 17, 2002
@ :H: again
I could tell you what the myth means of the angels mixing with the daughters of man to create giants blah blah blah. but it would be too easy. giants exist today even here in america. but I'm sure you'll figure it out

hopefully. :)

I'm not trying to fuck with you like I did in the past. that was when I resented the direction you took with the information. right now we're having real discourse. I know that we see things differently. but I want to either make you see what i see or allow you to see it for yourself.

I find it amazing that we both have the same information went on the same journey and have traveled different paths. My biggest discrepency with you is that I don't understand what you sought to get out of it.

I know we both sought truth. but I sought power more than truth (and found it, but not the "magical" kind). what did you find? honestly!!!! (you can PM me the answer to that question)
Dec 2, 2004
HERESY said:
Whether unaware of themselves, or fully aware of what they are.
They know what they are. Most humans don't know they exist.
I'd like to know what you mean by this, are you saying these things walk amongst us but in human form, and they know their duties as servants of the underworld, yet they pretend to be human? Or do you mean something else by "demon" and "angel", like as in it's an analogy for something else?
May 17, 2002
@ 1/2 - it is an analogy contrary to popular belief. the problem with theists is that they manufacture analogies to fit theocratic criteria. if they did it correctly there would be only one doctrine and one truth. unfortunately that isn't the case, thus they have a pantheon of doctrines (policies of thought) that contradict, interweave, and conflict.

use your own rational/reasoning common sense tells you that there aren't any spooks running around. if there were people would be using them to make money in movies instead of computer generated graphics.

the spooks are in peoples imagination and their ability to inflict those imaginations on others to get their agenda accomplished. if I can make you believe in something that isn't there I can manipulate your behaviour. the human mind is mallible and susceptible to variable logic and/or "illogic".

theism is like a virus. this is why so many theist are of aggitated emotional states. furthermore, theists must constantly feed the emotional context that holds their belief together; (like a virus) it will either damage it's host, be contained, or be eliminated. without the emotional context or the preponderance of fragmented logics to be connected it will cease to exist.

take for instance every "good theist" has a wealth of information that is nice to know but not "need to know" the nice to know information is a placebo or more variables to spin. none of the information answers core questions for instance the "perfect path" or "absolute clarity". They only provide food for more question that lead to a broader base of questioning with nothing useful in the meantime except emotional fulfillment.

but i digress :D


Apr 25, 2002
@ :H: peep this line

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers,

against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness

in high places" (Eph. 6:12).

notice how the spirit world is correlated to the material world.


(BTW the orders are bullshit. made up to put something out of context in context with catholicism)

That depends on who you ask and what you believe. Followers of middle eastern mysticism will disagree with you. The "orders" predate catholicism by hundreds of years.

When the Most High divided the nations, when He scattered the children of Adam, He established the bounds of the nations according to the number of the angels of God
Catholicism I believe Clement I's spin on Acts 17.26

I don't believe this is found in hebrew/jewish canon. I simply don't see how catholicism is relevent. Acts 17:26 has nothing to do with angels and people shouldn't attempt to make it have anything to do with angels.

When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel
Deuteronomy 32:8-9

Twelve tribes twelve / signs of the zodiac

A better arguement would be El and YHWH being different deities not 12 tribes and 12 signs of the zdiac. You should look into Deut 32 a lil bit more :)

principalities, power, dominions, thrones???? hmmm. These aren't specters these are representations of organization.

In some circles yes in some circles no.

I know you're familiar with Egypt Sumeria Babylon etc. . . notice that "gods" correspond to jurisdictions either of function or of designation/location.

I said this in a previous post:

or dieties made/instituted by the ruling dynasties.

Soak on that.

This is my understanding of demons and angels. not physical/humanoid entities but concepts. We may not be on the same page but I find parallel in your "violence, lust, materialism etc etc etc" i.e. the order of virtues

Neither are physical nor are the humanoid. In some circles they are concepts but the thing is they are concepts explaining concepts which throws us for a loop.

My personal opinion? They are real.

All the spooky dooky religious shit is al'chemy. and I ain't talking about philosophers stones and metal. I'm talking about something more tangible. something so close to home that even rappers do it all the time and don't recognize. hopefully you know what I'm talking about.

