Attack In Paris Leaves 118 Dead

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English Gentleman
Dec 23, 2014
Hitler might not have succeeded in destroying Europe, but Merkel sure did. NEVER ELECT A CUNT INTO POWER, PEOPLE. Learn your lesson, women do not belong in government or in any position of power period

Europe fucked itself. Despite the French pissing off ISIS earlier this year with the Charlie Hebdo cartoon, and taking military action against ISIS, someone in the EU thinks its a good idea to ignore ISIS threats of sneaking 500,000 Jihadis into Europe and just allow everyone claiming to be a Syrian refugee complete access into Europe. Despite armed ISIS members being found among the refugees on multiple occasions.

And being part of the EU means that we have no choice but to keep all borders open to people inside the EU. Thank God Labour did fucking terribly at the elections or else we would be even more swarmed than Germany.

Following this big wake-up call in Paris, we need major policy changes. Firstly, we need to stop taking every person with no paperwork claiming to be a refugee into the EU. Next we need to relax gun laws; France has some of the strictest gun laws in the country and the gunmen therefore managed to empty 2 magazines. If there was at least 1 civilian around with a gun, they may have managed to unload 1 clip, but not 2. Would you ever see a mass public shooting like this in Texas? Didn't think so. And thirdly, we need to follow in Putin's footsteps and destroy ISIS.

But I already see whats gonna happen with Paris. History repeats itself.

In 1933 the main German government building was burned down by a communist and Hitler exploited this via the media to spread intense fear of communists and increase support for Nazis. The day after the fire a drastic piece of legislature proposed by Hitler was passed, essentially making Hitler dictator in advance and removing many of the German people's rights granted to them in their constitution. But they were willing to sign away their rights because they were scared and caught up in the sensational media. If Hitler hadn't exploited the fire, he would have never risen to power.

Fast forward to 2001. Supposed terrorists blow up the Twin Towers (lets ignore any arguments about what really happened for now and just go with the media story) and millions of American people become paranoid and scared of terrorists. The US government exploits this very easily to pass such bills as the Patriot Act, signing away American freedoms. They also used it to start and illegal war, destabilizing the Middle East and directly resulting in the rise of ISIS.

Lets just hope the paranoia in France won't cause the French people to willingly lose their privacy rights and become another surveillance state like the UK (Hi David Cameron!)

Cool story cuh
Apr 11, 2003
Broadbeach, AUSTRALIA
Exactly. I've personally been in the mountains of Afghanistan for 16 months of my life and all over Iraq for a year. In both countries I had contact with locals daily. In Afghanistan I used to hang out with Afghan National Army troops on a regular basis, eat dinner with them etc. I've walked and driven through numerous cities and villages. Everybody there just wanted to live life like us, they had no ill will towards Americans, Christians, Jews, anybody. The village I lived right next to in Afghanistan a Jewish dude ran a shop there we used to buy shit from, this was in the middle of nowhere in old school Afghanistan too lol

The point of this is Afghanistan and Iraq are two of the few "hardcore" Muslim countries and they were 99% good people. Now imagine all of the non "hardcore" Muslim countries. The percentage of psychopath jihadis gets smaller and smaller.

There's 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and all of these biggoted retards go crazy based on the actions of literally a few. It's like a percent of a percent, but American media keeps shoving that percent of a percent down our throats and retards fall for it and automatically assume that all Muslims are like that.

Wish people would stop being brainwashed by the fear mongering American media.
Man - I'm glad to hear about your experience particularly considering that Afghanistan is like you say a more extreme form of Islam and where people are poor.

What were you doing there? Were you serving a tour?


May 17, 2002
Chula Vista, South Bay, San Diego, California
The post wasn't just for you, I even said that in the post, you're post was just an easy post to respond to make the point.

Also god forbid grown men in their 30's have an intelligent discussion. Sorry for that. I'm not edgy enough to troll tragedy.
anytime someone says edgy i think of this scene from waiting

Jan 29, 2005
Man - I'm glad to hear about your experience particularly considering that Afghanistan is like you say a more extreme form of Islam and where people are poor.

What were you doing there? Were you serving a tour?
Yeah, I was there with the Army in 2006-07, Camp Blessing in the Kunar Province and the Korengal valley in Nuristan Province. We were the unit in the same place the Restrepo guys were at, we were the guys they replaced lol
May 7, 2013
Take that disrespectful shit out of here
Disrespectful? You let people you don't know in your house, after your brother bombed the shit out of their families? That's what the French govt did... Who vetted these ppl? It was not the job of those murdered was it.

