Are they trying to kill us?

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Apr 25, 2002
I bought four apples from the grocery store three months ago. I put them on top of my microwave and let them sit there as an experiment, and I'll be a sonofabitch...the motherfuckers were thrown out yesterday and they were still firm, still in perfect fucking condition.

I'm buying planters boxes today and some seeds, and I'm never buying produce at the fuckin' store again. There are many farmer's markets and an egg farm in Morgan Hill...only reason to go to the store is for meat and soap and shit.

Anybody grow their own vegetables/herbs/fruit? If so, can you give me some pointers on good soils/fertilizers/mulch?

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
Yes they are trying to kill us

Let me correct that, they are succeeding at killing us, they are not trying

Hood Rat Matt @Hood Rat Matt he grows veggies and stuff

& if you're worried about them trying to kill us I suggest you get your own chickens buy some cows and build a homestead with solar power and generators..cuz it doesn't stop at fruits and veggies bro
Apr 25, 2002
Yes they are trying to kill us

Let me correct that, they are succeeding at killing us, they are not trying

Hood Rat Matt @Hood Rat Matt he grows veggies and stuff

& if you're worried about them trying to kill us I suggest you get your own chickens buy some cows and build a homestead with solar power and generators..cuz it doesn't stop at fruits and veggies bro
Gotta start with the basics, thing at a time. lol. The cow thing is easy...I don't really eat beef.
May 16, 2002
I bought four apples from the grocery store three months ago. I put them on top of my microwave and let them sit there as an experiment, and I'll be a sonofabitch...the motherfuckers were thrown out yesterday and they were still firm, still in perfect fucking condition.

I'm buying planters boxes today and some seeds, and I'm never buying produce at the fuckin' store again. There are many farmer's markets and an egg farm in Morgan Hill...only reason to go to the store is for meat and soap and shit.

Anybody grow their own vegetables/herbs/fruit? If so, can you give me some pointers on good soils/fertilizers/mulch?
Shit Homie! In the amount of time your gonna take to grow all your veggies, herbs & fruits your gonna starve.

I'm gonna start feeding apples to a few females I been with. Hopefully it will firm up & keep their areolas firm breh.
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Jan 29, 2005
the fuck kind of weird ass places do you shop at that has super produce like that?

I usually buy my fruits and veggies from Sprouts which is good organic shit, but sometimes when I'm lazy I say fuck it and get them from a regular grocery store like Walmart or Fry's cause i'm already there and that shit goes bad just as quick as the organic stuff.

There's some goofy shit going on in your area
May 14, 2002
More people should grow some food. Even though its just a portion of your overal intake. At least you know where it comes from and what happened with it.
Also you'll learn some skills and you'll have at least something when you can't afford shit anymore either.
I'm starting to mess with it soon as well. I'll try to set up something indoors. Will see how it works out.


Sicc OG
Feb 24, 2003
50 days for my squash. Fuck it, I live in Morgan Hill. Mad farms and shit out here to get my produce fresh from the bush until my shit is ready.
let us know how them pesticides taste brah!.....and also ,i been hearing that they are gonna start giving out big hefty fines to people who they catch growing fruits and veggies in their own yards,kind of more or less like what they been doing to people trying to have yard sales!!.......Fuck Obama!

Mike Manson

Still Livin'
Apr 16, 2005
I got my own chickens. If you got your own fresh eggs and compare that shit to the eggs from the store...that shit is nasty...

Also makes you wonder how they get those chicken breasts!

Gonna start growing veggies soon, but basically all my neighbors use every little bit of free land to grow their own. Problem is the soil and rain. Luckily a Taiwanese buddy of mine started to import special fertilizer/soil...