Killer - 4 Out Of 5

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Nov 14, 2002
Well without knocking any particular songs or artists from the album, I think 4/5 is a perfect rating.

The album is fucking awesome... There are a few tracks that aren't perfect.

But really, how many albums can get an honest 4 out of 5? That's a hot rating.
Oct 25, 2006
Well without knocking any particular songs or artists from the album, I think 4/5 is a perfect rating.

The album is fucking awesome... There are a few tracks that aren't perfect.

But really, how many albums can get an honest 4 out of 5? That's a hot rating.
Completely agreed. Yet that's in our eyes. The average person doesn't see it this way. Even though I didn't love every song, this is still better (IMO) than anything that's come out this year, even though I do think it deserves a good 4/5. Yet there's other albums out there that have gotten higher ratings that just aren't as good, thoughtful, or energetic as Killer. A lot of albums have gotten 5/5, but can we really say it's "honest"? If that's the case with these average quality albums, Killer deserves 6/5 (not really, but you see where I'm coming from).
Apr 20, 2008
I agree.
I think sometimes people on here hold Tech in such high regard that they expect perfection from him and lose sight of the fact that nobodies perfect, but Tech brings in so many styles that he damn near reaches it.
With so many sides to him and so many styles, you can't please everyone.

The more open minded you are to music, the more you'll appreciate the album.
Nov 14, 2002
Well all I know is that Killer shits on everything else that the typical radio listener wants to buy.. But if you're going to get a review on a website that people seem to read (I've never been there), then a 4/5 is good.

Yeah, everyone else sucks... We all know that. But the TRL crowd doesn't care. Weezy is where it's at.

Whatever. I have stopped giving a fuck and I'm pretty sure I never did in the first place.