You faggots are disrespectful. You mf wanna act like 100 plus lives matter, but don't ever stand up to your own govt and the terror they unleash upon regular folk everyday.

This ain't shit. Western Colonialism has murdered more than 50000000 people. Where's your outrage?



Allez Les Bleus 🌟🌟
Feb 27, 2006
Paris, France
Think about this for a second to all the people saying "bomb the middle east and wipe out all Muslims".
If all Muslims were to be wiped out, then not only the Middle East would be bombed. People fail to realize that there's hundreds of millions of Muslims in Southeast Asia, in countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, etc. as well...they've got radical Islamist groups like Jemaah Islamiyah and Abu Sayyaf there as well.
Jan 29, 2005
Following this big wake-up call in Paris, we need major policy changes. Firstly, we need to stop taking every person with no paperwork claiming to be a refugee into the EU. Next we need to relax gun laws; France has some of the strictest gun laws in the country and the gunmen therefore managed to empty 2 magazines. If there was at least 1 civilian around with a gun, they may have managed to unload 1 clip, but not 2. Would you ever see a mass public shooting like this in Texas? Didn't think so. And thirdly, we need to follow in Putin's footsteps and destroy ISIS.
This is stupid as fuck.

There's been over 300 mass shootings just in America so far this year, obviously some smaller than others. Not one single time has a good samaritan with a gun stopped one single gunmen. There's been 12 mass shootings in Texas alone in 2015 lol

In the 90's Texas had one of the largest mass shootings in American history, 25 people killed, 20 wounded, dude obviously unloaded multiple magazines, no savior good samaritan either, gunmen offed himself when he ran out of bullets lol

There's over 300 million guns on the street in this country, yet not one of them stopped a mass shooting in over 300 instances this year....
Dec 2, 2013
I feel so happy, that we can all together join forces again and send troops to syria, soon.
You allready started so send some troops, and now we all can fight together for france there.
We will bring Freedom & DemoCRAZY just like in Afghanistan & Iraq or Lybia - Fuck yeah !!!

Syria: Obama authorizes boots on ground to fight ISIS -

DaGrimProphet @DaGrimProphet
Talking about History
1953: Operation Ajax
The 1953 Iranian coup d'état, known in Iran as the 28 Mordad coup, was the overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran Mohammad Mosaddegh on 19 August 1953, orchestrated by the United Kingdom (under the name "Operation Boot") and the United States (under the name TPAJAX Project).

Good Job right there, you guys overthrown the first democracy in this Region, because the fuckin Iranian People wanted theyre country to have a part of the oil share.
Wich was back then the biggest oil contributor to the market.
This is the Start of the Work of USA & GB with Muslim Terrorists.

1979 Afghan Mujahideen (one of them Osama Bin Laden) gets support, weapons & training by CIA

2001 9/11 15 of 19 Attackers of the Official Story are from Saudi Arabia, a Country that get´s instantly wiped of earth...oh wait... US President George W. Bush holds hands and Kisses with Saudi Arabia´s King Abdullah Saud who is King of a Country that follows Sharia Rights (wich is not Muslim Right, its a Tool to keep People down) Cuttin of Hands & Heads and stuff like that. Just Like ISIS does.
While Afghanistan, Iraq & Lybia did not get kisses & hugs...

And for some crazy ass reasons all this funk is goin on in an area full of oil.
Looks like French Total Oil Company now want´s it´s share.


Long live the KING!!!!
May 7, 2002

When I was travelling through the US last year I was curious to gauge how an average American felt about your government policy and I started conversations every chance I got with average people everywhere I went. I couldn't find a single person that was pro-war and who thought Iraq/Afghanistan was a good move.

Your point is so true and this is something that I have tried to explain about my interaction with Americans to others that have negative views of US citizens because of some of your un-popular government policies.

These dumb fucks actually make it worse, Timothy Mcveigh lost fellow americans rights that he will never get back, his actions will cause a million more waco's, over and over, and over again, if you wanna make a positive change, its gonna have to be with your mind, killing a bunch of people like you is fucking retarded, I really thought about this in jail, all the different groups going after each others, while the government thug guards laugh at us, fucking stupidest shit I ever saw,


English Gentleman
Dec 23, 2014
This is stupid as fuck.

