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Nov 24, 2003
Legalize weed

So people can tack out their houses and raise dumb ass ADD kids

Edit: Ron Paul is a bitch.

The reasons many here dont support him have been explained/discussed several times over again.

Your coming on here and PMSing about the lack of support for him means nothing to me.
The problem with Ron Paul (and Ron Paul threads here) is that people end up arguing ideologies rather than the specific politics, as is the case in this thread and the majority of the others.

I support Ron Paul because I believe government at its root was meant to protect people from each other.

You, and most of the other Ron Paul opponents, seem to believe that government was meant to protect people from each other AND themselves.

We can never argue Ron Paul's politics because we have a different idea of what a government should be.
Feb 23, 2004
The problem with Ron Paul (and Ron Paul threads here) is that people end up arguing ideologies rather than the specific politics, as is the case in this thread and the majority of the others.

I support Ron Paul because I believe government at its root was meant to protect people from each other.

You, and most of the other Ron Paul opponents, seem to believe that government was meant to protect people from each other AND themselves.

We can never argue Ron Paul's politics because we have a different idea of what a government should be.
Its the belief that people should be in control of their lives. How can the government tell me what I can do to myself?
Feb 23, 2004
why would they have to change their policies? if they dont even follow the mandate of the people when being elected themselves, a new president doesnt guarantee anything. the only power ron paul would have that supercedes congress are war powers, which he refuses to use. the congress could just as well like dormant for 4 years...much like they have been for the last 6 or 7 or 11. all these guys talking about what they are "going to do" is exactly like when kids ran for school president in middle school saying they would cut all homework. they make a lot of promises that they dont even have the power to carry out.
I'm not saying that congress would turn around and change all of their policies, but some changes would be made (thats progress.) Actually as commander in chief of the military he would bring the troop home right away. Thats it, war over. This is something he can and would do if elected.

agreed but i also dont put my trust in the american public to make the best decision, they are very fickle, very reactionary, and easily manipulated. the popultaion is ready to be rid of bush, which is why i actually favor the fact that most mindless idiots scapegoat every US problem and place it on his shoulders, because he will be gone soon enough.
Bush is obviously just a figurehead to the shitload of problems we face today.

then i am the third type who realizes he is both. we absoutely benefit from out nations place at the top i dont know how you can argue against that. we are a rich and prosperous nation no matter how you try to deny it, and as much as you hate it, it has more to do with us nuking japan and "winning" the cold war than our work ethic. I benefit from US hegemony, so do you do. this is why out nation can be so fat and lazy and stupid and still command a higher quality of life. My health care and education are just fine, and while I agree we should have a focus on ourselves and domestic issues, we should also be concerned deeply with global affairs, maybe even now more so than ever, because as you said, the dollar is weakening, US opinion has sunk, war, etc).
Alright, so you acknowledge the consequences of our way of life on the "wretched of the earth" but wouldn't do anything to change it. So actually you fall under type 1. In some ways be we benefit. If all you care about is getting your big mac, cheap fuel prices, our rat race society and the NFL than yes, it is beneficial. Btw, look at the relationship between our consumption and quality of life. We have a long ways to go.

I didn't ask you about your health care. I'm asking you to think of the millions of kids in school right now practicing to pass a test so that the school can get federal funding. Trust me, I've worked in an elementary school and its depressing.

Being "concerned" with global affairs is one thing. 700 military bases in 130 countries around the word is something different. As taxpayers we fund the largest terrorist organization in the world: US government (CIA, NSA, FBI, etc)

ok, its a fact there are limited resources, this is indisputible. In fact there are people living better than americans, i too have been many places. and the so called champions of socialism in nations of any size comparable to ours have a more concetrated center of wealth! What exactly are we hoarding? In fact the US has no real industry or resources outside of service and waging war! I fail to see what exactly we are hoarding, maybe you can explain that.
Yes there certainly are limited resources. But there are sufficient resources for everyone. 2.7 billion people live on 2 dollars a day. Actually the US has some of the world's best resources. Agricultural products aka FOOD.

