white guyz

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Jul 6, 2002
DubbC415 said:
itz like if a blacc dude like rocc, no one would say shit.
i'm guessing your assuming your statement above is true?

when i was in elementary and made the transition into jr high..i was all about rock in roll...from metallica to black sabbath..alice in chains to nirvana (when bleach was out, before nevermind)...
i liked to play ice hockey, skateboard, and snowboard...
dont you know i got shit from all sides?
the black kids at my school were sayin i was a sell out becasue i dated white, asian, and hispanic chicks, because i wore vans shoes and jeans that were cutt off on the bottom..
I started to hang with a chosen few, disregarding race (although several of them were white). if you was down then shit let's ride, if not get out my face! ya feel? i wasnt on the same page as alot of my other black peers who were gettin jumped into gangs and trying to come up as the next man on the block! I was terrorizin anchorage, ak skatin where the "no stakeboarding" sign was listening to NOFX throwin up wesside after completing 360 flips after coming offa fast nose slide! oh, and taggin up the skate spots! I didnt give a fuck what people thought about me, i was kind of an outcast.. People used to joke and poke fun at me because I was 14 years old with blonde hair, do you think that i allowed the false assements of others affect me? No, because I have always been real with myself from the jump (I do what makes me happy!), and I ain nan sellout! I fed off of negativity and turned the sterotypes into positives.
I rememeber one time when i was 15 walking through the mall...this preppy dressed light skinned dude stopped me and was like "Do people ever give you shit about the way you dress?"I was wearing a pair of doc martin boots, long tube socks, cut off shorts that were severely tattered at the ends, a grey long sleeve shirt, with a blue pennywise t-shirt over it, and a black kikwear hat w/ a black dude throwin up the duece on the front covering my copper colored head..
"Yeah, people say I dress like a whiteboy, but I aint really stuttin that shit.."
He was like "cool! I used to be just like you wheni was in school, and beacuse I'm mixed half black/ white people used to tell me that I wasnt 'acting black' or whatever..."
so the "whiteboy" steroetype goes both ways (even if you're black!)..
Jul 6, 2002
bayGIANTS said:
first of all, seargent hustle aint nothing but a hipocritical bigot IMO.
*sounds buzzer for incorrect answer!*

The majority of what she speaks on is realness, you should try soakin it up everyonece in awhile, even if you dont agree..
carpe diem (look at an opposing veiw fron a different perspective other than you own sometimes, you might learn something important one day..)

bayGIANTS said:
second, ignorance isnt always a bad thing, people just make it out to be that way. if you are ignorant in something you have no control over like experiencing racism, what can you do? just because white people might have some benefits that other races do not have, doesn't make white people at fault.
how can you justify that being ignorant is okay? do you know what "white avaoidance" is? It's like an unspoken majority rule amungst caucasians that allows them to dodge the bullet of addressing real issues, normally ones that effect minorities..
did you read what happened to me? i went to the judge and the police cheif and got no redress for being discriminated against and falsey accused...both refused to even concider looking into it, or hearing me out. basically they just dismissed my case. as a result Robert E. Lee County got a whole $112 richer...

bayGIANTS said:
if you are gonna say white people deserve to get hated on when they listen to hip hop and dress hip hop just because they mostly live in suburbia and dont experience racism, then maybe black people should deserve the racism because they mostly live in the ghetto and that is where most crime happens. neither one is fair.
Your reasoning is faulty so called playa...racism cannot be jusified period! we all bleed the same blood...
if you knew anything about america's history and about the mass migrations that took place during the first and second world wars where poor blacks were trying to escape sharecropping on the former slave owner's cotton plantation in order to seek better jobs in the north and the west, you'd know that alot of the blacks who did settle in the cities were socieconomically opressed by their white counterparts...this is from hunters point, ca to east st loius, ill and everywhere in between! Many of them settled for jobs in textile mills, or factories where they would eventfully lose after the soldiers returned home from the wars. Then they were stuck and subjected to reside in segregated housing projects where pollution and crime was done mainly by whites who owned the companies. Blacks were financially unable to move away from the undesirable conditions.... generation after generation, up until the present you have people who still live in these neglected sides of towns where whitefolx is scared to go becasue they scared blackfolx is gonna hurt e'm.
and you say it's okay for blacks to experience racism when whitefolx created the trap?:dead:
May 29, 2002
FoeTwin said:

*sounds buzzer for incorrect answer!*

The majority of what she speaks on is realness, you should try soakin it up everyonece in awhile, even if you dont agree..
carpe diem (look at an opposing veiw fron a different perspective other than you own sometimes, you might learn something important one day..)

how can you justify that being ignorant is okay? do you know what "white avaoidance" is? It's like an unspoken majority rule amungst caucasians that allows them to dodge the bullet of addressing real issues, normally ones that effect minorities..
did you read what happened to me? i went to the judge and the police cheif and got no redress for being discriminated against and falsey accused...both refused to even concider looking into it, or hearing me out. basically they just dismissed my case. as a result Robert E. Lee County got a whole $112 richer...

