The first official LDS debate.

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May 29, 2002
first I want to say that this is not for anyone that isnt truly a god fearing individual. I'll do my best to ignore anyone that I feel is not open to learning new things and I would hope that people bring an open mind when posting in this thread. There are a number of people that I respect who post in this forum so I thought I would bring this up here since I feel like I relate to people here moreso than anywhere else and i dont feel like going anywhere else right now.

but let me start by saying that I was born into a LDS family in which nearly all of my living family are practicing ladder day saints. at some point in my life i chose to sway from the beliefs and ignored what i was taught through my life. I recently, in an attempt to find myself, I have gotten back into thinkng about religion and trying to decide which, if any, religion I might want to follow. Now I'm sure that most havent really given the LDS faith much attention and have written it off as being crazy and extreme, but in my search, I seem to be realizing that it is really the only religion that I feel is truly without corruption. This may be hard for some of you to believe but I will do my best to answer any questions and debate any issues anyone has.

so please, I would like people to give their own opinion on the LDS faith which I would hope would help bring me to the next step in this current quest in life. and please, leave the childish behavior for the BART forum.

I'll try and get back to this thread later tonite.
Apr 4, 2006
god looks at the heart not the denomination your in.i think most people on here will agree that all religions are corrupt in some manner.but why do you believe LDS is not
Mar 12, 2005
@ bayGIANTS, In my most humble opinion, I would suggest you sway away from Organized and Orthodox Church, K-nine is right for once, the modern day churches are corrupted. But do what you feel is necessary, I won't force my faith or belief, but if you are ever curious as to why I believe in what I believe, you can feel free to ask.
May 29, 2002
Stockton209SS said:
@ bayGIANTS, In my most humble opinion, I would suggest you sway away from Organized and Orthodox Church, K-nine is right for once, the modern day churches are corrupted. But do what you feel is necessary, I won't force my faith or belief, but if you are ever curious as to why I believe in what I believe, you can feel free to ask.
what do you believe?
May 29, 2002
k-nine said:
god looks at the heart not the denomination your in.i think most people on here will agree that all religions are corrupt in some manner.but why do you believe LDS is not
from growing up around the church I havent seen any corruption or heard about any corruption like there are in a lot of the other big christian faiths
Mar 12, 2005
I'm an unorganized and unorthodox Christian, I don't believe in the Rapture, and that the United States is this so called Holy City which God would establish his kingdom. I consider myself free of Church Denominations and am not tied to a church, sect, denomination or specific belief. I believe that Jesus Christ is God, he is the Son of God and he is the Messiah. I also believe in God and when they refer to the term the trinity that God is three distinct persons, but is one God. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy spirit. Only through Jesus is God Worshipped, for there is no name greater than Yeshua hebrew for Jesus. I believe in the Bible, and I believe that through the inspiration, prayer and meditation of the Holy Spirit the Scriptures can be interpreted.

I believe we are not worthy to recieve any blessings from God, but by the Sacrifice of Yeshua, through his love and Grace we recieve blessings. I also believe that he is the light, the truth and the Way. I believe in an eternal hell and an eternal heaven.

It's just a quick description of what I am and what I believe, if you have any questions you may feel free to ask.
Mar 12, 2005
bayGIANTS said:
from growing up around the church I havent seen any corruption or heard about any corruption like there are in a lot of the other big christian faiths
Here's quick advice, just because you see these nice men of God patrolling around and showing a good side, doesn't mean the church isn't corrupted. It's been corrupte for a long, long time now. Each Denomination has had it's share of misguided interpretations and false prophets and prophecies. Don't let the nice attitude fool ya.


Apr 25, 2002
nhojsmith said:

Please translate this for me please, thank you.
It seems to me that he is talking about people who are going to insult and turn the thread into mush--people who are not open to new things. Thats what I get from it.

Lets look at your statement again:

you want people with open minds, but only if they fear god?
While the two statements you quoted are in close proximity to each other, I do not believe one is dependant on the other. He never said he wanted people with open minds but only if they feared God. What he said was this is not for anyone that isn't a God fearing individual, and an open mind is something he hopes people bring. It was not a prerequisite to partaking in the thread, but not having an open mind may get you ignored.

You can thank me for the spin job later. lol!
Mar 12, 2005
@njojsmith, I agree for the most part of what you said. Mormons are some of the most nicest people you'll ever meet and have better morals then some self proclaimed Christians.
Mar 12, 2005
I'm LDS, not active tho. My parents are active practicing Mormons tho. I have conflicted views, but still consider myself Mormon.
I wish not to turn this into a closed mind thread like BayGiant has said, or into Mush as Heresy has stated, but you mind sharing your conflicting views?


Apr 25, 2002
nhojsmith said:
@heresy; well put

@op; though i may not be god fearing, ill give my opinion of mormons based on what i know and have observed, feel free to ignore this.

While its founding is ridiculous even by religious standards, the mormons i have met have been genuine, humble, law abiding, and thoughtful people. While most of the mormon girls ive met have been of physically ugly, i think it might just be a function of them not placing as high of an importance on physical appearance than their heathen counterparts. The individuals I have met also seem very happy, and i found myself jealous of them at times.

It seems they had a purpose, rules tha regulate the confines in which they could achieve their purpose, and ample opprtunity to achieve such. Of course im talking about the mission etc. I thought this was a great thing, giving people a purpose, as it eliminates a lot of the angst others suffer through while trying to find the meaning of their life. I honestly think that if i could choose to be mormon, i would be, but in my current state of mind i could not genuinely believe in its teachings, but if you can, then all the better for you.

Plus you get to rule a planet of something like that when you die, a much better bonus than clouds and harps in my opinion.

PS no corruption? i hope this is a joke, warren jeffs??!?!?! you may not associate your religion with him, but he associates himself with your religion, nothing is sacred (accidental pun) in the world of corruption.
Thats pretty good. I like the "heathen counterparts" thing you had going on there. In fact it made me think about something. Out of all the door to door religious salesmen I've encountered the LDS, didn't really have fine females, but the J.W.'s did.

But as for my personal take, I've read all about the religion, its dogmas/doctrine and what they profess to believe in, and it didn't add up to what was presented in the bible. Also, the way they used to view african americans (and probably still do) leaves much to be desired in my honest opinion.