I'm not gonna lie about this: I can't stand it here. Theres no culture. We live in a society based gaining wealth. What you don't understand is that it has hurt us. There is more to life than money. We are rich financially but poor culturally and within family.

I do love what America should stand for however. Freedom
Feb 23, 2004
Come on man, bush and paul are totally different. Don't be superstitious. And he wants to cut the department of education because it is wasteful and shouldn't dictate to parents how their kids should be educated. All it means is that things will be decided on a local level.
Dec 8, 2005
Alright, so you acknowledge the consequences of our way of life on the "wretched of the earth" but wouldn't do anything to change it. So actually you fall under type 1. In some ways be we benefit. If all you care about is getting your big mac, cheap fuel prices, our rat race society and the NFL than yes, it is beneficial. Btw, look at the relationship between our consumption and quality of life. We have a long ways to go.
its not all i care about, but yes of course i do care about those things, and i think you are starting to build a straw man agains the us and are forgetting to look at the rest of the world where in fact big macs, cheap gas, and futbol are what the masses care about as well. certainly in your travels you see nations are trending more TOWARDS the us way of life than against it. it is crystal clear, hollywood and capitalism are the US industrial complexes best weapons at this point, they have infiltrated every border, and unlike soldiers, these ideas pass freely into peoples homes and follow them throughout their day. relentless.

I didn't ask you about your health care. I'm asking you to think of the millions of kids in school right now practicing to pass a test so that the school can get federal funding. Trust me, I've worked in an elementary school and its depressing.

Being "concerned" with global affairs is one thing. 700 military bases in 130 countries around the word is something different. As taxpayers we fund the largest terrorist organization in the world: US government (CIA, NSA, FBI, etc)
if this is really and sincerely what you believe, then you are no better than anyone else and you are the problem, you are the person you are pointing the finger at. you are admitting that you fund these organizations and benefit from the rewards they reap by murdering other people. you are worse than the ignorant flag waving american, because you see yourself as evil and still do nothing, where as he thinks he is doing something right. no wonder you feel so alienated, its not only the system you hate, its yourself (if you really believe this).

Yes there certainly are limited resources. But there are sufficient resources for everyone. 2.7 billion people live on 2 dollars a day. Actually the US has some of the world's best resources. Agricultural products aka FOOD.

I'm not gonna lie about this: I can't stand it here. Theres no culture. We live in a society based gaining wealth. What you don't understand is that it has hurt us. There is more to life than money. We are rich financially but poor culturally and within family.

I do love what America should stand for however. Freedom
this is a tired argument i hear frequently, mostly from disaffected people within the us. cause when i talk to people from other countries, they may trash our government, but they sing praises of our people. look man we live in a world based on as you say "gaining wealth" because as i correctly pointed out, nations are trying to acquire and secure resources for their people. and there is culture here, there are thousands of them in the US, that is our culture, thats why the us is so amazing. thats why everyone wants to be like us, they hate it when we say that cause we come off as arrogant, but then they admit it. its a shame that you in a land of such choice you cant even find one culture to embrace. you are only defining yourself when you project the opinions of yourself on the whole of america! how can you make a blanket satement about the most diverse nation in the histroy of the world? there are masses of people in the US who dont define themselves by money, there are genuine families, just look at the latin communities, asian communities, no culture? look at black america and tell me dont see culture. we have all the cultures in the world and we are only a couple hundred years old.

really though man, do what you gotta do to make yourslef happy, if it aint here, why are you wasting your time, just waiting to see if ron paul wins? thats not living.
Dec 25, 2003
why the fuck should our government care if someone lights a blunt inside there own home?
Weed has been known to have a greater deleterious effect on people under 18. The reason people didnt get stupid as fuck off weed in the 70s was the majority of people smoking it were college age and higher.

I have had personal friends develop mental problems off too much weed. Both of them traced their symptoms back to the time they were smoking hella weed and began to worsen.

Some shit that fucks your head off into a whole nother universe for hours is not gonna be like water or like fuckin cough drops. Anything that fucks with your brain has a chance of causing damage. The chance may be small, but it still exists.