Your reasoning is faulty so called playa...racism cannot be jusified period! we all bleed the same blood...
if you knew anything about america's history and about the mass migrations that took place during the first and second world wars where poor blacks were trying to escape sharecropping on the former slave owner's cotton plantation in order to seek better jobs in the north and the west, you'd know that alot of the blacks who did settle in the cities were socieconomically opressed by their white counterparts...this is from hunters point, ca to east st loius, ill and everywhere in between! Many of them settled for jobs in textile mills, or factories where they would eventfully lose after the soldiers returned home from the wars. Then they were stuck and subjected to reside in segregated housing projects where pollution and crime was done mainly by whites who owned the companies. Blacks were financially unable to move away from the undesirable conditions.... generation after generation, up until the present you have people who still live in these neglected sides of towns where whitefolx is scared to go becasue they scared blackfolx is gonna hurt e'm.
and you say it's okay for blacks to experience racism when whitefolx created the trap?:dead:
first, I've been looking at it from the other side and pointed out that it is nothing but hypocricy.

second, some whites be ignorant when it comes to EXPERIENCING racism but what the fuck can we do about it. if we aint racist and we stick up for people opressed than we did our part. we dont deserve to be opressed just cause we never have. you said yourself racism is NEVER justified.

third, I sure as hell wasn't sayin black people deserve what they go through. "white boys" dont deserve it either. now this shit is :DEAD: there aint no faultiness about it
Jul 6, 2002
bayGIANTS said:
first, I've been looking at it from the other side and pointed out that it is nothing but hypocricy.
Oh, i get it... thats why you said it's okay that "black people should deserve the racism because they mostly live in the ghetto and that is where most crime happens. neither one is fair."

then you continue to babble on and say...

bayGIANTS said:
second, some whites be ignorant when it comes to EXPERIENCING racism but what the fuck can we do about it. if we aint racist and we stick up for people opressed than we did our part. we dont deserve to be opressed just cause we never have. you said yourself racism is NEVER justified.
who are you stickin up for? who's being "oppressed"? what was it, specifically, that you did as your part to stop racism?

bayGIANTS said:
third, I sure as hell wasn't sayin black people deserve what they go through. "white boys" dont deserve it either. now this shit is :DEAD: there aint no faultiness about it
Racism is still alive and thrives all around you...your response hasnt cured a thing! It's still faulty, along with your salty reply.
Jul 6, 2002
My big Lil Brotha (a white man) has somethin he wanted me to copy, edit and paste in this thread, so excuse his spellin/grammah..:

x: that shits real man the whole inner racism thing is getten as bad as any other form of racism teaching each other to hate them selves along with others its bull shit..aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...this sucks this sucks...I hate racism..and Im whiter then white and I have found out that most of the time you can trust a black person more then a white because they come out and tell ya how they think and why they think it fucking. and I have been discriminated agenst too called white boy cracker white trash but that dosent give me a lagit reson to hate others on bases of race just because of the few bad apples(so to speak)that I have ran into..ya tomarrow when I get off work Im gonna register and tear into some of these ignerant fucks that are on that sickness shit when it comes to racism I get heated like a mofo. when I hear the N <<< word I want to hert somebody that shit just pisses me off if your gonna seperate what could be because of skin color then your the problem most of these racest FUCKS are to blind by the teachings of some dumb ass that they cant actually see the big picture..<<<----------------is taking a deep breath gotta calm my self down..that shit just gets me heated..I really dont think that people should be treated diffently because of something thats out of there control..doctor seuss wrote a book called the star bellied sneatches that made a good point
Jul 6, 2002
x: the people who walk around and think there better than someone else because the color of there skin needs to (simply put)have there heads removed from there ass and realize the fact that its not a means of white or black its a means of you or me 1 single person can change the way the world reacts to sertain things but if you play into the stereo types then you have shut out the whole open minded thinking prosess and become a bitter little chump with there head up there ass:devious:
Apr 25, 2002
cover yourself in hip hop rhetoric, but the mirror tells no lies.

all u can, or want to respond to is a flippant comment about crayons, while you shirk away from the real issue: your hippocracy and need to identify with people u r not. issues within yourself cause u to lash out twords other groups of people. hatin on kids from the suburbs, where u came from? hippocrite.

u r so silly. -- I threw that last line is as a cop out for u. from me to u. so u can ingore all the real shit i'm speaking tword your character, and respond as you did previously "u r so basic." so latch on to the last line of levity and ignore who u r as a person.
Aug 5, 2002

