Will that be paper or phone?

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May 16, 2002
come on, i know your smarter than these comments.
Are they true or not though? As stupid as it may sound somethings that change are not always for the best Breh.

And in answer to your question about when they invented typewriters? I couldn't answer that question because I wasn't around at that time. So it's clear I wasn't reading books either. I'm alive now & watching what's evolving now.
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Feb 8, 2003
I thought this is rather an awkward / stupid question, but it could also make good conversation.

I've noticed that a lot of rappers today when writing verses do it on their phone. And not that it makes a difference nor makes anyone any tighter in that sense, but writing with a pen & pad seems to be more personal & get the best out of an artist.

Maybe artist of today write verses on their phone & that loses the touch of real feeling without the pen & pad? Could that be the cause of continuous whack music?

Is that the missing link to writing with much more emotion in today's music industry?

Real or physiological?

Your thoughts?

you dont even have to actually write it in your phone, you can use speak option spit your bars into the phone and it writes the verse for you(you may have to fix few words). imo its better and quicker to have it in a phone instead of carrying a notebook around bc everyone have they phone around them or in the pocket all day so when you it an idea its easier to record in phone. imo tablet or ipad is better then a phone to write verse in bc you can see the whole song at once instead of scrolling.

just think of this using a phone to write lyrics is like alot artists did in the 80s when they used those tape recorders with the little ass cassette tapes to record they verses or melodies in when they wasnt at the studio. all the greats used them michael jackson, paul mccartney, stevie wonder, mick jagger and many more.

That's exactly my point. The music scene has been going to shit as technology has been evolving. So in answer to your question I'd say, yes I can.
thats mostly bc the labels take away most they creativity so basically artists are sounding and being packaged the way the label want them to be especially with these 360 deals now. thats why its best to stay independent if you have a steady fanbase taht supports you.
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Props: Gemini
Feb 8, 2003
They did lose quality when computers & audio books came into play. How many people actually read books today?

In the 80's if you walked into a home they had bookshelves full of books. Encyclopedias were high priced & showed you to be on top of your education game.

Now you walk into a home & bookshelves are gone & replaced by a computer and Encyclopedias are replaced by Google.
lmao you cant lie though Gem that shit so much easier, cheaper now and plus software and google stay updated. book info gets obsolete after a lil time thats why they had new series come out.
Props: Gemini
Feb 8, 2003
I'm always a bit suspicious about seeing industry cats writing verses on their phone. You almost never see them start from a blank page. Almost like they are getting verses sent to them by their ghostwriter via text.
lol thats exactly whats happening in some cases but ghostwriters been around since the beginning though so you can never tell especially if the writer signed a contract with the talent to keep it confidential.

alot of smash hit classic songs were written by other people then the actual artists performing the song.
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Feb 8, 2003
I don't think this is dumb there's some validity to it. Kind off topic but technology is dumbing society down and cell phones have a lot to do with it. They're just a distraction, and I'm not a writer/rapper but I could see it being much harder to focus writing some bars on a phone when you have messages/emails/calls/ads/ a million other distractions on that bitch. If you're gonna write turn your phone off and use your brain. We're in the age of information, not knowledge. Smart Phones are a big ass distraction for anyone, that's the cells true purpose. Silicon Valley came from WW2, off topic but cell phones are designed to distract people from real shit going on.

exactly. they also being used as tracking devices and to basically dictate people lives. noticed nowdays you cant do shit without internet access. most electronic devices, cell phones, radio, video games requires internet access.
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Feb 8, 2003
someday well see a bunch of people with fucked up thumbs from always typing that shit.

you get fucked up wrist and cramps in hand for writing on paper too lol. so both have pros and cons. honestly what ever way best for the person they should use. and you dont have to always write out the whole verses on your phone either theres actually a couple apps that you can speak into and they automatically turn the bars into writing.
Props: Gemini
Apr 26, 2003
East Oakland, USA
That's exactly my point. The music scene has been going to shit as technology has been evolving. So in answer to your question I'd say, yes I can.
That's bullshit. If you have an opinion that one thing, that's cool. But if you expect me to believe you have some kinda super power where you can tell what media a song was written with youre drinking your own Kool-Aid a little hard. Do you research what way something was written before you buy it? Does college rule sound better than notepad? What if its written crayon? Would your favorite rap song suddenly be different to you if you found out it was written on a phone? Or a PDA? Or etched on a stone tablet.

No, you can not tell the difference, get off it.
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Sicc OG
Jul 22, 2003
lol thats exactly whats happening in some cases but ghostwriters been around since the beginning though so you can never tell especially if the writer signed a contract with the talent to keep it confidential.

alot of smash hit classic songs were written by other people then the actual artists performing the song.
Those confidentiality agreements are wack. I think the original writer should always get some shine. That's why I respect Diddy and Dre, at least they have their writers listed as contributing writers on their albums.
Props: Gemini
May 16, 2002
That's bullshit. If you have an opinion that one thing, that's cool. But if you expect me to believe you have some kinda super power where you can tell what media a song was written with youre drinking your own Kool-Aid a little hard. Do you research what way something was written before you buy it? Does college rule sound better than notepad? What if its written crayon? Would your favorite rap song suddenly be different to you if you found out it was written on a phone? Or a PDA? Or etched on a stone tablet.