Im gonna laugh if you bring up that study where they say "it makes ya crazy!!!" cuz they even covered there own butt and stated that it doesn't mean theres a link.. in their own study!!! haha
Do you understand how complex neurological studies and the human brain are? Of course they are going to cover their own butt. They're scientists. They're not gonna make some ol ridiculous statements without sufficient evidence. There are obviously other factors linked with weed consumption dealing with mental health that are likely difficult to completely count out with data - are people with mental problems more likely to smoke weed, incarceration rates, poverty, etc.
Feb 23, 2004
if this is really and sincerely what you believe, then you are no better than anyone else and you are the problem, you are the person you are pointing the finger at. you are admitting that you fund these organizations and benefit from the rewards they reap by murdering other people. you are worse than the ignorant flag waving american, because you see yourself as evil and still do nothing, where as he thinks he is doing something right. no wonder you feel so alienated, its not only the system you hate, its yourself (if you really believe this).
Its better to be angry and seek change. Thats why I'm working so hard to get Ron Paul elected. If not, I most likely will not stay here in the U.S. and thats a legitimate statement. Of course I don't see myself as evil, just apart of a unstoppable machine that I can no longer morally support. You also are conscious of this, but worse, you enjoy the benefits without being bothered by the consequences.

this is a tired argument i hear frequently, mostly from disaffected people within the us. cause when i talk to people from other countries, they may trash our government, but they sing praises of our people. look man we live in a world based on as you say "gaining wealth" because as i correctly pointed out, nations are trying to acquire and secure resources for their people. and there is culture here, there are thousands of them in the US, that is our culture, thats why the us is so amazing. thats why everyone wants to be like us, they hate it when we say that cause we come off as arrogant, but then they admit it. its a shame that you in a land of such choice you cant even find one culture to embrace. you are only defining yourself when you project the opinions of yourself on the whole of america! how can you make a blanket satement about the most diverse nation in the histroy of the world? there are masses of people in the US who dont define themselves by money, there are genuine families, just look at the latin communities, asian communities, no culture? look at black america and tell me dont see culture. we have all the cultures in the world and we are only a couple hundred years old.
Its funny that you use only immigrant communities as an example instead of your mainstream white america. I still regard the U.S. as my homeland, don't get me wrong. But I swear to the constitution and the values America once stood for (although even that can be debated.) Let me inject a little hip hop
in this discussion:

How could this be the land of the free, home of the brave?
Indigenous holocaust and the home of the slaves
Corporate America dancin off beat to the rhythm
You really think this country never sponsored terrrorism?
Human rights violations, we continue the saga
El Salvador and the contras in Nicaragua
And on top of that, you still wanna take me to prison
just cuz I won't trade humanity for patriotism

really though man, do what you gotta do to make yourslef happy, if it aint here, why are you wasting your time, just waiting to see if ron paul wins? thats not living.
i hope you don't got an image of me as some crazy wack. I let all this go and still enjoy life. Nothing is gonna stop me from that. I wouldn't even care about politics if people weren't dying because of it.
Dec 8, 2005
Its better to be angry and seek change. Thats why I'm working so hard to get Ron Paul elected. If not, I most likely will not stay here in the U.S. and thats a legitimate statement. Of course I don't see myself as evil, just apart of a unstoppable machine that I can no longer morally support. You also are conscious of this, but worse, you enjoy the benefits without being bothered by the consequences.
you dont really think its unstoppable or else you wouldnt seek his election. so you are making an excuse for yourself here to cleanse your hands of the "evils" you directly support. the problem here is frankly you lack integrity in this regard.

Its funny that you use only immigrant communities as an example instead of your mainstream white america. I still regard the U.S. as my homeland, don't get me wrong. But I swear to the constitution and the values America once stood for (although even that can be debated.)
white america has several distinct cultures within it because of all the mixing between whites and because of all the countries they come from and from the sheer volume, but you hate and despise most of them, so instead you say they have none. look at east coast vs west coast vs the south, gop vs dnc supporters (regardless of whether they make a difference or not). look at corporate america vs middle america. maybe you missed the 2000 election where over 90% of the area of the US was covered in red. america makes it own sports and says fuck soccer, our music and entertainment dominate the world.