No I don't please explain it for me.

for those who dig deep in there bibles replace the word philistines with palestinians it will give you a cute perspective on the the israeli vs. arab wars

Most evidence especially historical evidence suggest the two are totally different.


Apr 25, 2002
XianeX said:
@ :H: again
I could tell you what the myth means of the angels mixing with the daughters of man to create giants blah blah blah. but it would be too easy. giants exist today even here in america. but I'm sure you'll figure it out

hopefully. :)

I'm not trying to fuck with you like I did in the past. that was when I resented the direction you took with the information. right now we're having real discourse. I know that we see things differently. but I want to either make you see what i see or allow you to see it for yourself.

I find it amazing that we both have the same information went on the same journey and have traveled different paths. My biggest discrepency with you is that I don't understand what you sought to get out of it.

I know we both sought truth. but I sought power more than truth (and found it, but not the "magical" kind). what did you find? honestly!!!! (you can PM me the answer to that question)

I could tell you what the myth means of the angels mixing with the daughters of man to create giants blah blah blah. but it would be too easy. giants exist today even here in america. but I'm sure you'll figure it out

Please explain I'd love to read/hear your view.

I'm not trying to fuck with you like I did in the past. that was when I resented the direction you took with the information. right now we're having real discourse. I know that we see things differently. but I want to either make you see what i see or allow you to see it for yourself.

You still don't get it bro.

I find it amazing that we both have the same information went on the same journey and have traveled different paths. My biggest discrepency with you is that I don't understand what you sought to get out of it.

I disagree. Trust me when I say we didn't have the same info. Did we go on the same journey? It depends on what journey you're talking about? Journey for "god"? Journey for "truth"? You don't understand what I sought to get out of it? We all have a purpose. :)

I know we both sought truth. but I sought power more than truth (and found it, but not the "magical" kind). what did you find? honestly!!!! (you can PM me the answer to that question)

I found several things. You found power in what? Info?

I'll tag the rest of this later. I can't stay up another minute. I've only had 6 hours of sleep during the past 26 hours......
Feb 9, 2003
Thanks alot for amusing us with real answers. This is quickly becoming a great thread. But my question to you is this: If Samael [THE Devil] was a seraph, and possibly the closest beings to YHWH, and knew that HE is infalliable and omnipotent then why rebel? Do you think he has a real chance at winning or does it not even matter to him?
Feb 21, 2004
^^^Jealousy & Lust.

as for my personal opinion I don't think we could say if it was possible for him to win & overthrow God. we have to understand the capability & the mortality of both lucifer & God in a sense more then death. (IF there even is any) would it be possible to contain a being that is omnipotent? certianly not by our ways of thinking, but perhaps Lucifer & the rebelious angels knew a way. if Lucifer imprisoned God then it may be possible that he would suceed. have you ever thought to question maybe he DID suceed & we are the result. the bible was a creation spawned of the devil & not one spawned of God? perhaps we were beings only created to destroy & the heaven desired is really a hell for those that fail to further the distruction of this planet. Enoch was accepted into heaven alive & yet his book has been rejected from the bible. what if Metatron was the reincarnation of what we know as Lucifer? it was said that Metatron was punished by 60 strokes by fiery rods, yet his thrown is next to God's. (the devine thrown) perhaps Metatron is the Prince of Darkness & Lucifer that of the World?

(hope you understand what I'm trying to say, if Lucifer did suceed then the things we interpret as good or holy may all be the exact opposite. perhaps it is God that wishes to fool us into the true form of sin & the bible would be means of doing so)

(BTW I know that it is of question if Enoch actually entered heaven & that Metatron is said to be Enoch in his first incarnation)
May 17, 2002
"A better arguement would be El and YHWH being different deities not 12 tribes and 12 signs of the zdiac. You should look into Deut 32 a lil bit more "

i didn't mean to infer that zodial signs were corresponding to the tribes but to the catholic mechanism of angels. the conflation of clement versus deut 32

@soak on that - I already get it. but if you get it. I still don't understand your position. To me you're your position is either malicious or misguided. like you're teaching while you're learning or you've been in the know and are teaching pretext for kicks and giggles. all jokes aside, what is it that you faclitate?