There's been over 300 mass shootings just in America so far this year, obviously some smaller than others. Not one single time has a good samaritan with a gun stopped one single gunmen. There's been 12 mass shootings in Texas alone in 2015 lol

In the 90's Texas had one of the largest mass shootings in American history, 25 people killed, 20 wounded, dude obviously unloaded multiple magazines, no savior good samaritan either, gunmen offed himself when he ran out of bullets lol

There's over 300 million guns on the street in this country, yet not one of them stopped a mass shooting in over 300 instances this year....
Notice where these shootings take place. Schools, cinemas, and other places where the attacker always knows the people will be unarmed and vulnerable. Mass shootings in America generally don't happen right on the street like this one in Paris.
Jan 29, 2005
Notice where these shootings take place. Schools, cinemas, and other places where the attacker always knows the people will be unarmed and vulnerable. Mass shootings in America generally don't happen right on the street like this one in Paris.
Once again you're stupid as fuck lol the majority actually do happen on the street and in residential areas (where people have access to their guns lol), the schools and cinema shootings you see on the news are a small minority.

What you're suggesting is people on the street get in to fucking shoot outs with bad guys. The problem with that is random people on the street aren't trained. Random people on the street aren't marksmen with amazing aim. Random people on the street full of adrenaline ain't gonna pull pistols out like in some movie and start capping bad guys with one shot. The reality is if a random person on the street pulled out a gun and got in a shoot out with a "terrorist", they'll more than likely just make themselves a target and get themselves killed, even worse they actually do get some shots off they more than likely won't hit the "terrorists" they'll probably end up hitting other innocent people.

Everybody isn't John Wayne in a movie.


English Gentleman
Dec 23, 2014
Once again you're stupid as fuck lol the majority actually do happen on the street and in residential areas (where people have access to their guns lol), the schools and cinema shootings you see on the news are a small minority.

What you're suggesting is people on the street get in to fucking shoot outs with bad guys. The problem with that is random people on the street aren't trained. Random people on the street aren't marksmen with amazing aim. Random people on the street full of adrenaline ain't gonna pull pistols out like in some movie and start capping bad guys with one shot. The reality is if a random person on the street pulled out a gun and got in a shoot out with a "terrorist", they'll more than likely just make themselves a target and get themselves killed, even worse they actually do get some shots off they more than likely won't hit the "terrorists" they'll probably end up hitting other innocent people.

Everybody isn't John Wayne in a movie.
Well it works at defending people in their own homes. Unlike places like here.

I personally think people who believe in gun control are just caught up in the media hype and haven't done any research of their own. If you look up the stats you'll see that after the gun ban was introduced in the UK, the homicide rate temporarily increased before dropping back to the levels before the ban. Banning guns accomplished nothing.

But isn't it funny how the media is successfully making American people willing to lose their rights by sensationalising events such as the mass shootings, meanwhile the state is becoming increasingly armed. This definitely doesn't look like a disastrous position to be in at all lol
Jan 29, 2005
Well it works at defending people in their own homes. Unlike places like here.
I can count on my hands the amount of people who saved themselves from home invaders with their pistol.

What does this have to do with Parisians getting in shoot outs with terrorists in the middle of the street though?

I personally think people who believe in gun control are just caught up in the media hype and haven't done any research of their own. If you look up the stats you'll see that after the gun ban was introduced in the UK, the homicide rate temporarily increased before dropping back to the levels before the ban. Banning guns accomplished nothing.
Your country has an average of 9 murders per million people per year, you have one of the lowest homicide rates in populous "civilized" countries lol

The murder rate in the United States (where we have guns) is 4x higher than that of the UK lol

I don't care if Parisians have guns, but to suggest is would make fighting terrorism better? lol come on

But isn't it funny how the media is successfully making American people willing to lose their rights by sensationalising events such as the mass shootings, meanwhile the state is becoming increasingly armed. This definitely doesn't look like a disastrous position to be in at all lol
Explain to me what Americans are willing to lose their rights. I live here and don't know any.....
Jan 29, 2005
Every American who actively supports losing their constitutional right to arms
That's been an active debate for decades. There's been people for gun control long before any recent school shootings or terrorist activity.

Cities in this country have had turn in your gun programs and cash for gun programs as far back as the 1980's.

Hippies were marching for gun control as far back as the 60's.

This shit ain't some new media concoction.

I've literally never heard of somebody watch an MSNBC news report and say "welp, I'm sold now, no more guns" lol
Aug 17, 2002
Back on topic... one of the gunmen is still on the run. And he was initially questioned by police and released.

And French jets are already bombing ISIS.

Is this the start of WWIII?
Don't see how it can be the start of it when three of the major players, America, Russia, and Iran are going after the same target