this isn't something a weak mind can adore// but its truly something they sure as hell can't ignore// i got blood leaking on the floor// my dogs licking it up and hes fiendin for more// sick don't even describe this// some say its psychotic to slit your wrist// but it feels like a narcotic when i punch hoes with my fist// a little crazy but to lazy to commit chaos// so i bring back charles mansons cult with a seance// show you the true meaning of paranormal activity// but it will take more than an exorcist to get rid of me// ill come back as the first ghost of a ghost and strike fear in all of the west coast// ill destroy everything you love the most// im an artist but my greatest hits are in the cemetary// the titanic didn't sink i pushed everyone off the ferry// don't look in my town's garbage cans// cause you might find one of your sisters hands// she didn't meet up to my demands// she said she had a change of plans// but of course she wasn't the only one//
i took her out but not on a date// a bloody pencil to her neck was her fate// it was the last letter to her that i wrote// signed my name with the blood on her throat// i guess you could call it her deathnote//
i took her out but not on a date// a bloody pencil to her neck was her fate// it was the last letter to her that i wrote// signed my name with the blood on her throat// i guess you could call it her deathnote//