I really don't get it. enlighten me.
You are like the third person I've met that seems to be on a prophetic mission or something. IDKWTF?

figuratively what I found is similar to nirvana and the renounciation of the world.
intellectually I found the entry and exit of theism
politically I found the world
"magically" I found what real "magic" is and how it works i.e. theism is magic and the variety thereof is branding

@ power - you already know, you use it all the time.

how do we not have the same information? books people internet and book stores. whaat resourses do you have beyond those?

If you believe in the "spooks" angels and demons please guide me in the methods of directly, unspeculatively interacting with one in the natural world. If I'm successful I will record the event and make a website for it. or better yet send one to me.
Sep 28, 2004
I am sitting back and reading all of this. I still have questions but I guess I don't understand my questions enough to put them into words; If that makes any sense. But I'll tell you, I feel smarter from reading all this, haha.


Apr 25, 2002
Thanks alot for amusing us with real answers. This is quickly becoming a great thread. But my question to you is this: If Samael [THE Devil] was a seraph, and possibly the closest beings to YHWH, and knew that HE is infalliable and omnipotent then why rebel? Do you think he has a real chance at winning or does it not even matter to him?
He knows he has no chance at winning but has the attitude of "if I'm going down I'm taking everything with me". A jealous person does the same thing. They don't want to see people strive or shine so they attempt to out do the person or make sure that person "falls off". Another thing to consider is he might not have known EXACTLY what he was dealing with.

I ran across something a few years back that had words attributed to yeshua/jesus (I have NOT read the words in any other sources nor have I validated them). I don't fully remember it but in the end Yeshua said they ALL will be forgiven but they are not told so because if they were told so they would not repent. I think I may find the book at my local library if I can remember the name of the book. :dead:


Apr 25, 2002
Camby Savelle said:
as for my personal opinion I don't think we could say if it was possible for him to win & overthrow God. we have to understand the capability & the mortality of both lucifer & God in a sense more then death. (IF there even is any) would it be possible to contain a being that is omnipotent? certianly not by our ways of thinking, but perhaps Lucifer & the rebelious angels knew a way. if Lucifer imprisoned God then it may be possible that he would suceed

You know what I've asked myself the same questions before I'm GLAD I'm not the only one who thought about that LOL!


Apr 25, 2002
i didn't mean to infer that zodial signs were corresponding to the tribes but to the catholic mechanism of angels. the conflation of clement versus deut 32

I don't get what you're trying to convey here. Arch angels being assigned to the zodiac and the 72 angels of the zodiac (and the elements) have been around BEFORE the catholic church was ever invented. Can you explain your position because I'm not getting it.

"@soak on that - I already get it. but if you get it. I still don't understand your position. To me you're your position is either malicious or misguided. like you're teaching while you're learning or you've been in the know and are teaching pretext for kicks and giggles. all jokes aside, what is it that you faclitate?"

I'm going to tell you this for the LAST time. The stuff you tell me about is stuff I started to learn as a teen. I'm on something else and it was staring at me the entire time. LOL! I don't do anything to misguide people. To be honest I hold back a lot of stuff (especially material,writings etc etc etc) because people can't handle it. I admit I will do something malicious but it's ALWAYS has a meaning behind it. Sometimes peeps get the meaning sometimes they don't. These actions are usually reserved for people who lack "common sense" or "reason".

I really don't get it. enlighten me.
You are like the third person I've met that seems to be on a prophetic mission or something. IDKWTF?

Prophets? Prophetic mission? These people who are on a prophetic mission what do they talk about? Do they do it from a biblical/jewish/christian perspective? If so they should have a theme that is consistant with ALL prophets found in canon and that theme is 3 part and very SIMPLE. This is going to fly over your head. Many people walk through life without any type of warning. Others repenting while some have the ability to render judgement. Some people watch and some people teach but everyone has a role. See it's all a role not a game but a role. Sort of how platlettes play a role in your body and the governing of blood, cells etc. I simply do my part in the grand scheme and watch it unfold before me. I'll tell you this.....Humans are VERY predictible.

figuratively what I found is similar to nirvana and the renounciation of the world.
intellectually I found the entry and exit of theism
politically I found the world "magically" I found what real "magic" is and how it works i.e. theism is magic and the variety thereof is branding
If your eyes have been opened who opened them? If you speak words are they yours? I repeat I simply do my part in the grand scheme and watch it unfold before me. I wouldn't classify theism as a brand of magic. It can be misleading, bewildering and illogical at times but maybe thats how the majority of "people" see it.

