What Democrats Still Don't Get

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May 8, 2002
What Democrats Still Don't Get

Top Democrats advising the Kerry campaign are scratching their heads raw this week, trying to figure out why John Kerry--even with one good debate performance under his belt and continuing violence in Iraq--still is still having such a hard time convincing voters he would be a more effective commander-in-chief than George Bush. But the answer is actually fairly simple. Kerry--like all doves--is unpersuasive on national security issues because he doesn't realize certain basic truths that have guided American policy for decades. These are:
1. The world is a dangerous place, filled with deadly people. Not just people who are misunderstood. Not just people who are poor. Not just people who have different "values." Deadly people who want us killed. President Bush knows this. The American people know it. American liberals don't.

2. Most nations in the world look out for themselves. We cringe at the idea of a 'global test' because we know who's going to be grading the test. We know the anti-Americanism that exists around the world. We know the incompetence and corruption that dominates the UN. We know that leaders like Jacques Chirac and Gerhard Schroeder are determined to take any opportunity to hinder the United States. We know that international media organizations, from the BBC to Al-Jazeera, are doing everything they can to whip up even more hostility toward this country. In short, we know that you would have a better chance at a fair hearing in an Olympic figure-skating competition than you would of getting a fair grade on a 'global test.'" George Bush knows this. The American people know this. American liberals don't.

3. America is not the world's problem--America is the world's solution. Tying down the United States--through international treaties like Kyoto or the International Criminal Court, or through imposing a "global test" on our ability to respond to problems-will not make the world safer. It will make the world less safe. Limiting U.S. power will not make the world better. It will lead to more pain, more death, more suffering. The United States is the only great nation in the world whose people are willing to make real sacrifices of blood and treasure for world peace. If we don't do it, no one will. President Bush knows this. The American people know it. American liberals don't.

American liberals are making the same mistake in the war on terror that they made during the Cold War. They trust anti-American voices around the world more than they trust the American people. They believe that our responsibilities can be shoved onto the backs of other countries that will not help us. (Although even Kerry has had to admit this week that France and Germany will not send troops in Iraq even if he wins on November 2.) They believe in a moral equivalence between the United States and its adversaries. They were wrong in the 1980's, and they are wrong today. That is why Kerry cannot articulate a credible plan to win the war on terrorism. That is why Edwards looked and sounded so vague Tuesday night. Until American liberals overcome this fear of the American people--until they learn to trust us more than they trust their friends in Europe--they will flip, flop and flounder in their effort to take back the White House.
Jul 7, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:
What Democrats Still Don't Get

Top Democrats advising the Kerry campaign are scratching their heads raw this week, trying to figure out why John Kerry--even with one good debate performance under his belt and continuing violence in Iraq--still is still having such a hard time convincing voters he would be a more effective commander-in-chief than George Bush. But the answer is actually fairly simple. .

a hard time convincing? its a close race!!! 50 50 that same shit can be said about Bush.
Jun 17, 2004
Mcleanhatch said:
What Democrats Still Don't Get

Top Democrats advising the Kerry campaign are scratching their heads raw this week, trying to figure out why John Kerry--even with one good debate performance under his belt and continuing violence in Iraq--still is still having such a hard time convincing voters he would be a more effective commander-in-chief than George Bush. But the answer is actually fairly simple. Kerry--like all doves--is unpersuasive on national security issues because he doesn't realize certain basic truths that have guided American policy for decades. These are:
1. The world is a dangerous place, filled with deadly people. Not just people who are misunderstood. Not just people who are poor. Not just people who have different "values." Deadly people who want us killed. President Bush knows this. The American people know it. American liberals don't.

3. America is not the world's problem--America is the world's solution. Tying down the United States--through international treaties like Kyoto or the International Criminal Court, or through imposing a "global test" on our ability to respond to problems-will not make the world safer. It will make the world less safe. Limiting U.S. power will not make the world better. It will lead to more pain, more death, more suffering. The United States is the only great nation in the world whose people are willing to make real sacrifices of blood and treasure for world peace. If we don't do it, no one will. President Bush knows this. The American people know it. American liberals don't.
i didnt kno u were this ignorant mclean, i thought u had some sort of knowledge of whats goin on in the world.
america is the worlds solution? ...maybe u should leave your good ol' hometown.
America hates to see people suffer? ....can u say sanction? and anyone who believes this obviously has not seen the before and after effects of our invasion in iraq.
Evil people in the world wanna kill us? ....and with posts like this u wonder why.
Dec 25, 2003
First I must start by stating that this post is filth. Filthy filth. Filth smelling filth. Its comedic filth, though.

