This kinda reached outside my comfort zone of what I'm good at. The photo of J.Stalin is from Cheeto's photoshoot, but I added extra manipulation to it.
Theres two versions, one with background designs behind him and one without..which ones better? Any other feedback would be much appreciated
Im pretty sure he reps west oakland..i kno it exsists but Im not totally sure thats his turf..I was just pullin that outta memory i couldnt find any songs where he says it
I like the first better cuz it seems to transition better into the background. Plus the red background looks kinda bland and blurry, and in the second one you see it more.
One thing I don't like is his shirt looks too much like a stone (looks like lucisart filter) with all the effects.
city...thanks for the feedback. the only thing I did too the shirt was highlight the red aspects of it and darken it...i think the way it looks in stone are from cheetos manipulations to his pictures, i was feelin them tho. but maybe they dont work well with this cover.
qwasian..thanks. I purposley faded parts of the red accents instead of leaving them you think theyd look better solid?
city...thanks for the feedback. the only thing I did too the shirt was highlight the red aspects of it and darken it...i think the way it looks in stone are from cheetos manipulations to his pictures, i was feelin them tho. but maybe they dont work well with this cover.
Ah okay, I had a feeling it was because of that. Yeah it doesn't work too well with the cover. That's another reason I like number 1 better, because the gray brushes help the stone look blend in.
yeah the first is better, but them red parts just give a non pro look, it's hard to explain, the faded part is cool to em, it just looks like they aren't real crispy line & edge wise.....