I got into UFC Heavy like 5-6 years ago. But that wrestling shit just wore me out.....
Every fuckin match them dudes just want to wrestle. Sure, every once in a while you see a nice drop kick or knockout punch..........but overall I just couldnt take it anymore.
One other thing.........it seems like every body and their fucking mom thinks they can be a UFC fighter now. That's the other thing I hate about MMA. Just because you took a Karate class or a boxing lessons doesn't make you a MMA fighter. This ultimately did me in with UFC because it brought a bunch of whack fitghts..........
Thats just my take.
i'll watch it every now and then, but fuck pay for PPV's like I used to.
That is an understandable reason, most people don't want to admit that they don't like the wrestling/grappling aspect. It is part of the sport and if you are not into it, than you are not totally into MMA, just some parts, which is perfectly expectable.
Most true fans that follow MMA hardcore enjoy the wrestling and BJJ. I personally like watching high school and collegiate wrestling as well as I like watching BJJ tournaments. Most people do not understand the technicality of grappling, they may understand the basics, but I'm talking about the more intricate details that make grappling interesting.
This goes with other things as well. For example Baseball, I find it somewhat boring, but when I watch it with my father in law and he explains the intricate details like how player X is suppose to catch the ball a certain way to be able to get a better release and stuff like that it becomes much more interesting other than what I am seeing is a guy catching a ball and throwing it. Like grappling, most people see 2 people on the ground, not realizing that one might be trying to get wrist control, or is positioning a leg a certain way for a sweep, or is trying to set up a submission.
Now there are some MMA fighters that really do just try to stay in ones guard and not go for subs, not go for better positioning and their ground and pound is unseen, now that can be uninteresting to just about anyone.