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Nov 21, 2007
all i care about is having someone with good music perform. If i have someone thats not too good. theres a reason they are putting in major work. Im about the artist. not just about my paper. I help producers get placed, rappers get verse money and barely ask for shit. ITS ALL ABOUT NETWORKING! MY SEPT 8th SHOW WILL SELL OUT! and the opener i have will put in a lot of work for that, and im gonna thank him after. Regardless if he kills it or not. We did each other a favor, i let him rock he promoted we even. People weed themselves on.
Id rather put a good artist on than have some shitty one pay me!


Sicc OG
Feb 9, 2006
invest in yourself by putting that money towards beats, videos and features, things that will BETTER your music, not payin some BS promoter to perform! u gonna spend $500 for 10 minutes of exposure and its over, no one in the crowd gave a fuck about u or even paid attention cuz they werent there to see u!!
u pay to perform you got the game ass backwards and youre LOSING!!
work hard, invest in your music, build a fan base of your own and the shows will come...

its way bigger then beats videos and features.....production is key a video is just a added bonus and features!! well if u need em i guess but u really dont need it!

people just need to work towards having a career not a BUZZ
May 16, 2002
Paying to perform is putting back up / sure money into the promoter's pocket. Say you pay $500 to perform at some show. And the entrance fee is $10 per person. You just automatically paid for 50 people that didn't show up to the show. It's about money! The show was dead, but the promoter made his money as if the show sold out.

I've seen artist from Ice Cube to Jay-Z in concert & ask me who opened for them & my answer is, "I don't remember because I was there to see the bigger acts." Regardless how tight the opening act may of been the attitude is, yeah that's nice, but let's get the real show started.

With that said, please save your money. If your really that tight anybody will put you on knowing damn well you'll bring in crowds that will make money, not ripping off the artist and making a fast buck. If your a real opening act for a big name, trust me your not paying to perform. Your getting a smaller dollar amount than the bigger acts, but your not coming out of pocket.

Most so called "promoters" who are putting up these shows are not bringing real big industry known names to these hole in the wall venues, so don't pay to perform with people who rent luxury cars & drive themselves to these shows to sell you an image. You won't be able to kick it with real artist backstage unless your a groupie.

Any egotistical artist who is only known within his region will not travel & perform for free at any venue. He thinks he has a strong "buzz," but the reality is, nobody anywhere else outside from his area has even heard of him or really thinks of him as relevant. In other words, at times the "unknown" paying performing artist is filling the so called known artist pockets.

Re read the Hip Hop history books. Artist like 2Pac, Biggie, Nas etc. were broke rappers who were talented enough to be picked up and paid for their "talent."

This whole "spend money to make money" speech is dead in the water. As is the whole "Your only going to get out what you put into it. You have to believe in yourself." Yeah! You can also grab your life savings and "believe" you'll double up with it in Las Vegas LOL!

@ 1:00

Jun 4, 2004
I feel the original post is kind of redundant…

I mean if the promoter sees the potential talent I guess puts the talent on for free, or even pays him. If the promoter does it and the talent later on blows up, MAYBE the talent remembers who were there when times were harder. If the talent blows up and don’t give a shit about the promoters (and other people) that helped, I guess the ones who charged money for letting the talent to open are happy they did it, because the ones who didn’t charge ain’t getting shit anyway. If the promoter does not see the potential talent and don’t believe in it, why would he put something on for free that in he's mind fucks up the event?
Feb 9, 2012
i agree with you bruh my opionon might be biased but truth be told if i put 500 in anything it wouldnt be a show any weak nigga born into money can pay his way in the rap game if thats the case i understand bruh's point of view nobody came to see the unknown nigga but think of it this way when niggas put niggas on/invest in talent when that person do got fans if you was all about the money with him he go be the same way with you and if its crazy fucked up prices when he do get on what do people expect he go do now some niggas is smirkish and when you show them love they quick to say fuck you so i can feel why a nigga would put the money 1st but with shows people wana hear good music if the nigga is unknown they might like him they might not but shit look how many pople came up from the apollo and how many people did they charge to perform their
all i care about is having someone with good music perform. If i have someone thats not too good. theres a reason they are putting in major work. Im about the artist. not just about my paper. I help producers get placed, rappers get verse money and barely ask for shit. ITS ALL ABOUT NETWORKING! MY SEPT 8th SHOW WILL SELL OUT! and the opener i have will put in a lot of work for that, and im gonna thank him after. Regardless if he kills it or not. We did each other a favor, i let him rock he promoted we even. People weed themselves on.
Id rather put a good artist on than have some shitty one pay me!
May 8, 2011
If you got enough money to pay for slots on shows just throw your own shows fuck that shit. Figure out who you can get for cheap that will draw a crowd and do the shit yourself. Bring well known dj's and have them help promote it is well worth it. Start small with it and build it into something prosperous. If your music and performance is dope there is always a crowd you just gotta find em.

Dana Dane

RIP Vallejo Kid
May 3, 2002
i agree with you bruh my opionon might be biased but truth be told if i put 500 in anything it wouldnt be a show any weak nigga born into money can pay his way in the rap game if thats the case i understand bruh's point of view nobody came to see the unknown nigga but think of it this way when niggas put niggas on/invest in talent when that person do got fans if you was all about the money with him he go be the same way with you and if its crazy fucked up prices when he do get on what do people expect he go do now some niggas is smirkish and when you show them love they quick to say fuck you so i can feel why a nigga would put the money 1st but with shows people wana hear good music if the nigga is unknown they might like him they might not but shit look how many pople came up from the apollo and how many people did they charge to perform their
Hit PROPS when you spot the punctuation mark!