Damn! Pretty soon there won't be ANY music stores left!!!

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May 11, 2002
Damn, status report for all you rap hustlers out there!

Tower Records is bankrupt! I peeped a news report on ch. 4 about it this morning!

So them, along with Warehouse = 2 big ass music chains that might collapse!

It's some serious shit, the only place left is about to be expensive ass sam goody or places like best buys!

Other stores out of business:
Phat Beats
Star Records
Record Shop (so I was told)

This is especially bad for YOU up and coming artists as Tower and moms and pops are the easiest (and best) places to get your cds sold at!

Any thoughts/reactions?


Sicc OG
May 9, 2002
They took sam goody out of tha mall near me(serramonte) I don't know whats up with that...they have another muzicc store there but I don't like that one
Feb 4, 2003
yeah , i used to work at sam goody, and then they just closed cuz the lease went up and the company didn't want to pay. all the items were supposed to get sent to stonestown sam goody , but arsen said they didnt send his shit.
Apr 26, 2002
yup the industry is getting fucked rite now....hopefully people will start buying from mom and pops again and support them so independent artist can have an outlet

a big fuck you goes 2: best buys, curcit city, target, and all them other big chain stores fucking shit up for independents.... yall need 2 wake up and stop supporting music in these places and start supporting your local shop >> 3-5 extra dlls aint shit sooner or later u aint gonna find local rap in stores no where....
big corporations aint gonna let NE1 breath in this game-->>>The FCC done fucked up aswell opening up restrictions on corporations 2 take over and buy out smaller radio & TV networks soon there will be nothing left but what they want us 2 hear



Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
3-5 extra dlls aint shit sooner or later u aint gonna find local rap in stores no where....
capitalism is a hard concept for you to grasp isnt it?

so if 3 to 5 dlls aint shit why dont you drop that 3 to 5 dlls off the price of your cd. i mean, after all, it aint shit right?
Jan 31, 2003
This is a perfect example of capitalism. Mom & pop stores come along (and a blow up of underground music), folks start buying at these places ( plus the rise of burned cd's), no mutherfucker wants to pay 17.99 for a new release anymore. I'll burn it or buy it at The Fonky Chicken or Rasputins for like 9 bucks or somthin. Plus, if I want to hear mainstream rap and shit, I'll turn on MTV and watch 7 Nelly or "P Diddy" videos between each ad break. Bling bling mutherfucker. I rarely buy cd's from big chains anymore.....most of the time they don't even have the shit I want anyways.
Feb 19, 2003
JsAHogg said:
This is a perfect example of capitalism. Mom & pop stores come along (and a blow up of underground music), folks start buying at these places ( plus the rise of burned cd's), no mutherfucker wants to pay 17.99 for a new release anymore. I'll burn it or buy it at The Fonky Chicken or Rasputins for like 9 bucks or somthin. Plus, if I want to hear mainstream rap and shit, I'll turn on MTV and watch 7 Nelly or "P Diddy" videos between each ad break. Bling bling mutherfucker. I rarely buy cd's from big chains anymore.....most of the time they don't even have the shit I want anyways.
Yeah--and the big chains (i.e. Sam Goody, FYE, On Cue, Media Play, etc.), when you try to special-order something more obscure, will give you this weak, faggot-ass, played-out bullshit about how they allegedly can't get something not mainstreamish because "[it's] not in [our] computer." Whatever happened to the days when a sale was a sale was a motherfuckin' sale, regardless of how popular a CD it was? It would make sense that if you're trying to run a business, you would order ANYTHING for anybody, regardless of how popular or unpopular it was! Thank God for places like Frisco Street Show, IMHO...

Apr 25, 2002
man, everyone was tellin me Record Shop went out of business...but i'm in the point all the time(before i moved to vegas for five/six months) and everytime i drove by, shit was open!!!

fuck a record store...i'll still do my thang regardless, take a hustler off his block see what he do, hit another one!!!
May 11, 2002
moe i dunno about the record shop, except their number's disconnected

@jester - that xtra $3-5 equals a free cd for every 2 purchased
2 @ $18 = $36
3 @ $13 = $39

it really isn't the moms n pops fault tey charge $18 for a new release, b/c they can't compete at the $13 price point when they get the fuckin cd for $12 and change...
May 17, 2002
Yeah have artist stop asking too much wholesale wise maybe we can solve this problem!

2) Have places like BEST BUY, TARGET ETC. stop undercutting people and play fair!!!!

3) And most of all if you do support your local MOM & POP you wont be able to find those hard to get independent cd's?

Cause the big chains won;t carry them! Their afraid their is not promotion for them and that they well just sit their! SO THINK ABOUT THAT!!!


