Weight Loss journal

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May 12, 2002
330? I'm confused, how do you know how much you weigh on 8/12 if you post up on the 7th and today is the 10th? Is this your projected weight loss?

Its dumb but I weigh myself at the start of the week and thats what I chart. Its kinda to trick myself so that I dont blimp up, and if i do the next week I hammer down.

+3 LBS this week
Putting me at 333, I had a feeling after I lost so much in 1 week that I might put some back on, plus I had pizza and Applebee's. Back on the grind, already hit the gym for a half hour of crazy cardio today burned 360 calories on the tread climber and I am off to do CHest and Tri's now. Thanks for the support everyone.
May 2, 2002
Robby2Slobby said:
I check calories, but I don't write them down.. I was for a while.. I keep mental tabs on what I eat though.

Usually, I'm around 1200 calories a day.
In your other post you said you weigh about 263...if that's the case...1200 calories isn't much.

I know you're trying to lose weight...but that seems like you're starving yourself.

I weigh 190 right now...eat 1800 calories a day...and can still lose weight.
Jan 2, 2004
It's not really starving myself, I just don't eat things that have a lot of calories in them...

Things like Eggbeaters, only have like 70 calories per half a cup..

Normal eating pattern:

Eggbeaters, 70 Calories
Two pieces of wheat toast, 80 calories

3 oz 99% Fat Free Turkey (105 Calories)
Two Pieces of Wheat Bread (80 Calories)
Bannana (60 Calories)
Plus, lettuce, onion an tomatoe on the sandwhich, and that makes it bigger

Salad (30 Calories)
2g Fat Ranch Dressing or Fat Free/Low Sugar Italian (40 Calories)
5 or 6 oz Chicken Breast with all fat cut out (175 to 210 Calories)
Egg Noodles (200 Calories)
1 Cup Steamed Veggies (100 Calories)

Different Fruits, Like Bannanas, Cherries, Apples, Grapes, Plums... (60 Calories Per "Exchange")
I'll usually have 3 of these a day, (180 Calories)

Total: 1,155 Calories

That's a good amount of food, too...

But, my calorie count does raise on days I have to go out to eat or something too, but I usually try to order something with chicken in it, and still keep it healthy, or if it's breakfast, I'll order an eggbeater omlette.
Jun 13, 2002
^Thats pretty much what I have been eating. Is your bread 80 cal/slice or for both? I'll also eat Total sometimes for breakfast. If you're craving a burger I bought these Jennie-O turkey burgers that are good on a grill, 170 cals for the burger. Popcorn is a very good snack, depending on what kind you get it's ~100 cals for a bag. I also take a tablespoon or 2 a day of flax seed oil.

what Flax Seed Oil can and may accomplish:
- Research shows low incidence of breast cancer and colon cancer in populations that have high amounts of lignan in their diet. Flax is 100 times richer in lignan than most whole grains.
- Studies show that Omega-3 fatty acids help lower cholesterol and blood triglycerides, and prevent clots in arteries, which may result in strokes, heart attacks and thromboses.
- Helps protect the body against high blood pressure, inflammation, water retention, sticky platelets and lowered immune function.
- Shortens recovery time for fatigued muscles after exertion.
- Increases the body's production of energy and also increases stamina.
- Accelerates the healing of sprains and bruises.
- Eases weight loss in people afflicted with obesity.
- Stimulates brown fat cells and increases the metabolic rate making it easier to burn off fat.
- Improves the absorption of Calcium.
- Strengthens finger and toenails.
- Can improve eyesight and perception of colors.
- Can often improve the function of the liver.
- Can relieve the side effects and stop development of many forms of cancer.
- Can relieve some cases of Asthma.
- Helpful in the treatment of Eczema, Psoriasis, and Dandruff.
- Can relieve the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis. It can relieve the symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus.
- Can alleviate some allergies.
- Helps prevent Atherosclerosis (the accumulation of fatty deposits inside the blood vessels, especially the large and medium-sized arteries, that many people experience during the aging process).
- Lowers high blood pressure in Hypertension sufferers.
- Has been scientifically proven to treat some cases of depression.
- Can improve the mental function of many old age pensioners.
- Can help in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis.
- Has been proven to improve the behavior of Schizophrenics.
- Can relieve some cases of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) in females.
- And more...!
Oct 28, 2005
I'm something like an authority on losing weight (and gaining it back).......for me, its always the same story:

Eat high carbs, don't work out, gain weight.
Eat high carbs, work out, stay the same weight.
Eat low carbs, don't work out, lose lots of weight.
Eat low carbs, work out, lose even more weight.

