I'm buying this. Do I need more?

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Oct 25, 2006
Ok So We're gettin a little studio crackin at the house, just something that provides decent quality so we can make a million random tracks a day n get back on our grind.

I'm thinking of getting this (as it looks to have everything I need)


And because we want a better mic, I was thinking of getting this one:



Now if I bought both those is there anything I'd be missing/lacking? I'm either going to set this up on our rarely used P.C. so we have plenty of memory, or I'ma drop like a grand on a Mac Book if that is what we really should do.

I'm basically just looking for some help filling in the blanks, thanks ahead of time guys.
Apr 25, 2002
Looks good to start with. My advice would be, go buy a brand new metal pop filter instead of using the nylon. The metal one is about $70, but it's worth it. The nylon pop filters take some of the natural sound out of vocals.
Oct 25, 2006
Looks good to start with. My advice would be, go buy a brand new metal pop filter instead of using the nylon. The metal one is about $70, but it's worth it. The nylon pop filters take some of the natural sound out of vocals.
alright thanks a lot bro, you think a separate PC or Laptop is necessary for this set up or will a average computer prolly do the job?
Feb 2, 2006
actually the mic that comes with that package is cheap but is actually pretty good. i have decent recordings off that same exact mic (mxl mic) - if i were you i'd save the 100 bucks because buying $100 mic thinking thats gonna make a huge difference is a mistake lol.

that package is actually a pretty good deal cuz nwo that i think about it i bought a brand new mbox 2 mini for $250 but for an extra 150 they givin u mic, monitors, cables, and a stand that aint bad. im pretty sure those monitors suck though.

if your thinking of upgradign anything upgrade your monitors and buy a preamp and if u want to upgrade the mic i would upgrade to something like an AKG 414 or a NEUMAN TLM 103 (but those are $1000 dollar mics)

oh shit also yeah get a seperate computer for recording or reformat your hardrive on your old computer (erase everything and install a fresh copy of windows) before you start recording. its real easy to fuck your computer up when you got all your audio on there and hella programs and games and shit. if you gonna make it a "studio" computer then dont do shit with it but record it will last a lot longer.
Jun 12, 2007
I'd say that would be a pretty good start for what your needing. But when you start making money make sure to upgrade man. Like I would upgrade in this order 1. Monitors 2. Preamp 3. Mic basically monitors are first cause a good preamp/mic won't do you any good when your not hearing the sound right. Which also brings me to the question what kind of room will you be recording in ? if it's a bedroom make sure to read up on sound isolation and proper mic techniques. Best of luck man!!!