Mcleanhatch said:
Top Democrats advising the Kerry campaign are scratching their heads raw this week, trying to figure out why John Kerry--even with one good debate performance under his belt and continuing violence in Iraq--still is still having such a hard time convincing voters he would be a more effective commander-in-chief than George Bush.
Read: A campaign without balls. George Bush gets out and says....something. He sounds stupid, and he looks stupid, but Kerry's intellectualite drone "puts people to sleep". Kerry's large word use alienates most Americans, who are bum fucking stupid. When you say things like "pervasive" "incumbent", "the", Americans begin to tune out. When Bush repeats statements like "Freedom, Demurcracy, and Fair elections", the stupid take note.

Kerry--like all doves--is unpersuasive on national security issues because he doesn't realize certain basic truths that have guided American policy for decades. These are:

1. The world is a dangerous place, filled with deadly people. Not just people who are misunderstood. Not just people who are poor. Not just people who have different "values." Deadly people who want us killed. President Bush knows this. The American people know it. American liberals don't.
No, they dont. Liberals actually want to invite people who missed their chance at the original hijacking to come in America for a second. 9/11 all over again. As a matter of fact, liberals caused 9/11, basically. Since we all know Bill Clinton didn't take Osama, the conclusion is clear.

America knows the world is a dangerous place. That's why we secretly support people in places like Nicaurauga, and take out governments in places like Iran, all without the public even knowing the half of it! We all know how dangerous a chance at food and potable water would be, so we make it unavailable to Third World countries. There's nothing more dangerous than a literate man from Sierra Leone with no parasites in his stomach.

2. Most nations in the world look out for themselves.
Yet only one nation acts as if it is the only fucking nation in the world of consequence!

We cringe at the idea of a 'global test' because we know who's going to be grading the test. We know the anti-Americanism that exists around the world.
You ever wonder why, you stupid bitch? Possibly because idiots like you put up the largest Al-Qaeda recruitment poster ever. (read: The Iraq War)

We know the incompetence and corruption that dominates the UN. We know that leaders like Jacques Chirac and Gerhard Schroeder are determined to take any opportunity to hinder the United States.
Oh yea, they didn't want to go to Iraq, so logically, if they could nuke us and get away with it, they would.

We know that international media organizations, from the BBC to Al-Jazeera, are doing everything they can to whip up even more hostility toward this country.
BBC is probably the ONLY real large-scale "fair and balanced" news network in the fucking world. Oh wait, Fox News, they're totally impartial!

3. America is not the world's problem--America is the world's solution. Tying down the United States--through international treaties like Kyoto or the International Criminal Court,
How the fuck is making sure we pollute less "tying us down"? LMFAO. Yes, we cannot shoot cancer-causing chemicals into the environment at a breakneck pace, so we cannot fight terror. Yes bitch, 500 less smokestacks in America is going to cause another 9/11. :siccness:

Limiting U.S. power will not make the world better. It will lead to more pain, more death, more suffering. The United States is the only great nation in the world whose people are willing to make real sacrifices of blood and treasure for world peace.
World peace? Since when have we gave a fuck about world peace?

Real sacrifices of blood and threasure? The US has lot the least amount of people per capita of any nation in the world. 3000 American dead on 9/11 has caused over 30,000 deaths worldwide...mostly civilians. Is this our blessed blood sacrifice? Where is the US in Sudan right now? Where was the US during the Armenian genocide?

Until American liberals overcome this fear of the American people--until they learn to trust us more than they trust their friends in Europe--they will flip, flop and flounder in their effort to take back the White House.
Until American conservatives can realize that there are other people in the world besides the US, and that acting like retarded, jingoistic, flag-waving hypocrites does not make one a patriot or a good person, our country is headed to shit. Absolute fucking shit. Idiots like this bitch make me laugh. Get out. Read a fucking book.

God...why is all conservative punditry written at a 6th or 7th grade level?

