Producers getting paid

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Sicc OG
Jan 2, 2003
Ok I have bought my whole studio i got it and i am making tight beats.

So how do i start getting paid for this. DUh i know sell beats but

does anyone have any tips or suggestions on how to go about doing this. I talk to people in the streets but 99.9% of the time its all bullshit, and they dont wanna buy beats they just want to rap.

Any tips would be great.
Apr 26, 2002
Jaz said:

I talk to people in the streets but 99.9% of the time its all bullshit, and they dont wanna buy beats they just want to rap.
I'm come across this shit very often. Or people don't want to spend any money on Production from someone that's tight and has the skills but is not well known. People are cheap as fuck these days
Aug 12, 2002
That is how the game is right now... 4 out of 5 times, someone who likes your music won't want to pay a dime for a track because their cousin makes (garbage) beats for them for free or whatever. It is part of the reason for a lot of lack luster releases as of late. People are trying to be their own CEOs without knowing good business principles. In the short term, it certainly is cheaper to put out your album with free or $75 beats, but when it comes down to it, if the beats are not of high quality, the artist doesn't sell any units and looses fans and doesn't turn a profit. My advice: you have got to have the mouthpeice to show these thick headed wannabe CEOs the big picture. If they're bullshittin, keep walking by...

Apr 26, 2002
^Real Shit, On the Mouthpiece part, you have to make them think that you have a lot of game on what you do. Makin' Them think "oh, ok, This guy knows his shit, I'll fuck with 'em"
Aug 12, 2002
Tell them to think of buying your tracks as an investment in their album project. Considering a lot of people with their own label get $5 - $7 per cd sold, you can lay it out like this: if you charge $200 per track, they only have to sell 30 copies to break even on their investment with you for one track. Is your beat going to help them sell 30 more copies than their cd would without your beat? I guess that depends on your music...

Apr 25, 2002
BIG J said:
^Real Shit, On the Mouthpiece part, you have to make them think that you have a lot of game on what you do. Makin' Them think "oh, ok, This guy knows his shit"
I only agree with this in part. Convincing people you know what the fuck you're talking about can help you at the negotiating table but you better watch out with that because there will be times when you have to prove yourself. If you're not able to do that, it's a quick way to make a bad name for yourself.

Anyhow, this dude asked the million dollar question didn't he? How do you actually get paid doing beats? I don't know a lot of cats who are very willing to break this down. I'll make a couple comments on it..

There's basically two classes when it comes to that. The cats who are fuckin' with corporate type money and the cats who fuck with anything else. You need to position yourself around people who are in a position to put you on if the choose to. Corporate money is about who you know & who puts you on. You will never get major league paychecks playing on little league teams. That doesn't mean don't mess with the independants or cats who haven't made a name for themself yet because that's a good way to gain knowledge & experience. Just keep in mind that who you surround yourself with has a lot to do with where you can expect to be.

A whole lotta people claim they are in the music business but very few of them are actually eating off it. Doing favors and selling yourself short doesn't garauntee you jack shit in return but still always keep your eyes & ears open for opportunity.


Sicc OG
Jan 2, 2003
bumpus and J - at least im not the only one it happens too. Thanks for the advise

SWI - thanks for the comment now i gotta find those people, I think thats gonna be harder then finding people to buy beats. LOL

ni6- thanks for droppin them links but i aint sellin my beats for 10 bucks pimp i got like 15g's in my studio and i need to make some of that back.

the thing that just erks me is how people sell tickets about oh "i know so and so and thats my cousin, and we did tracks together and im gonna be on his next cd so really im helpin you out."

thats bullshi--
Apr 25, 2002
Jaz said:
the thing that just erks me is how people sell tickets about oh "i know so and so and thats my cousin, and we did tracks together and im gonna be on his next cd so really im helpin you out."

thats bullshi--
Most of the time it is bullshit, you're right. Don't buy into that. There's a million and one excuses these cats will give you to convince you to give up beats for free or close to it. It's this simple though... Doing favors for cats who don't have either have long money behind them or big sales, ain't doing anyone a favor but them. Honestly, the 'big fish' don't give a fuck if you've worked with 100 nobodies. You ain't winning any points with anyone by selling yourself short.

What's really funny to me is seeing all these cats who swear up & down that they are 100% serious about their music but then don't do anything to show it. Selling beats for next to nothing, letting anyone rap over their shit and stuff like that. The only thing that proves is that you ain't worth much.

If your beats are that hot man, fuck spinnin' your wheels about it with cats who can't really get you anywhere. Look for representation. Someone who can put your material in front of the right people. Get in touch with people who place music for a living.


Sicc OG
Jan 2, 2003
"Get in touch with people who place music for a living."

Do you mean like get a manager or something, sorry im kinda unclear