could a girl be a virgin if she had 9 boyfrainds

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May 15, 2006
caN we ju$t put thi$ oN the " CLA$$IC ECCR PO$T$" thread??


who a$K$ thi$ kiNd of $hit oN the Net? Not to be a dick but that$ whY there i$ WIKIPEDIA or a $Kool couN$elor, or your mom or pop$, older bro,or aNy homeboy, but whY briNg it oN the Net? U kNow $he aiNt a virgiN bro, grow up, No 17 year old beezie keep$ her leg$ clo$ed till 17 uNle$$ $he$ fugly or hella fat, either way im $upri$ed No oNe ha$ clowNed oN thi$ thread that much, lil homie who po$ted, for hi$ $ake I really do hope he i$ uNder 14 year$ old, real talk....
Apr 19, 2007
Shark4romda408 said:
caN we ju$t put thi$ oN the " CLA$$IC ECCR PO$T$" thread??


who a$K$ thi$ kiNd of $hit oN the Net? Not to be a dick but that$ whY there i$ WIKIPEDIA or a $Kool couN$elor, or your mom or pop$, older bro,or aNy homeboy, but whY briNg it oN the Net? U kNow $he aiNt a virgiN bro, grow up, No 17 year old beezie keep$ her leg$ clo$ed till 17 uNle$$ $he$ fugly or hella fat, either way im $upri$ed No oNe ha$ clowNed oN thi$ thread that much, lil homie who po$ted, for hi$ $ake I really do hope he i$ uNder 14 year$ old, real talk....
the reason i ask was to get some homeboys views on something like this. most of us think that a girl 17 can't be no virgin cause the way things are now these days but then we got wonder what if we had a lil girl and when she is 17 or what ever age we what to hope she still be a virgin and she can be or not
Jul 28, 2004
VWHWD510 said:
the reason i ask was to get some homeboys views on something like this. most of us think that a girl 17 can't be no virgin cause the way things are now these days but then we got wonder what if we had a lil girl and when she is 17 or what ever age we what to hope she still be a virgin and she can be or not
May 15, 2006
VWHWD510 said:
the reason i ask was to get some homeboys views on something like this. most of us think that a girl 17 can't be no virgin cause the way things are now these days but then we got wonder what if we had a lil girl and when she is 17 or what ever age we what to hope she still be a virgin and she can be or not

^^^^^ the thiNg i$ that U R a$KiNg "U$" 4 our "OPINION$ aNd ADVICE" oN here aNd WE aRe giviNg it to U wether U agree with it or Not, N ye$ U R right, Not every female i$ a HOE, there $till i$ a very $MALL Number of good girl$, but doNt get your $hit twi$ted lil homie, a lot of peepz oN here aRe older thaN U a$ my$elf aNd have $eeN a lot more N kNow the game a lil better, girl$ caN Be the BIGGE$T BITCHE$ or mo$t loyal people iN a maN$ life, (I caN $peak 4rm EXPIRIENCE) thiNg i$ if that were my daughter I would do my all 4 her to Be a virgiN till $he i$ MATURE eNough to do her thiNg, yet No pareNt or guardiaN i$ there 4 their child 24/7 aNd uNfortuNately caNt keep them 100% 4rm harm$ way, it$ life, U live it N make N learN 4rm mi$take$, but back to the topic I believe thi$ girl i$ HU$TLING U homie becau$e $he i$ telliNg U everythiNg U waNt to hear $o U caN go oN aNd put the pu$$y oN a peda$tal, with txme N eXpirieNce U will $ee what im talkiNg about, but oN the real ju$t look @ it 4rm all aNgle$, pu$$y i$ pu$$y till U accideNtly $tumble amoNg$t a keeper which RARELY happeN$, either way, more power to U N I hope U $Nap out of it cuz U $eem to ME to BE real YOUNG or ju$t plaiN PU$$Y WHOOPED, 1 NortherN Luv....