@ power - you already know, you use it all the time.

I excercise power and require favor. How I accomplish them are very simple it's who I am.

"show me the power child I'd like to say, that I'm down on my knee's today"

Soundgarden was kinda sick.

how do we not have the same information? books people internet and book stores. whaat resourses do you have beyond those?

You think we have the same information but I'll be the FIRST to tell you we don't. All that stuff is good (books, people, net) but it's mostly rehased stuff. Yeah this guy is doing his research based on another guys method and someone else wants to come with their own blah blah blah.

Wouldn't the world be different if everyone had access to the truth? Yeah it would be if people were not torn between an absolute and relative. I have access to the TRUTH and like Yeshua said THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE....ah yes...freedom...something we seek but never enjoy until death.....

If you believe in the "spooks" angels and demons please guide me in the methods of directly, unspeculatively interacting with one in the natural world. If I'm successful I will record the event and make a website for it. or better yet send one to me.

This is the reason why you'll NEVER "get it". LOL! As long as you remain a "skeptic" and embrace doubt or ego you won't see what you're supposed to. As for me I don't believe in "spooks". Do you believe it's hard for "matter" or "energy" to live as it's own being/conscience? Oh I get it, you believe the only "living" things are clothed in "flesh". Snakes, frogs, crows, cat's,snails.....humans.
Sep 28, 2004
I've always figured that God did not need to be contained for evil to reign, only because it doesn't seem that God takes an active role in keeping the wolf at bay even now. I don't want to sound as if I am damning myself by saying it, but I always figured that we were on our own, with our own choices and that if evil did in fact reign we'd have to make the choice not to follow. Why contain a being that sits by and watches while His own creations run rampant with sin? I am not educated in the scriptures, but I once knew someone who was. He didn't discuss it deeply with me because it bothered him to do so.

I guess it ends in the age old question: If there is a God, why allow demons and agents of evil to roam this world with his beautiful children?
Feb 21, 2004
HERESY said:
....ah yes...freedom...something we seek but never enjoy until death.....
CannibalCrow said:
I've always figured that God did not need to be contained for evil to reign, only because it doesn't seem that God takes an active role in keeping the wolf at bay even now. I don't want to sound as if I am damning myself by saying it, but I always figured that we were on our own, with our own choices and that if evil did in fact reign we'd have to make the choice not to follow. Why contain a being that sits by and watches while His own creations run rampant with sin? I am not educated in the scriptures, but I once knew someone who was. He didn't discuss it deeply with me because it bothered him to do so.

I guess it ends in the age old question: If there is a God, why allow demons and agents of evil to roam this world with his beautiful children?
The answer is that God wants you to willingly conform to his likeness. he wants servants to become sons. the only way to obtain freedom is not only repent but conform. God wants man to truely be in his likeness & yet still distinct. therefore if you are ever to achieve something on your own help must be taken away. If God desires you to walk he must take away his hands so that you may learn how to. even if all you do is stumble, the desire to walk is there & that is what is important. you must learn, accept, & conform on your own free will to follow God's plan. If God took away all that is evil then you would not be able to do these things.
May 17, 2002
nevermind, however I think you know what I'm getting at. @ zodiac. if not it's a tangent anyway

@ prophetic people. naw most aren't based on a core abrahamic quest. some borrow some give to those principles.

of course humans are predictable. this is something that we can't dispute.

the relative is only a perspective on the absolute. nothing to be torn between. just a facet to learn more about the absolute.

I wouldn't say I'm skeptic. I know that they don't exist except in human imaginary constructs.

it's nothing hard to believe.
I believe that life isn't seperate. it is absolute. the absolute is life & death itself. life/death is not exclusive to biologically identified lifeforms. I mentioned this in a post to 1/2.

so no you don't get it. i still think we speak the same language but our purposes/observations conflict.
this is why i say that spooks are personifications of ideology. the personification is the foolishness used to describe it to simple people and can be thus used to manipulate them. theism provides the personification. principles exist period with no need to personify. they just are. it's one thing to name them. it's another to give them a storyline.

