Hey, i figure ill make an attempt and get a discussion going. I participate in congressional debate nationally and the tournament at harvard this weekend has a bill on prostitution...
A Bill Legalizing and Regulating Prostitution
Be it enacted by this Congress here assembled that:
Section 1: Prostitution is hereby permitted on designated areas of Federal land, referred to as “legal brothels”. These brothels will be subject to all relevant state and federal taxes and operate as legitimate businesses.
Section 2: In order to work in the said brothels, prostitutes are required to pay a license fee. These licenses can only be obtained after the applicant has tested negative for all Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD). Monthly check-ups are mandatory for all license-holders. Prostitutes without licenses will be subjected to the criminal laws of the state in which they reside.
Section 3: The clients of the prostitutes operating out of Legal Brothels (LB) will be required to sign a legal waiver of liability. If the prostitute contracts an STD from a client, the said client is required by the waiver to pay all of the medical bills and expenses accrued by the prostitute for treatment of the disease, and the said client will be fined by the government. Fines will vary depending on the lethality of the disease in question.
Section 4: Licensed prostitutes will be provided with contraceptives and birth control devices.
Section 5: A federal government employee will be present at all operating hours of each brothel. This employee will provide security for prostitutes/clients and will check for licenses. This employee shall be paid by the brothel in which he/she works at a rate determined by the federal government..
there are going to be plenty of structural and wording problems, but those are typically ignored and the idea is atleast debated. we dont get rewarded for ending debate like that.... but throw your opinions in here, things wrong with the bill, the idea or whatever. Ill throw out my opinion later...
A Bill Legalizing and Regulating Prostitution
Be it enacted by this Congress here assembled that:
Section 1: Prostitution is hereby permitted on designated areas of Federal land, referred to as “legal brothels”. These brothels will be subject to all relevant state and federal taxes and operate as legitimate businesses.
Section 2: In order to work in the said brothels, prostitutes are required to pay a license fee. These licenses can only be obtained after the applicant has tested negative for all Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD). Monthly check-ups are mandatory for all license-holders. Prostitutes without licenses will be subjected to the criminal laws of the state in which they reside.
Section 3: The clients of the prostitutes operating out of Legal Brothels (LB) will be required to sign a legal waiver of liability. If the prostitute contracts an STD from a client, the said client is required by the waiver to pay all of the medical bills and expenses accrued by the prostitute for treatment of the disease, and the said client will be fined by the government. Fines will vary depending on the lethality of the disease in question.
Section 4: Licensed prostitutes will be provided with contraceptives and birth control devices.
Section 5: A federal government employee will be present at all operating hours of each brothel. This employee will provide security for prostitutes/clients and will check for licenses. This employee shall be paid by the brothel in which he/she works at a rate determined by the federal government..
there are going to be plenty of structural and wording problems, but those are typically ignored and the idea is atleast debated. we dont get rewarded for ending debate like that.... but throw your opinions in here, things wrong with the bill, the idea or whatever. Ill throw out my opinion later...