RuThLeSs RiCk

Mcleanhatch said:
What Democrats Still Don't Get

Top Democrats advising the Kerry campaign are scratching their heads raw this week, trying to figure out why John Kerry--even with one good debate performance under his belt and continuing violence in Iraq--still is still having such a hard time convincing voters he would be a more effective commander-in-chief than George Bush. But the answer is actually fairly simple. Kerry--like all doves--is unpersuasive on national security issues because he doesn't realize certain basic truths that have guided American policy for decades. These are:
1. The world is a dangerous place, filled with deadly people. Not just people who are misunderstood. Not just people who are poor. Not just people who have different "values." Deadly people who want us killed. President Bush knows this. The American people know it. American liberals don't.
Nobody is as dangerous or deadly as the American government. These people are angry for a reason. Maybe if you took the time to get an education you would know what the reason is.

2. Most nations in the world look out for themselves. We cringe at the idea of a 'global test' because we know who's going to be grading the test. We know the anti-Americanism that exists around the world. We know the incompetence and corruption that dominates the UN. We know that leaders like Jacques Chirac and Gerhard Schroeder are determined to take any opportunity to hinder the United States. We know that international media organizations, from the BBC to Al-Jazeera, are doing everything they can to whip up even more hostility toward this country. In short, we know that you would have a better chance at a fair hearing in an Olympic figure-skating competition than you would of getting a fair grade on a 'global test.'" George Bush knows this. The American people know this. American liberals don't.
Again, they don't like the US for a reason. I hate this fuckin country and I live here. If they lived here then they would hate this fucked up country even more.

3. America is not the world's problem--America is the world's solution. Tying down the United States--through international treaties like Kyoto or the International Criminal Court, or through imposing a "global test" on our ability to respond to problems-will not make the world safer. It will make the world less safe. Limiting U.S. power will not make the world better. It will lead to more pain, more death, more suffering. The United States is the only great nation in the world whose people are willing to make real sacrifices of blood and treasure for world peace. If we don't do it, no one will. President Bush knows this. The American people know it. American liberals don't.
The United States government is interested in the US government and the elite..they couldn't care less about anybody else. They don't give a fuck about you unless you're making millions a year.

American liberals are making the same mistake in the war on terror that they made during the Cold War. They trust anti-American voices around the world more than they trust the American people. They believe that our responsibilities can be shoved onto the backs of other countries that will not help us. (Although even Kerry has had to admit this week that France and Germany will not send troops in Iraq even if he wins on November 2.) They believe in a moral equivalence between the United States and its adversaries. They were wrong in the 1980's, and they are wrong today. That is why Kerry cannot articulate a credible plan to win the war on terrorism. That is why Edwards looked and sounded so vague Tuesday night. Until American liberals overcome this fear of the American people--until they learn to trust us more than they trust their friends in Europe--they will flip, flop and flounder in their effort to take back the White House.
How long did it take you to come up with this incoherent poor excuse for a paragraph? Maybe you should educate yourself to how the world really works and then maybe you can make comments about politics and the world situation. You have no handle on real-world politics. You believe everything you're fed by the government. Fuck AMERICA!
May 8, 2002
RuThLeSs RiCk said:
How long did it take you to come up with this incoherent poor excuse for a paragraph? Maybe you should educate yourself to how the world really works and then maybe you can make comments about politics and the world situation. You have no handle on real-world politics. You believe everything you're fed by the government. Fuck AMERICA!

LOL. pay attention. this was an column posted by Laura Ingraham not myself dummy!!!!!!
Apr 6, 2004
This shit is funny!!!!
I agree wit the cat that said if em foolz that hated America lived here they'd hate it mo'.
We are easily the most hypocritical country in the world, built on murder, America is.
We have sweat shops a block from the UN, trade w/ China cuz it supoorts billion dollar American businesses but make the poor peolpe of Cuba starve cuz Castro kicked out all the corrupt American business there. We have the largest terroist groups, that is since gangs R terrorist accorrding to our govt. N with the police N prsion guards as large as they are, well there U have the largest gang/terrorist org. in the world. Who trained have these "Islamic Terrorist" in torture N beheading techniques, the CIA.
The US does stupid shit that pisses of every1 esle 2 help out itz rich, 2 bad the people here r 2 blind 2 c it.
Jan 9, 2004
Mcleanhatch3. America is not the world's problem--America is the world's solution. [/QUOTE said:
Wouldn't a Republican rather that America keep its fat snout out of other people's business and be its own people's solution? I dont get it and Im a registered Republican. If we shouldnt be in the Kyoto Treaty, the UN or any other world collective, why do we have troops scattered all over the world and our registered corporations doing business all over the world. Please explain without your juvenile insults or drama-queen sarcasm for once.