Don't listen to ANYTHING you've heard before about Keto/Low-Carb/Atkins until you do some of your own solid research. The main thing to know is, the "Low Fat" diet is a crock of shit and is the reason our nation's health is so fucked up right now.

For example.....salad dressing. So-called "Fat Free" salad dressing has 50 calories and 11 carbs.......regular Ranch has 110 calories and one carb, sometimes even 0.

The bottom line is, Calories In vs Calories Out. Eat what your body needs (or a LITTLE below), and let Cardio/Weight-Lifting take care of the weight loss.

Most important of all: DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF OR GO 3-5+ HOURS WITHOUT EATING. Cheesesticks, Peanuts, Beef Jerkey, whatever you gotta find.....EAT IT. Don't just eat 2 big meals a day and think you're done, that'll slowly destroy your metabolism (like I did mine).

Earlier in the year, I was eating whatever I felt like, watching/counting calories, but only eating a few meals a day. For example......a Box of Macaroni and Cheese for Lunch/Breakfast, 2 Packages of Top Ramen.....and my day was done. Only 2000 calories or so, plus working out 3-5 days a week, but I was barely losing shit.

Now that I'm doing Low Carb, Cardio 5+ times a week, Drinking 1G of water a day, Eating 5x a day......I'm losing 3-4 lbs a week without starving or feeling like shit.

I still cheat all the time, but you gotta know HOW to cheat. If you decide, for example, that you HAVE to have some McDonalds...get a DOUBLE BURGER instead of 2 BURGERS. If you're going to eat a PB&J sandwich even if it kills you...find some Whole Wheat Bread.

Lots of rambling, but I hope at least some of this makes sense. Bottom line: Drink lots of water, lower your carbs as much as you can tolerate, eat 5x a day.....and you'll lose weight even WITHOUT hitting the gym. If you do all that PLUS go to the gym, you'll see even more impressive losses.

Solitary 1 said:


Young Cutthroat said:
I just lost almost 70 lbs. over a 4 month span. Im 5'7, when I started the weight loss, I was 205 lbs. At one point, I was 230 lbs. I started dieting back in March, now its August and Im 136 lbs. I got to 136 lbs. sometime back in July, I've been stabilizing my body since then so I wont put no weight back on when I go back to normal eating. But real talk tho, keep doing your thing bruh, it'll happen for you if u work hard at it. Dont give in to the temptations of wanting to eat foods you know arent good for you. And NEVER, I mean NEVER settle for a weight that u know is not your goal weight.
....Good fucking lord.

I'm 5'9 wanting to cut down to about 150, but if I could get to 130-something without looking like a Skeleton, that would be nice.
Oct 28, 2005
Robby2Slobby said:
It's not really starving myself, I just don't eat things that have a lot of calories in them...

Things like Eggbeaters, only have like 70 calories per half a cup..

Normal eating pattern:


Total: 1,155 Calories

That's a good amount of food, too...

But, my calorie count does raise on days I have to go out to eat or something too, but I usually try to order something with chicken in it, and still keep it healthy, or if it's breakfast, I'll order an eggbeater omlette.
Thats fucking insane, dude.....barely 1200 calories? I'm suprised you can still function well, I feel dead when I eat that little, and if anything it fucks up my weight.


A Day in the Life of Dirty Shoez:

4 Eggs
7oz Turkey Ham
600 cals

2oz Peanuts
350 cals

Turkey sandwich (whole wheat bread, "HIGH FAT" Cheese!)
500 cals

3 Cheesesticks
250 cals

Steak w/Low-Carb Catsup
400 cals

== 2100 cals...and on most days, I'll do at least 1/2 hour of Cardio.

And just because I like sounding like a broken record......

Calories are NOT bad.
Fat is NOT bad.
It is Excess Carbs that are THE WORST.

Watch your calories, and you are going to lose no matter what. It's pure science. Watch your carbs as well, and you'll lose even more. But if you waste time watching Fat and obsessing over calories, you're just going to fuck yourself.

(And I don't mean this all as a direct response to Robby.....just saying...)

I weigh myself a good 3-4 times a day. And yes, it pisses me off a lot sometimes, but I usually know why.