So basically I do get what you mean by your belief in spooks. i believe it is misleading and detrimental to inflict that on others though.

the illogical and contradictory aspect of spookism/theism is the reconciliation of the reality with the personifications.

like i said before. if you know all this you use of these facts in there personified form is malicious and detrimental to society and the world.

truth just "is". facts can be fucked with. theological imformation is only useful to ensnare minds and manipulate them. if you know the truth as it is/how it is, why don't you speak it from it's logical base instead of confonding it with conjecture and personifications. true many people "can't handle the truth" but if you construe it with artificial facts, personifications, and illusory constructs you are a contribution to mental emotional even physical slavery. The people you influence will never be FREE (like you say that you are)

I was being facetious about you exposing me to a real spook because we both know they don't exist in any real context; but in a relative/personified context.

If you are really tryin to teach people truth and reality distinguish between the illusory and the absolute. don't swell their heads with fruitless theism and teach them how to distinguish between the two. that way they'll KNOW and not be bound to the idiotic Q/A sessions about theisms duplicities.
Apr 25, 2002
HERESY said:
I ran across something a few years back that had words attributed to yeshua/jesus (I have NOT read the words in any other sources nor have I validated them). I don't fully remember it but in the end Yeshua said they ALL will be forgiven but they are not told so because if they were told so they would not repent. I think I may find the book at my local library if I can remember the name of the book. :dead:

I've heard of the book , it was talked about on the history channel i think the show was called banned from the bible it was like a second revelation.
May 17, 2002
@ heresy - continued. this aint a dart. I would like your input or clarification. I found your use of God killer ironic. My perception may not have anything to do with your actual meaning of the construct but from your words about it and your maneuverings with it give me this impression.

Peep. If "God" or better yet the "Divine/The One" is the "unadulterated" truth your theistic information is only data that leads further away from it.

This is the beauty of facts and fiction. i.e. there are many facts in theistic fiction. but these facts lead away from GOOD information. things that give people natural power outside of the ability to manipulate useless facts and people with them. Hence my previous dartings with you in the past.

True truth allows people to not be concerned with death, life, pleasing a theos, etcetera. True truth allows people to realize they are a portion of the absolute in transient. Theism promotes hierarchy, submission, uncertainty and faith (the art of believing in believing LOL).

My perspective on your god killer nomen is you kill true truth or the real "god" by the use of priestcraft/witchcraft/godcraft or whatever you personally wish to name it.

For instance, observe your posting history you gloat in your knowledge of the ethereal. furthermore you assault those who deviate from any fact although you yourself present yourself as a divine authority and present your own slants on those issues.

Think with me. does any of your information lead to perfect conclusions that provide an individual with peace of mind or do they contribute to more confusion/questions? does does any of your information provide the power to ascend into a tangible REAL heaven? no.

Of all your answering and speaking your listeners tend to be emotionally and intellectually confused. many of them are the same people asking the same questions.

If you know the true truth and you know the true facts of fiction why do you present the fiction as opposed to the true truth? i.e. what does metatron do for the real world what does gabriel do for the real world. we both know they have actual functions, but those functions are a far stretch from what is real.

spiritual vs reality, ethereal/ephemeral versus reality. if you believe "god" is real why do you choose to discuss it from arbitrary factors instead of the tangible factors of reality???

Theism is branding. Its sole power is the ability market percieved intangible value. people buy into to it because of their lack of information or their selfish wishes for selfish intangibles.


Apr 25, 2002
nevermind, however I think you know what I'm getting at. @ zodiac. if not it's a tangent anyway

No I don't know what you're trying to convey which is why I asked. I don't see how you can identify the rankings of angels with the catholic church (especially origins) but whatever...

@ prophetic people. naw most aren't based on a core abrahamic quest. some borrow some give to those principles. Well what are they based on? It sounds to me as if they practice some form of syncretism.

the relative is only a perspective on the absolute. nothing to be torn between. just a facet to learn more about the absolute.

I disagree.

I wouldn't say I'm skeptic. I know that they don't exist except in human imaginary constructs.

Thats the only info that you have. That they exist in human imaginary constructs.

it's nothing hard to believe.
I believe that life isn't seperate. it is absolute. the absolute is life & death itself. life/death is not exclusive to biologically identified lifeforms. I mentioned this in a post to 1/2.

We'll roll with this for now.

so no you don't get it. i still think we speak the same language but our purposes/observations conflict.

