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Sep 23, 2003
I'm very proud of a lot of you guys realizing it takes some photography to take your artwork to the next level. finally !!!! lets keep it moving up. I been realize it but just didn't know where to start then when i learn where to start i ain't have the money. Well now i been in my new studio for bout 2 weeks, and made enough money to take my game to a totally new level. I will be posting a few weeks some shots from the new equipment.

I replaced everything except my nikon camera. I now have a few back drops , some 2 new sets of strobes, and portable power source "some photographer dream" which will allow me to get awesome night shots. and mid days thats i could never get. I'm broke as of right now fund this new shit lol, but I will try to make the best of it. I have already set up a few free shoots for locals to test the equipment. look forward to the post guys and keep up the good work.

oh yea LadyTragik I really look up to your work
May 15, 2002
Photography is that SHIT! I just started shooting, but Im loving it. Its more excitement to photography. Unlike the graphics game, this takes more time, dedication and most of all...more of an INVESTMENT to get into. A person can download software for free and call themselves a graphic artist. But with photography...u gotta have money to get into this. If youre not willing to invest, u wont go far.
Aug 29, 2006
i'm not really sure what you mean by knowing photography would take your graphics to the next level? I mean that's obvious? alot of people don't have the option to do the photography, it's restraints of people being on the internet and not being able to reach the artists etc. in my opinion photography is some whole other shit than graphic design, because half the time people who are ill with photography just do dope pictures and type on fonts, I don't understand why people gotta put it like that, "FINALLY YOU REALIZE"...... it's kinda disrespectful like your trying to son people in my opinion, photography is not really nothing new.
just come on & post that you got a new setup man it aint' that serious
Oct 7, 2002
@threex, thanks man i appreciate that

but i just gotta say that there has happened to be a surge in the past 5 years of anyone and everyone going out and "becoming" photographers with the availability and access to prosumer DSLR cameras. People going out and spending around $500-$1000 on low end dslrs that still produce great images - yet they aren't investing in learning the technical side of photography. and im not saying go and spend $40,000 at Brooks Institute, Academy of art or whatever - there are great affordable classes at City Colleges as well as a vast amount of information for free on the web - and i am talking way beyond just learning about Shutter speed, ISO & Aperture.. those are just the basics - and if you're going to invest in a D200, D300, D3 or higher you need to immerse yourself in manual functions - everyone seems to proclaim themselves as having the "eye" but aesthetics of photography can only take you so far - im taking classes on video production, motion & final cut pro at sf state and over 90% of the students there call themselves filmmakers but are clueless on knowing the technical aspect. Im in no way a filmmaker, but have always been interested in that field so instead of teaching myself like i did photography & some minor design, i went and looked into scholarships to take these classes. Same goes with design, alot of "graphic designers" have been self taught and only know their way around Adobe Photoshop and have neglected to immerse themselves in Illustrator or InDesign for that matter which are both programs you need to learn in order to become an actual Graphic Designer in this industry. (Speaking on myself as well) I still am a student when it comes to design and have barely managed to open illustrator and poke around - the pen tool is still something thats so fuckin foreign to me and thats just being honest.

Another thing that i see which is fairly common especially in the bay area is "one man does all" mentality which does quite some damage to the economy and trade

2 years ago i was doing photoshoots about 10-15 times a month, of course at chump change which im still making - but now that everyone has a prosumer DSLR or has a cousin or someone in their "camp" with one, business has gotten real slow (im only talking about the Bay Area Music Scene) which is why im starting to make connections with Modeling Agencies & other genres who pay alot more than chump change. I also see a surge in graphic designers going out and getting cameras themselves which is great on their end, bad for business on a photographer's end who primarily just specializes in photography as qwasion mentioned.

To be honest, photography is just something i wanted to do for fun as a hobby, but i've always had some kind of hustle one way or another and in order to fund making music since im not on any label or have any type of financial support, photography just became a way i could do that. It's gotten to a point where i've put my music aside and have become more known as a photographer which really wasn't how i wanted to enter this small little industry in the bay area. It's not that im not greatful for people wanting to spend their last paycheck on a photoshoot, or being an inspiration to other up and coming photographers - it's just that i wish i could have worked on my music a little more and pushed that aspect instead. Reality is that music doesn't put food on my table, but i just started putting things into perspective last night (which was my 23rd birthday) - realizing im getting older and time waits for no man/woman. ages 20-30 are peak for making it anywhere in the industry, aside from Rick Ross lol im probably over reacting and right now im just typing without thinking so if i've offended anyone i do apologize that wasn't my intention. But i think that's why i never really went after or tried to pursue celebrity photography (most of the shoots i do are with regular folks just trying to make it like everyone else) and i treat them as i would treat anyone with the utmost respect. I've never been the groupie type and everytime i watch those red carpet shows i see how fuckn cutthroat the paparazzi game is lol and even if i was hired by a celeb, or management, whatever - i still don't like being in that position, i dont want to be the one taking pictures of Rihanna or whoever, i wanna be kickn it with the bitch..shit maybe even tastin the bitch LOL id rather be taking photos of concrete and cigarette butts -

No one fuckin remembers photographers honestly, unless its someone that inspired another photographer, or just monopolized the industry point blank. I do think of photography like art, and artists should be remembered.