No, you can not tell the difference, get off it.

Your getting too riled up & missing the point, Breh. I actually agree with you on your post. I can't lie, it's valid.

My point being that since technology has been evolving, hence the cell phones, the music has been going downhill since the Blackberry came into play. Again, like I've stated in my starting post, "I thought this is rather an awkward / stupid question, but it could also make good conversation." And I'm simply asking opinions, Breh. It's nothing to get upset about and start lashing out in trying to prove something wrong.

Yet, I still believe that technology is not the main part of the reason after reading some very good replies in here. I think it's a combination of it all and technology plays a small role in contributing to whack music of today.

And I will answer this before you come back asking how.

The dumbing down of people on cell phones. Lack of actual face to face communication. Perhaps to anybody over the age of 30 might think it's a stupid statement, but it is affecting the next generation in the way explained within some of these replies.
Apr 26, 2003
East Oakland, USA
Your getting too riled up & missing the point, Breh. I actually agree with you on your post. I can't lie, it's valid.

My point being that since technology has been evolving, hence the cell phones, the music has been going downhill since the Blackberry came into play. Again, like I've stated in my starting post, "I thought this is rather an awkward / stupid question, but it could also make good conversation." And I'm simply asking opinions, Breh. It's nothing to get upset about and start lashing out in trying to prove something wrong.

Yet, I still believe that technology is not the main part of the reason after reading some very good replies in here. I think it's a combination of it all and technology plays a small role in contributing to whack music of today.

And I will answer this before you come back asking how.

The dumbing down of people on cell phones. Lack of actual face to face communication. Perhaps to anybody over the age of 30 might think it's a stupid statement, but it is affecting the next generation in the way explained within some of these replies.
Youre really good at writing paragraphs to absolutely everything.

You said you can hear the difference, and that's a crock.

Poetry didn't start being worse when someone dropped the quill and picked up a pen.

Coach E. No

Jesus es Numero Uno
Mar 30, 2013
That's exactly my point. The music scene has been going to shit as technology has been evolving. So in answer to your question I'd say, yes I can.
If I had an iPad, I could easily see myself using that instead I suppose. I'm not some pen and pad purist that thinks to be real to hip hop, I need to use a pen and a pad. I have just been writing lyrics that way since I was in 6th grade. It's what I know. But over the years I have used a computer or phone because I can write faster that way.
Props: Gemini

Coach E. No

Jesus es Numero Uno
Mar 30, 2013
And in answer to your question about when they invented typewriters? I couldn't answer that question because I wasn't around at that time. So it's clear I wasn't reading books either. I'm alive now & watching what's evolving now.
You had 5 kids before they were invented fool lol
Props: Gemini
May 16, 2002
I think that when rappers type on their phone it does take a little bit of emotion out of the writing process, and my reason why might sound stupid, but i think its because of how easy it can be deleted and re-typed.. when youre writing on paper with a pen you put more thought into it
I have to agree with this 100%. This is exactly my thought. Writing with a pen & pad make it much more personal. I personally believe anything outside of a pen & pad does take away some emotion. Be it me being physiological about it to some, but that's how I feel.

Coach E. No

Jesus es Numero Uno
Mar 30, 2013
I totally disagree. That's like saying that you can't say something deep or from the heart as much if you're just speaking, like you need to think it out completely before you say it.
May 16, 2002
I totally disagree. That's like saying that you can't say something deep or from the heart as much if you're just speaking, like you need to think it out completely before you say it.

And I'm not arguing that point. It's valid, but at the same time the main point everyone is missing in trying to discredit my statements is that what works for one, may not work for all.

Hence, 2Pac wrote & recorded fast. Biggie & Jay-Z never write / wrote anything down. 50 Cent has used a sharpie to write lyrics. Game uses his phone etc. George Lucas hand writes his movie scripts in pencil. Everyone is different in how they get their emotions across. It's whatever works for them. My take is pen & paper, but that's me.

On the other hand, I have yet to hear any great music come out from the new wave / new generation of rappers coming into the game. Some are hit & miss, some I dare question because I just don't see the quality behind the hype etc. And again, I blame part on the technology due to having everything handed to them. This new generation doesn't have to think or really work for things like the people / artist before.

Here is an example, back in the day you knew your Homie's / friends phone numbers by heart. We instilled that in our minds. Remembered that shit til it was embedded deep & never forgot. Today's generation and even those of us who are older have fallen victim to the lazy / no thought process being fed to us. You see it on social networks all the time, "I lost all my contacts on my phone. Inbox me your numbers or text me so I have them again."

People lose their phones today & it's a serious handicap.
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Feb 8, 2003
at the end of the day. phone or paper dosent matter its just all about what teh artists is more comfortable with doing. and far as emotion in verses its more like acting if you can control your emotions but if not then thats a mood and atmosphere thing meaning if you pissed off or hungry then you gonna sound aggressive but if u cool relax you gonna sound laid back.