No doubt, I'm just stating the angle homie is aiming at, which is good, BUT!!!!! due to sites like the ones you mentioned... he's not looking for that. I just think this is apples & oranges when it comes to the standard beauty compare to a full on slut. That's like saying, guy's send in your pic because this website is about dudes with the biggest mouth piece for game. We're having, "Platinum Mouthpiece Month." And a few months down the road it be comes a homosexual website. Now everybody thinks your fuckin' gay when you entered for a completely different reason.
The questions asked are the same as them ones you see in them porno's where they're asking the chick stupid questions right before they get fucked on film LOL!
Again, I'm down for all that, but I'm simply stating that he maybe leading the females in the wrong direction by making them think it's just beauty. In other words, pick one or the other because all it takes is one chick to rally the troops and turn around and sue for slander etc.
As far fetched as it may seem, as much of a pimp dudes may think they are, a woman can and will have the last word when it comes to taking shit to the legal extent. The man will always look wrong in the systems eye on shit like this.
Just be careful. That is all.