No we don't speak the same language and I agree our purposes/observations do conflict.

this is why i say that spooks are personifications of ideology. the personification is the foolishness used to describe it to simple people and can be thus used to manipulate them. theism provides the personification. principles exist period with no need to personify. they just are. it's one thing to name them. it's another to give them a storyline.

You could have saved bandwidth by simply saying "some people made them up to explain the unexplained or what they didn't know at that time". However that would open the doors of "why" have people of different cultures, areas, creeds, religions, ethnic backgrounds created the SAME story or similar characters?

So basically I do get what you mean by your belief in spooks.

No you don't and I say that with a concise mind.

i believe it is misleading and detrimental to inflict that on others though.

Misleading would be if I constantly provided false info or were proven wrong by historical facts and data. Misleading in it's ultimate form would mean depriving the person of all ability to think for themselves and form a logical assessment based on what they have found. I don't do that. I simply say this is A and if you want to learn more about A you should read B which coincides with C which can be traced to D and that you should compare everything else to E and beyond.

Thats allowing the person to think for themselves and IF you have noticed it's RARE that I actually give my personal view on certain subject matter.

the illogical and contradictory aspect of spookism/theism is the reconciliation of the reality with the personifications.

Would it have been better if you had said "these deities were living beings but not gods"?

like i said before. if you know all this you use of these facts in there personified form is malicious and detrimental to society and the world.

I disagree and opnly speak against your choice to twist what I'm saying. I don't know if you do this because I REFUSE to spin it how you want it (and you know what I'm talking about) or if you simply DON'T understand what I'm telling you. IMHO it's a tad of both.

truth just "is". facts can be fucked with.

4+4=8 and can never be disputed. It's a fact that can't be disputed. Blood flowing in our bodies is a fact that can't be disputed. Now the question is who has something that hasn't been tampred with? Truth is not "just is". Truth IS.

theological imformation is only useful to ensnare minds and manipulate them.

No I disagree. Theological info is useful when one wishes to learn more or LEAVE an ensanred mind state. An example of this is one being a mormon, studying the origins and rites of the doctrine and LEAVING mormonism. IMHO part of the reason why people say it ensares etc etc etc is because they DON'T understand it and to be honest YOU don't have much clue on what I'm talking about or what I've talked about in the past. You have an "idea" so to speak but it's only TWO people on here who were more in depth and were close and they no longer post.

if you know the truth as it is/how it is, why don't you speak it from it's logical base instead of confonding it with conjecture and personifications. true many people "can't handle the truth" but if you construe it with artificial facts, personifications, and illusory constructs you are a contribution to mental emotional even physical slavery. The people you influence will never be FREE (like you say that you are)

I see this as a feeble attempt to have me explain so YOU can understand what I'm talking about. It ain't gonna happen. :mad:

Once again point A leads to B which leads to C which leads to xyz. Do you think for one minute I would talk about this stuff if the people did not ask? Do you think I would mention it if I wasn't charged with it? I wouldn't. I'm not contributing to anyones slavery if I'm telling them to read for themselves and form an assessment after they have done so. Thats been a common theme of mine for years.

I was being facetious about you exposing me to a real spook because we both know they don't exist in any real context; but in a relative/personified context.

"WE" don't know ANYTHING. You simply have an outlook/perspective in regards to a certain idea which is theism or "god". I don't share the same perspective as you and no matter how you wish to contort it I NEVER will.....unless of course YOU come into "the know" that time we'll both be "equal" and on the same page.

If you are really tryin to teach people truth and reality distinguish between the illusory and the absolute. don't swell their heads with fruitless theism and teach them how to distinguish between the two. that way they'll KNOW and not be bound to the idiotic Q/A sessions about theisms duplicities.

You won't KNOW until the zeal to know has been given to you. Once that zeal is given you can act on it or you can bury it. Once you act on it you have another choice. To render what you learn valid or null and void. I don't see the questions as idiotic and actually find your comment to be quite insulting to those who have posted. I like when people ask questions and show an interest and it doesn't matter if they ask me or a purple man with a coke bottle for arms. As long as they ask and show a genuine desire to know I'll answer and direct them to a starting point. It's on them to make the leap or stay on the cliff.

It's when they come sideways or tempting that basically places me in one of three modes. Attack, refrain from speaking and allow the person to bath in stupidity or the calm approach. It varies depending on the type of personality I'm dealing with.

Have a good one.