28g w/o the bag

politically incorrect
Jan 18, 2003
metro's jurisdiction
it wuz about damn time tower records went out of business

the location @ fremont hub closed down a few weeks back, and just down the street is the newark rasputins... the price for a CD at rasputins goes for $12-15 while one @ tower records went for at least $18... shit is ridiculous, i'm suprised tower records lasted those 3 years that they were down the street from each other, only reason worth visiting tower is it's selection in porno mags... they don't got porno mags @ rasputins
Apr 25, 2002
I think it all comes down to business. Sam Goodyt in Serramonte used to get my money contantly for cds but I stopped supporting them because they sold their cds for top dollar and werent very helpful or understanding about exchanges. Like it or not Bestbuy and Target are the next wave of cd stores. You cant go wrong with a cd DELIVERED to your door for 11.99, shit comes right to you and is $4 less...Not all changes are bad. I think indies will always be around because people dont just go for good deals but for exclusives, atmosphere, listening stations, clerks who know their shit and can help folks pick up a good release, as well as used cds.

45Yr Old Virgin

Franchise War Veteran
Apr 25, 2002
^^you guys are lucky you even have mom & pop stores, we don't have any but used cd stores so the selection is SHIT. occasionally you'll find a used underground CD for cheap but often there's not a god damn thing worth getting. y'all should of gone to those stores before they shutdown cause i bet they were trying to sell off their cds before doors shutdown for good for CHEAP too.
May 21, 2003
I remember a couple years back there was some federal company who was trying to get distributers and records labels to stop selling their cds so high to the record stores. Unfortunetly I never heard about this again, and the prices only got higher. It is too bad when record stores keep falling out but, that doesn't mean underground music will go away. I mean shit, the internet has opened so many possibilites to up and coming artists.
Apr 26, 2002
phil said:
capitalism is a hard concept for you to grasp isnt it?

so if 3 to 5 dlls aint shit why dont you drop that 3 to 5 dlls off the price of your cd. i mean, after all, it aint shit right?
->>no actually it isnt hard at all ive taken many classes on it....and WE do sell our product 2 mom & pops @ the low rate of 5-7 dlls. (depending on amount ordered) and even lower if we can fix the price on it >> it is up 2 them how much they need 2 charge 2 make rent >> we ask that our CD be priced @ no more that $12 dlls. but we can only suggest the retail price....

BUT u are on a message board that promotes INDEPENDENT RAP muSIK if you keep supporting Best Buys and them other big chain stores this message board will be filled with ja rule and other bullshit like that....

>>>UNFORTUNATLY we as independents need 2 cover our costs unlike majors we need 2 make up the money on a release in order 2 keep releasing albums....

CrushOne said:

it really isn't the moms n pops fault tey charge $18 for a new release, b/c they can't compete at the $13 price point when they get the fuckin cd for $12 and change...
exactly they need 2 charge that amount 2 pay for there rental space....the dont get perks like corporate tax breaks on commercial spaces.

mafioso22 said:

2) Have places like BEST BUY, TARGET ETC. stop undercutting people and play fair!!!!

3) And most of all if you do support your local MOM & POP you wont be able to find those hard to get independent cd's?

Cause the big chains won;t carry them! Their afraid their is not promotion for them and that they well just sit their! SO THINK ABOUT THAT!!!

SUPPORT YOUR MOM & POP...."Cause the big chains won;t carry them!"
May 5, 2002
well think of it this way, with the fall of the big name record stores could posibly come the rise of more mom and pop stores, which are better for our comunity anyway and tend to have good relationships with local artists........
Sep 15, 2002
Everyone is right on this board. But there is a company out there that will innovate on the independent industry -- MAD MUZIK is a world wide music retailer that works for the artist, and gets the indie music (your music) to the consumer. Right now, the site is temporary and for cd submissions and info only, but when you visit the site, you will see that the temp site is clean, not just something thrown together.

What do you get with MAD? You have a dedicated web page, where consumers may purchase your music. It will be safe, secure -- all transactions will be through an online merchant acct. You will have graphics of your albums, track listings, clips, bio, and reviews.

Why sell with MAD? Independent artists need more resources. With major retailers going bankrupt; ie: Wherehouse and Tower; the market will gravitate toward internet purchases. It already has; it's inevitable. Remember this, more exposure is a definite plus -- especially at such little cost. Make use of your resources -- there are so few. Don't sleep on it!

MAD MUZIK's goal is to become the main "chain" if you will, of independent music online. We want to be your personal store -- we ARE your store. Make it happen. Compare our costs to other online stores, if we don't beat them, we are extremely competitive and the FINAL e-commerce site will be real saucy like.

This is simply to inform you of a resource. This is not a sales pitch, because there is nothing to sell. All deals are noncontractual. If you want more info on this upcoming site, email [email protected] or visit www.madmuzik.com. MAD MUZIK - strictly for independent and small to medium record label artists. We will innovate the industry and continue to support musical diversity.

Stay up,