Okay, im gunna end this here because i kinda went on a tangent and don't remember the point of anything i was trying to say lol, but i hope it made sense to someone
Aug 29, 2006
Lady Tragik, it's all about how you market & promote..... and the area you choose... or live in......

you would be a millionaire in other states.... if you marketed it correctly. I choose personally not to even do alot of photography because it takes away from time doing design where I could be making money. but if I had a photographer working with me in my area that was any good, they'd be rich as hell.....
Oct 7, 2002
Lady Tragik, it's all about how you market & promote..... and the area you choose... or live in......

you would be a millionaire in other states.... if you marketed it correctly. I choose personally not to even do alot of photography because it takes away from time doing design where I could be making money. but if I had a photographer working with me in my area that was any good, they'd be rich as hell.....
oh im already knowin the bay area is not the place to be lol - im planning on moving to New York or LA soon - but right now im working with this non-profit which is taking up most of my time so i dont have a lot of time to market or promote. i work 50+ hours a week at the non profit, so the only time i get to do photoshoots is during the weekend, and i go to sf state on saturdays, so basically my day is 9-7pm non-profit work, 8pm-4am photography&design

i dont make shit at the non-profit gig, about $1600 a month full time which i can make in one day doing the side shit. i love my non profit job - but becoming a millionaire wouldn't hurt LOL


Sicc OG
Mar 12, 2008
but q..u could make 4x what u make with 1 photoshoot than u could with 1 cover..but liek u depends where u live.

but i honestly didnt get into photography for the money..i just like it and money is a perk. where as designing (mixtape covers atleast) is no longer a passion of mine and i just do it cuz its easy money..but if a better oppurunity money wise was to come take it.

im no where close to being a professional photographer. id like to go back to school for just not a good student.
Aug 29, 2006
i'm not really that knowledgeable as to what the price scale on photography should be... but i'm guessing your thinking I make the $50 a cover or whatever that alot of online d00ds make... I make $65-$100 a cover on the net.... and when I step off the net, I make way more.... if I do the photography, the cover, meet the people in person etc, I make $500-$1000 for a cd project from top to bottom with photography and the whole 9.... sometimes more.... just depends on what all needs to be done and how many panels and locations etc. I been doing photography for a minute, but I make more money for covers offline in general also, the net beats the prices on shit down, as you can see I don't do alot of those mixtape type joints no more, I do mostly unsigned artist stuff. that's what I was saying on the other board is that I gave most of those jobs away and moved on to bigger & better things


Sicc OG
Mar 12, 2008
u could make 500-1000 just on a photoshoot alone

i do mostly unsigned artists stuff now too..i dont care about 50 cent mixtapes and shit

50 dollars and 65 dollars is not a huge scale stretch..i get between 70-150 a cover and photography still pays better
Oct 7, 2002
[/quote]i'm not really that knowledgeable as to what the price scale on photography should be... but i'm guessing your thinking I make the $50 a cover or whatever that alot of online d00ds make... I make $65-$100 a cover on the net.... and when I step off the net, I make way more.... if I do the photography, the cover, meet the people in person etc, I make $500-$1000 for a cd project from top to bottom with photography and the whole 9.... sometimes more.... just depends on what all needs to be done and how many panels and locations etc. I been doing photography for a minute, but I make more money for covers offline in general also, the net beats the prices on shit down, as you can see I don't do alot of those mixtape type joints no more, I do mostly unsigned artist stuff. that's what I was saying on the other board is that I gave most of those jobs away and moved on to bigger & better things[/quote]

industry photographers make anywhere from $4,000-$20,000 a day/shoot

and $500-$1000 is pretty low end for a whole cd project w/ shoot

i charge around $600 - $800 for a full photoshoot alone
Aug 29, 2006
word, I hear alot of people say that i'm charging low, but I also don't know shit about I crank shit out at a heavy scale of work...... also photo edit time is required in with the pics. everything been working out pretty well for me, maybe I go up in the future, but i'm good for now.... I am pretty happy with money/workload at this point


Sicc OG
Mar 12, 2008
i got a photoshoot tomorrow im getting around 500 for..and when i tell the potential client the price they are all like "THATS IT??" cuz alot of photographers charge up to 1000 or more..

