Also, I learned I have one of the freshest professors ever today. Homie brought me back some shit from China where he went over there for a gallery opening. And he always has funny questions like about trannys, drugs, and gang bangs (because he is asian, and knows nothing about this stuff apparently)
I learned bitches will try to change you from the get go today. This bitch got mad at me for being stoned talking to her. Saying she will talk to me when I'm not high.
I learned that my supervisor is a douche and he makes me hate my job.
I also learned that I put too much faith in guys being mature enough to handle relationships... they always seem to prove me wrong. There's some proof on this board that kinda pisses me off.
I learned that my supervisor is a douche and he makes me hate my job.
I also learned that I put too much faith in guys being mature enough to handle relationships... they always seem to prove me wrong. There's some proof on this board that kinda pisses me off.
I learned bitches will try to change you from the get go today. This bitch got mad at me for being stoned talking to her. Saying she will talk to me when I'm not high.
Trying to stay up too long without the aid of the appropriate drugs fucking sucks. (been trying to reset my sleep schedule)
watch out for filipino/japanese/spaniard chicks with MAN FEATURES, BRO. MAN FEATURES
I need to start writing every day again. I've been writing some pretty fucking rad shit intermittently that could be even fucking radder if I got more in practice like I used to be.