Video of Killa Tay getting punked

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Apr 17, 2015
Only those creepy "passionate" wax fans think different and happen to think this is a war and everybody not trippin of awax is an enemy on the "split siccness". Created some weird form of hate for wax im not denying that but its not that other rappers have a gang of such online weirdos aswell they just get support because ppl try to fuck over wax and his stans.
LOL! You fan boys are something else, always trying to claim a wax fans are the dickriders...

Do this: search the last 5 Hus and killatay threads by date, now search the last 5 awax threads.

Which one is full of stans causing drama in unrelated threads?

It sure ain't pierx supporters.

Now I'll let siccness get back to its original scheduled programming of being owned by a 16 year old chav.
May 27, 2006
LOL! You fan boys are something else, always trying to claim a wax fans are the dickriders...

Do this: search the last 5 Hus and killatay threads by date, now search the last 5 awax threads.

Which one is full of stans causing drama in unrelated threads?

It sure ain't pierx supporters.

Now I'll let siccness get back to its original scheduled programming of being owned by a 16 year old chav.
This whole thread was made by an awax fan because of an awax post discrediting others in fake ways / and even you took time to voice your opinion for wax / open your eyes /
May 27, 2006
So you dissed a man you don't even personally know as a "favor" to another man? That's the lamest and most bitchmade shit I ever heard
Some truth right here. Crazy wax doesnt even realize anymore what he means by his words. Explains lots of his actions online. Start to reflect get real man.
Jan 18, 2006
oh look Cutthroat needs someone to hold his hand like usual. I dont get mad, i just make children look like children. Im well aware of things so you might wanna try a little harder lol