I've only read the first page of this post but Ima respond with this--bein' white myself and wasn't fortunate enough to grow up in the burbs, I became a product of my environment (Tangletown North Mpls--gotta rep) so I can relate to both sides--I came from the same background as most of my folkerz (just a mom, no dad, and barley any money) so what did I do?--the same fuckin' thing everybody else was doin'--HUSTLIN'--sure everybody had a pack of dumps under their tounge stompin' around your high school thinkin' they're the shit--but try bein' the white guy in a predominately black school with butter--BIG PROBLEM--all of a sudden he's a wannabe (to the nizzles outside of the people who really knew what I was about)--a wigger (to the white aquaintances I had) and a reject (to about anybody else who gave a fuck about me) so I gotta say it was like the whole world against me--I never in my life claimed to be somethin' I wasn't--the perception that a white individual is goin' to bow down to confrontation may be true in some cases--bring that shit my way and funk is on--and yall might sit there and say and/or think yada-yada-yada--woofin'--but believe me--I feel ackward sittin' here typin' this shit at work--yall may say 9-5in it aint gangsta or whatever--but Im sittin' in my own shit after work (which I'll admit my skin color is an advantage in the work world) still hustlin' but tryin' to go at it alot smarter than say 4-5 years ago--but I've learned to keep the streets and my work totally seperate--but back on track--80-85% of what I've learned in my whole 21 years on this earth came from the streets--whether it's trust, money, women etc.... and I'll admit I've ran across the perpin' white guy claimin' to be in the streets yet stays in Litchfield--so fuck him--sometimes he gets a free pass back to la la land and sometimes he don't--to me I couldn't express it any better than that nizzle X Raided:
"It aint where ya from- its how ya ride- every area code its hardcore worldwide"

Stereotypin' a race of people is ridiculous--its how you handle that ridicule and overcome it is what sets you apart from the rest.......................................outro
May 5, 2002
Humboldt High said:
cover yourself in hip hop rhetoric, but the mirror tells no lies.

all u can, or want to respond to is a flippant comment about crayons, while you shirk away from the real issue: your hippocracy and need to identify with people u r not. issues within yourself cause u to lash out twords other groups of people. hatin on kids from the suburbs, where u came from? hippocrite.

u r so silly. -- I threw that last line is as a cop out for u. from me to u. so u can ingore all the real shit i'm speaking tword your character, and respond as you did previously "u r so basic." so latch on to the last line of levity and ignore who u r as a person.
i'm not a hipocrite just because my skin is light and i don't think like most white people. that does not make me a hipocrite. like i've said numerous times, being white is an advantage and a privledge. i benefit from those same privledges in some cases. i do not deny that....i think it is important for people to address that...and be honest about it. the difference is, i am not defensive about it....i don't throw up my white pride flag and follow the rest like cattle to slaughter. i see the truth and knowin real shit is a responsibility. that's why i try to teach other people about it....perhaps being "white" will help me help other whites to take notice and not be so defensive, but i guess that is not the case. people shun the truth no matter who it comes from. i have done research, i have a degree in this, i've talked to elders and seen shit with my own eyes that i will NOT dismiss just because i am "white" or because i am defensive like you.

DJ Mark 7

Jul 18, 1977
This topic is pretty funny

I feel I have NOTHING to be ashamed of because of my race. My relatives came over to this country in the early 1900s with NO FUCKING HANDOUTS. They were treated horribly as well. WE never owned slaves nor oppressed anybody. They made it on their own without affirmative action or a rainbow coalition. They didn't complain and just worked their asses off...So anyone thinking I owe them can eat a dick. And if anyone thinks that being "white" got me where I am so far in life then think again. I've never taken ANYTHING nor gotten a job because of it...Hell, I'm waiting for the perks to kick in that yer talking about!

This wasn't aimed at anyone in particular so please, no one take it that way. It was just on the general topic.


Mickey Fallon
Sep 10, 2002
Tomato Alley
i understand what u sayin, foetwin, its just some of tha blacc kidz i know like rocc and they dont get shit for it, im sure it goez on everywhere. itz cool, u do what u do, itz just tha way it iz. i dont understand why people care so much if they try to be someone elze anyway. i think some stereotypez are hella funny, for every way, and im not saying we should drop all stereotypez, b/c a lot of them are actually true, and a lotta racez are proud of it. but when it involvez whether or not someone else can tell u tha way they think u should dress and act, itz passin judgment, and its completely hypocritical.
Jun 14, 2002
Colorado Springs, CO
Sergeant Hustle said:

but i will say this.....if you are white and "down" for hip hop/rap music, expect to get some shit. you should.

stop feeling sorry for yourselves. at least you only get shitted on on the web. everywhere else you go you're in the clear.
I've never caught flak for bein white on or off the web, people that know me know I'll put the smash down. I'm one of the realest people you'll ever meet on or off the web. 90% of my homeboys are black, I've never caught flak cuz I roll with mainly black people. I ain't tryin to be black, I don't use the word "nigga", I sag my pants, I do dirt, I smoke weed get drunk, make money, rap and do whatever the fuck I wanna do. Plain and simple, I can go anywhere in fit in regardless of color, I've grown up in the gutter, I did what I had to do to survive, I'm only 20 years old, I'm amazed I've lived this long.

@ Sarge I ain't firin back at you in a mean way I'm just replyin to some of the stuff ya said.

my duece cents....