i hope you don't got an image of me as some crazy wack. I let all this go and still enjoy life. Nothing is gonna stop me from that. I wouldn't even care about politics if people weren't dying because of it.
not at all, you make good arguments and there are a lot of people like you frustrated with the way shit is going. but definitely dont overlook what exists here and the reasons they exist, and why other nations are following suit. i am one of the US's biggest critics, but on the siccness, its mostly just people bashing it anyway blaming everything on corporations and on bush, and i get nothing out of repeating what other people say, so i usually take the opposite side of the argument.
Nov 21, 2007
Weed has been known to have a greater deleterious effect on people under 18. The reason people didnt get stupid as fuck off weed in the 70s was the majority of people smoking it were college age and higher.
And decriminalization doesnt mean that 14, 15, 16 year olds will be allowed to light up. We regulate sale of tobacco and alchol to minors. How would it be any diffrent?

I have had personal friends develop mental problems off too much weed. Both of them traced their symptoms back to the time they were smoking hella weed and began to worsen.
I have a female friend who's pops has wetbrain due to drinking... I lost my grandmother to brain cancer cuz she smoked.. for the sake of continuity you should be railing for ciggarettes and alchol to be just as illegal. But you dont. You put ANYTHING forgien into your lungs and it damages them. How do you know your friends didn't already have a pre-existing mental condition?

Some shit that fucks your head off into a whole nother universe for hours is not gonna be like water or like fuckin cough drops. Anything that fucks with your brain has a chance of causing damage. The chance may be small, but it still exists.
But its your choice with what you put into your system and you know the consequences of abusing such things.. Making it illegal when its the most often used substance is a waste of our resources and is only fucking up the lives of those who are choosing to smoke in their own home by labeling them criminals.

Do you understand how complex neurological studies and the human brain are? Of course they are going to cover their own butt. They're scientists. They're not gonna make some ol ridiculous statements without sufficient evidence. There are obviously other factors linked with weed consumption dealing with mental health that are likely difficult to completely count out with data - are people with mental problems more likely to smoke weed, incarceration rates, poverty, etc.
So if you have doubt in such studies, even admitted by those who conduct the studies, why are you so absolute in your conclusion?
Feb 23, 2004
you dont really think its unstoppable or else you wouldnt seek his election. so you are making an excuse for yourself here to cleanse your hands of the "evils" you directly support. the problem here is frankly you lack integrity in this regard.
I believe in the power of ideas and of determined people. It IS going to stop in the near future. Partially with Ron Paul's election or as Ron Paul points out, through the crash of the empire (thats what we are.) We can't afford it the world the mounting a counter attack.

Arab Nations: Yeah you know, right?
Latin America: Socialist takeover; Chavez, Castro, Correa(met dude), Morales, lula de silva, ortega.....
Asia: China

Other countries are wising up and want these puppets out of their country!

white america has several distinct cultures within it because of all the mixing between whites and because of all the countries they come from and from the sheer volume, but you hate and despise most of them, so instead you say they have none. look at east coast vs west coast vs the south, gop vs dnc supporters (regardless of whether they make a difference or not). look at corporate america vs middle america. maybe you missed the 2000 election where over 90% of the area of the US was covered in red. america makes it own sports and says fuck soccer, our music and entertainment dominate the world.
Is that culture of lack of culture? Do you think even a 1/4 of white america keeps their european herritage in their everyday lives? I beg to differ. Come on man, hates a strong word haha. There is some culture I just think its suppressed. Have you noticed the effects of the Arts in America? Turn on the radio, I mean like pop or rap since its really interchangable. Its TERRIBLE, thats not because I don't like the genre. The same vague themes are expressed in every song. Its nothing more than a money machine. Fuck it.

not at all, you make good arguments and there are a lot of people like you frustrated with the way shit is going. but definitely dont overlook what exists here and the reasons they exist, and why other nations are following suit. i am one of the US's biggest critics, but on the siccness, its mostly just people bashing it anyway blaming everything on corporations and on bush, and i get nothing out of repeating what other people say, so i usually take the opposite side of the argument.
lol at 2 arguements going on in one thread:

nhojsmith vs comoballer1121
filthy Bay ent vs whitedevil