betthatstang said:
Shit, for 10.00 bucks you can "fuck" me all you want, that type of cash isnt shit.
Lol that was some funny shit you said

. Yeh i get your point and shit, but i did never say that i thought we were getting fucked, i asked other peoples opinions on the price and asked them if they thought we were getting fucked.
If i said that we are getting fucked, there would be the big difference right there. I find it funny how when i question a price tag you start fuckin' wit me, but when jaseman469
says he's gonna bootleg the fuck outta it for free and shit, you dismiss it like ahh thats cool.
Start lookin'at the people that are getting the shit for free and are happy that Strange isn't seeing money from it like jaseman469. Not the people like me that will drop the money for it and tell others to do the same, like in previous threads. And shit, i believe anyone has the right to question a price tag of any artist, if i wasn't a fan i wouldn't be able to say shit, but cos i support Strange and everything if i thought that something was more expensive than i thought it would be, id asked bout shit.
But as Nick said it includes 32 tracks and shipping in the price tag, which i didn't know and wouldn't of known if i didn't ask this question to begin with.