2pac Hate

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Sicc OG
Jul 22, 2003
those type of articles dont bother me...its just a person's opinion. i agree with the guy on some things. i think 2pac is overated in some aspects. his name will always be conversations about who is the best rapper...but i believe it is because 2pac mastered the art of HYPE. i admire 2pac's work ethic but i never considered any of his albums classic. he has tons of songs that i like but they are all from different albums.


Sicc OG
Jul 22, 2003
^^^^yeah...what's with that? that guy was pretty insecure about himself that he had to remind everyone with the No Homo thing.
Apr 7, 2005
fuck 'em!!! he still put money in Pac's momma's pocket by buyin' those albums....cat's on the east are ALWAYS gonna have some shit to say about Pac. If he don't feel Pac..fuck 'em...Pac's music wasn't ment for dumbasses like him anyway...it's hood music..for people in that environment to relate & listen to...of course some square bear doesn't feel Pac...he probably loves Young MC, JaRule or sumthin'
Nov 13, 2003
one of my favorite saying by Pac about his music is that there might be some fucked up spots in his songs but most of his fans listining to his songs is either high or drunk so they fucked up togeather.
Apr 7, 2005
that dude is an idiot...saying he felt disrespected by Pac saying.."if you're down w/ bad boy...FuckYou too!!" Eat a Dick..sensitive ass dude...then he said that Pac had Red & Meth on the album, but that Pac had declared war on new york...Pac never dissed new york as a whole( the mutha fucka's from the east ) he only dissed those he percieved to be phony. We all know biggie got that "baby-ba-by" from Pac. Listen to Party & Bullshit...then listen to the Ready to die album...he flipped his style in that time span, from buildin' with Pac. Pac was just tryin' to point that shit out to the public because as father to biggie's "playa" style (used in his radio hits), Pac wanted his "son" to at least aknowledge the fact that Pac put him up on game. You know how it is though, when you got people in your ear gassin' you up like "fuck that dude, B!! you the man now, that dude's locked down..how can he stop you?" Biggie had no idea Pac was gonna come home early...Big was countin' on Pac doin' his whole bid. Meanwhile, biggie's gettin' paid usin' a version of the next man's style and can't even shoot him a kite or any loot for soup & 'ports. Big figured that by the time Pac came home, the public wouldn't feel Pac anymore. Shit...wouldn't you be pissed?

Do it one time 4 Pac, MacDre & my potna Big Rell...

cold shot of cour-BOSS-ier and that Romulan, mane... 4 ALL fallen soldiers.

God Bless.
Apr 7, 2005
hm yea, 2pac is overrated and u guys dont wanna admit it
How the fuck this bitch gonna dis Pac & use Pac's lingo to discribe his filthy punk ass.

If Pac is overrated...why is he one of the most copied artists in hip hop. Cat's bite his words, his style, his looks, his tats, his cadence, his flow, his voice....what the fuck?

That mutha fucka sMURK is from ohio...who the fuck in hip hop do they got that didn't grow up on or do a song with Pac...thank you.

FUCK MURK....from ohio & don't even post flix of the fuckin' browns or bengals...ain't even proud of his turf...coward
May 8, 2002
BETO916 said:
If Pac is overrated...why is he one of the most copied artists in hip hop. Cat's bite his words, his style, his looks, his tats, his cadence, his flow, his voice....what the fuck?

I completley agree.

BETO916 said:
FUCK MURK....from ohio & don't even post flix of the fuckin' browns or bengals...ain't even proud of his turf...coward

LMFAO this thread is hillarious.
Aug 20, 2004
I always thought Pas was overrated....like dude said...he has songs here and there that i like..but as a whole...theres 100's of "MC's" more lyrically gifted....Pac knew how to deliver a message to the masses...and get the masses behind him...ill give him that....i respect the mans work...im ust not a fan of his...
Feb 13, 2005
pac the best yo! dudes a genius period with the resources he had he made the shit more than work! as he says learn to cheer him instead of finding faults! but just as many people love pac also a lot of people hate (dislike) him! but i suggest those that don't want they ass beat to keep they mouth shut cuz some krazy fans or friends of pac will beat the shit out of u for being disrespectful & stupid. or saying something dumb! i say take some freaking music appreciation classes! the man has classes in colleges studying his lyrics & debatin about it! if that isn't an accomplishment or changing the game then give me some glasses cuz i don't think i'm seeing right? LOL. RIP to the true concrete rose biiittttccccchhh! he still in the charts to this day! still going platinum & that's wit people fucking up his music! i don't know i don't think anyone can say nothing unless they can do the same as pac or better! if that's the case then no one can say shit! peace
May 22, 2002
MURK said:
hm yea, 2pac is overrated and u guys dont wanna admit it
you fuckin right man. I can't stand that tupac yada yada yada anymore...tupac here tupac there...FUCK TUPAC...he's dead man and he's NOT comin back lol...anyways fuck that 7 day theory BULLSHIT!
Feb 13, 2005
pac aint overrated in my oppinion. he da realest i've heard. n it lookz like itz gon stay dat way.
dido some people just need to be schooled on shit! man cuz they wouldn't know a good thing if it landing in they lap! one


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
That's just the dude's opinion. I partially agree with him when he talks about 2pacalypse and Strictly, but anyone that says taht Me Against the World is a bad album...well...our opinions don't coincide. I mean, its obvious that this dude had/has some type of respect for 2Pac, even if his article is about him being overrated. If he's gonna write a 3 page essay on 2Pac, then its safe to say that 2Pac influenced him in some way or another.

I live out on the East Coast, and a lot of the heads I know from NY and NJ are all over Jay Z's nuts, and think that 2Pac was just a troublemaker that started beef.

TO EACH HIS OWN!!!! I'm so sick of hearing the "Tupac is overrated/Biggie was better/Makaveli is better than 2Pac/No Limit is the best record label ever" argument. Its all a matter of opinion. All I have to say is that if the dude isn't feeling 2Pac, he ought to keep his mouth shut. There's no reason to spend that much of your life writing about why you dont like somebody.

I could sit here for days and talk about why I think Puffy ought to be crucified, but I'm not gonna do it. Wastes too much energy.
Apr 26, 2002
Stealth said:
I mean, its obvious that this dude had/has some type of respect for 2Pac, even if his article is about him being overrated. If he's gonna write a 3 page essay on 2Pac, then its safe to say that 2Pac influenced him in some way or another.

TO EACH HIS OWN!!!! I'm so sick of hearing the "Tupac is overrated/Biggie was better/Makaveli is better than 2Pac/No Limit is the best record label ever" argument. Its all a matter of opinion. All I have to say is that if the dude isn't feeling 2Pac, he ought to keep his mouth shut. There's no reason to spend that much of your life writing about why you dont like somebody.

I could sit here for days and talk about why I think Puffy ought to be crucified, but I'm not gonna do it. Wastes too much energy.
couldn't hav said it any better homie. fold.