Best times to weigh yourself are in the morning when you wake up, then hit the gym, then weigh yourself again (if you lost 1-2 pounds, you know you had a good workout).......then the same thing at night.

I'll tell you one thing.....it feels really fucking good to wake up, eat 2 pounds of food and drink a shitload of water, and end up going to bed weighing only +1 or even the same weight. Every time that happens you know your body is on FIRE.
Sep 16, 2002
i have lost over 50 lbs since april im a short dude so i was lookin hella fat, im down to about 168.... i eat 3 normal meals and 2 snacks a day sometimes even 3 depending on how early i wake up.... so at least 5 times a day i eat, i do a shitload of cardio at least 5 times a week for 45 min, the first couple of months i was doing cardio every fuckin day, but recently i slowed up on the cardio a bit.... but i am also lifting weights as well. and im increasing my strenght while losing fat, also toning up
Sep 16, 2002
i eat a lot of whole grains/oats brown rice shit like that instead, of all the old white shit... lots of protien sometimes i drink a myoplex or someshit, also i snack healthy.. fruits, almonds, triscuits shit like that..... drink water and green tea
May 12, 2002
I know for the amount of lifting I do it would be hard for me with a 1200 calorie diet. I go between 2000 - 2500. Going to the gym twice a day takes it out of me and I like to have good workouts. I know when I am starved my workouts are lame.
May 12, 2002
Just got home from the gym. -3 LBS putting me back at 330. Bumping my cardio up another 5 minutes this week and I got a new recipe for brown rice so we shall see how the next week works out I want to lose 5 lbs thats my goal for this week.
Sep 16, 2002
^^^ that sounds good, i need to try that sometime... but yea i still drink here n there, and when i go back to my workout routine i feel weak as hell... so thats why i dont really drink too much anymore....
May 12, 2002
TONY206 said:
Mind sharing? I love the Spanish and Garlic Herb brown Rice a Roni and would like to try to make some of my own. If you get lazy though, those are VERY good.

Nothing crazy, just add organic low sodium chicken broth with a little "I cant believe its not butter" softens it up. Great with Chicken.
May 12, 2002
I have done that as well its pretty much the same. The broth makes it a little softer. Its good stuff they got it at Trader Joes. That place is crazy, I got half a shopping cart full of stuff for $120. Back in the day I could have got a cart and a half of shitty food from Winco for $120, its expensive eating right. BAd night for me to. Just got home from drinking and had 2 hot dogs only 1 bun though.
Jul 24, 2002
D-Rose said:
It all comes down to discipline. If you have it, your dieting will work.
Very true....
You really have to hate the weight.
That's what helps me and keeps me motivated.

A good diet works fine, but it's VERY important to get your cardio in.
Make sure that you're burning calories man....

As you get older your metabolism slows down which makes weight loss very difficult. I'm 29 man and it's almost impossible for me to drop a few pounds without the help of dietary supplements.
I use Xenadrine when ever I wanna shed some pounds and the stuff works like magic. Of course you'll still need to diet and workout but if you really want to loose weight, it's almost guaranteed as long as you follow through on everything else.


If you really want to see fast results, go with a low carb diet.
Nothing works faster.
The problem with this diet is that it's pretty difficult to follow through after a few months. But it works....

After really getting down on a very strict low carb diet and working out like a beast (running 25 miles a week and sparring 4 minute 12 rounds 3 times a week), I lost a lot of phucking weight. (Yeah I took Xenadrine and never missed any workout sessions)

After loosing all the weight I wanted to drop, right now I keep a simple combination diet of low carb, low fat, low cal foods.
Not drastic stuff, but a little off of everything that's bad for the body.
I work out 3 times a week (run only 12 miles) and I've managed to keep my weight off. All with little effort.

It really works man.
You really have to want it.
Stick with your routine and NEVER cut any corners.
(Oh yeah I didn't mention that I treated myself to eat anything my little heart desired at least once a week).

Anyways, this is what I learned from training with a few pro fighters here and there. Also these are pointers from a few well known boxing trainers as well.
(BTW, they hate dietary supplements because everyone reacts to them differently. However they really helped me).

I hope this helps bro.

Good luck!
May 12, 2002
Diet dude at the gym told me to eat like half a cup of NF yogurt or NF cottage cheese before bed to keep it rolling. I have and it seems to help. He said try to stay away from carbs and anything heavy before bed.