im still learning in photography so i wanna have a good excuse to raise my price in the skills improving.
Oct 7, 2002
word, I hear alot of people say that i'm charging low, but I also don't know shit about I crank shit out at a heavy scale of work...... also photo edit time is required in with the pics. everything been working out pretty well for me, maybe I go up in the future, but i'm good for now.... I am pretty happy with money/workload at this point

^ thats good, it shouldn't matter what's going on around you, as long as you are happy with everything - that's why i haven't raised my prices yet, im coming up on a shitload of equipment & lighting soon though so i need to raise them after to make the money back
Sep 23, 2003
i'm not really sure what you mean by knowing photography would take your graphics to the next level? I mean that's obvious? alot of people don't have the option to do the photography, it's restraints of people being on the internet and not being able to reach the artists etc. in my opinion photography is some whole other shit than graphic design, because half the time people who are ill with photography just do dope pictures and type on fonts, I don't understand why people gotta put it like that, "FINALLY YOU REALIZE"...... it's kinda disrespectful like your trying to son people in my opinion, photography is not really nothing new.
just come on & post that you got a new setup man it aint' that serious
ya got a lot to learn homie, not trying to son anyone at all. .....
Aug 29, 2006
it's like your telling kats they ain't smart enuff to do photography, not everybody's graphic design biz consists of photography. it ain't everybody's lane to learn how to do photography to step they game up, infact most of the kats who are doing photography they graphics game lies more in the actual pictures than the overall artwork/font selection/etc....... you can take yours for example.... alot of your joints is wild basic, you don't freak the fonts, u just put pictures and then type the fonts on clean alot of times. i'm not trying to knock you but when I look to people for inspiration or I hear it sound like they teaching me something, I want them to back it up.... ya company name is shared by several other graphic design companys, when I click on ya link it don't work. In order for me to take advice from you or finally realize something you have to say, you have to give off the sense of being on top of ya game to me, cuz I stay on top of mine. I've seen ya name around for years and your just stepping ya game up on the photography tip? you've been doing graphics for a hot ass minute...
Sep 23, 2003
it's like your telling kats they ain't smart enuff to do photography, not everybody's graphic design biz consists of photography. it ain't everybody's lane to learn how to do photography to step they game up, infact most of the kats who are doing photography they graphics game lies more in the actual pictures than the overall artwork/font selection/etc....... you can take yours for example.... alot of your joints is wild basic, you don't freak the fonts, u just put pictures and then type the fonts on clean alot of times. i'm not trying to knock you but when I look to people for inspiration or I hear it sound like they teaching me something, I want them to back it up.... ya company name is shared by several other graphic design companys, when I click on ya link it don't work. In order for me to take advice from you or finally realize something you have to say, you have to give off the sense of being on top of ya game to me, cuz I stay on top of mine. I've seen ya name around for years and your just stepping ya game up on the photography tip? you've been doing graphics for a hot ass minute...

I'm let ya think bout what ya said, others please correct me if I 'm wrong, did i come off and say it like i was better than anyone on here, 2nd no matter how good ya are you always got room to learn, you for example. 3rd. my company name shared by other i don't think so homie if it is its me i own all ways of my company name from sketch studioz to sketch media to sketch to sketch media group" which is a partnership".4th my link don't work haha sorry got it confused with yours my website i don't even have to worry about monthly maybe you do g brought it and paid for the hosting for 10 years go check 5th: my artwork look like photos with text ya say haha. i'm commerical not that cartoon shit ya be making that will never go anywhere why that at home dj thats paying you. my resume puts you in a place to not even speak my name boy. i try not to take it hear and be polite but ya wack ass then when too far dude check ya facts. and get ya own dick out ya mouth and stop thinking someone is talking bout you. i would have said ya name. get ya 500-1000 a cover haha kid DOING THAT TOM AND JERRY SHIT!!! WITH LENSE FLARES ALL OVER EVERY COVER THIS COVER RIGHT HERE IMO KILLS ANYHTING YA EVER DONE TO ME, AND ITS NOT EVEN DONE. OH YEA HAND DREW THE TEXT YUNGIN AND DID THE PHOTOGRAPHY NO THE COMMENT ON THE PICTURE ITS NOT TOWARDS YOU EITHER LET ME JUST NOTE THAT FOR THE SENSITIVE TEAM BRINKS

Get money and stop worry bout mine. TO EVERYONE ELSE WHO UNDERSTOOD WHERE I WAS COMING FROM WITH THIS POST AND SHOWING HOW HUMBLE AND I WAS AND HELPING I WAS TRYING TO BE IN A SENSE AND SUPPORT OTHER AND ENCOURAGE THEM . THANK YOU. This lame ass is on a forum talking shit that has nothing to do with him and giving untrue fact group and listen sometimes dude ya don't know it all trust me none of us do if we did we would be have this conversation don't forget to check the on it lil man. boy i madd i even came down to your level. any ways much love and respect!!!