.KAO$ De W$MG Record$::
Apr 19, 2007
Shark4romda408 said:
^^^^^ the thiNg i$ that U R a$KiNg "U$" 4 our "OPINION$ aNd ADVICE" oN here aNd WE aRe giviNg it to U wether U agree with it or Not, N ye$ U R right, Not every female i$ a HOE, there $till i$ a very $MALL Number of good girl$, but doNt get your $hit twi$ted lil homie, a lot of peepz oN here aRe older thaN U a$ my$elf aNd have $eeN a lot more N kNow the game a lil better, girl$ caN Be the BIGGE$T BITCHE$ or mo$t loyal people iN a maN$ life, (I caN $peak 4rm EXPIRIENCE) thiNg i$ if that were my daughter I would do my all 4 her to Be a virgiN till $he i$ MATURE eNough to do her thiNg, yet No pareNt or guardiaN i$ there 4 their child 24/7 aNd uNfortuNately caNt keep them 100% 4rm harm$ way, it$ life, U live it N make N learN 4rm mi$take$, but back to the topic I believe thi$ girl i$ HU$TLING U homie becau$e $he i$ telliNg U everythiNg U waNt to hear $o U caN go oN aNd put the pu$$y oN a peda$tal, with txme N eXpirieNce U will $ee what im talkiNg about, but oN the real ju$t look @ it 4rm all aNgle$, pu$$y i$ pu$$y till U accideNtly $tumble amoNg$t a keeper which RARELY happeN$, either way, more power to U N I hope U $Nap out of it cuz U $eem to ME to BE real YOUNG or ju$t plaiN PU$$Y WHOOPED, 1 NortherN Luv....

.KAO$ De W$MG Record$::

i get what your saying if this girl is what she said she is that be kool if she ain't a virgin i ain't gonna trip but if she does end up being a hoe like some girls then fuck her.
May 15, 2006
^^^^ eXactly, if U fuck her hella quick after her lil fairytale virgiN $tory theN U kNow $he wa$ woofiN', that way it$ a WIN-WIN $ituatioN, U beat tho$e N $ma$h ju$t like the other 9 dude$, go 4 it dude, U got NothiNg 2 lo$e but your virgiNity that i$ if U R a virgiN, either way bro, doNt get whooped over No girl, U R way too youNg, N there i$ $oo much pu$$y out there maN, thiNk about it, there aRe 2 womeN 4 every maN oN earth, $hit, ju$t imagiNe beiNg $tuck with ju$t oNe bitch, that Be a pitty!! lmfao

.KAO$ De W$MG Record$::
Mar 13, 2007
Shark4romda408 said:
^^^^ eXactly, if U fuck her hella quick after her lil fairytale virgiN $tory theN U kNow $he wa$ woofiN', that way it$ a WIN-WIN $ituatioN, U beat tho$e N $ma$h ju$t like the other 9 dude$, go 4 it dude, U got NothiNg 2 lo$e but your virgiNity that i$ if U R a virgiN, either way bro, doNt get whooped over No girl, U R way too youNg, N there i$ $oo much pu$$y out there maN, thiNk about it, there aRe 2 womeN 4 every maN oN earth, $hit, ju$t imagiNe beiNg $tuck with ju$t oNe bitch, that Be a pitty!! lmfao

.KAO$ De W$MG Record$::
theres 7 girls for every man on earth.
Apr 11, 2005
The fucked up thing iz that VWHWD510 is 24 years old! -lol- I think you're stressing this shit too much. Watch, in a while from now you're gonna be wondering what the fuck was I thinking like the rest of us! -lol-
Apr 19, 2007
Mr._Alize_559 said:
The fucked up thing iz that VWHWD510 is 24 years old! -lol- I think you're stressing this shit too much. Watch, in a while from now you're gonna be wondering what the fuck was I thinking like the rest of us! -lol-

hommie i ain't 24 years old i'm gonna be turning 18 soon
Jan 21, 2003
she went to church on sundays??? that really doesn't mean anything those are the worst ones. you seem like a good dude. and girls will tell you anything for you to believe on what they say. only you know how she is or acts. but i think the best bet as of now is to keep your guard up. and always have a backup plan. try to test the waters see how far you can go. you can tell when a girl has a experience. just don't get fooled.