Saddam gets his

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Jun 15, 2005
So because America is wrongfully in Iraq, that somehow means the death of Saddam should not be seen as a small moral victory against the worlds ruthless dictators?

I support neither Bush, nor this war, but if "we" are to get some retaliation and destruction in return, then I want you who seem to feel glad about it to get some, too. Serious talk. You cats wanna use the death of Saddam as some more fuel for your position? Cool. Take yours with open arms when it comes.
Aug 3, 2005
well in response to joey and ethereal's debate, i believe bush should be hanged just as Saddam has been. both of them are murderers, both are responsible for the loss of innocent lives, both are trigger happy cowboys who want to take over the world, both strip their own people of their rights, both have retarded relatives who are corruptly protected, etc etc...the only difference is that bush is a lot stupider than saddaam, he actually knew what he is doing wheras bush seems like he just bushes buttons and chuckles...

in regards to the death of saddaam, all i know is that people back home in Iran are happy as fuck and are partying their asses off right now. saddaam is a snake and it could not have ended any other way for him. whether it was morally correct or not, its the only way it could have gone down for him. his fate was inevitable.
Jun 10, 2002
Shit just cuz his ass is dead aint shit gonna get better. all Sadaam dying did was give them more of a reason to act a fucking fool. in there eyes hes gonna be a martyur so you already know its going to add more fuel to there fire.


Sicc OG
Mar 9, 2005
MC_PM$ said:
Here is the video!

REALLY FUCKED UP SHIT! You can even see him blinking his eyes while he's hanging!
It's strange how many people have a morbid fascination with death.

Hussein was a nasty bastard, no-one can deny that. He ruled Iraq with an iron fist, and although he killed many people, iraq was a lot more stable with him as a dictator. Look at the chaos the country has been thrown into now that he's gone.

Hussein killed an estimated tens of thousands of people. For this, he was executed. Bush, by invading Iraq, is responsible for the deaths of not only 3,000 US troops, but untold thousands (some say as many as 650,000) iraqi civilians. If Hussein deserved to die for what he done, then Bush should be hung 100 times over.

I don't think that the death of Saddam should be seen as a small moral victory against the worlds ruthless dictators. Instead, it should be seen as a warning to other OPEC nations to (a) banish the thought of switching to the petroeuro and (b) give America a constant supply of cheap oil so they can fuck up the planet even more than it is already. After all, do you think that Bush would have given a shit about Hussein if there was no oil in Iraq? Case in point - the US are building up troop numbers in oil-rich western Africa to secure oil supplies. They're even developing small rapid-reaction teams to quell any potential civilian violence and toying with the idea of stationing troops at camps and air strips. On the flip side, do you remember how reluctant the US was to send troops to oil-less Liberia?

In other words, Hussein never fit into Bush's agenda other than being a scape-goat, an excuse to start a war over oil. Iraq will be worse off, at least for the next few years, now that he is gone. The death of Hussein is no victory. It's just another symbol, like when the troops pulled down the statue of Saddam and photos lined the papers of civilians whacking it with their shoes and cheering - something the American people can look at with 'pride' and fool themselves into believing that 'it was all worth it'. Of course, those of you who are smart (which includes the majority of people in this forum thank God!) aren't as gullible as the average stupid yank and can see through Bush's charade. Fuck Bush, he's a wolf in sheeps clothing and is far worse than Hussein ever was.
Sep 12, 2002
Doesn't this make Saddam a martyr in some social circles (i.e. taliban muhfuckaz?)?

I would rather lock someone u in solitary for the rest of their lives and make them suffer then kill them. What point does killing someone make?

I would like to add that Bush is just as fucked up as these so-called "war criminals... --->
South Korea is known to have thousands of detainees locked up in overcrowded modern day concentration/labor camps and nothing is being done about it.
Look at Amerikkkas drug laws. A person who is convicted of cocaine possesion and/or trafficking cocaine, will receive a significantly reduced/lower sentence then someone who is caught with rock cocaine.

Wars are money factories... Its all about money and political interest..

With alla that being said.......

F*ck B*sh!