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Apr 25, 2002
I dont know about ya'll........but if i was president......our troops would already be on their way back,toastin' bottles.This wastin' time trying to be diplomatic is pathetic.Only reason this shit is takin' so long is because of democratic pussies that don't get the fuckin' picture and Bush haters.I don't consider myself republican or democrat,and i think if the president thinks it's time for the rukuss......it's time.......Back to what i would have done.#1-As soon as saddam refused to fully cooperate with the demands to disarm and get out,i would have called a meeting of the U.N.....#2-if the UN didnt back me up on my decision to whoop saddam out of iraq,i would tell them i don't need them and have a nice day.#3-Set up a meeting with the military.#4-tell everyone to keep the mission hush for now while rounding up soldiers and weapons.#3-Tell the media to go fuck themselves in a nicer way.#4-Deploy war ships and planes to the Middle east.#5-Ask saddam 1 more time,while the military is already on it's way,if he will leave iraq.#6-saddam says no.#7-i would have planes fly over iraq with signs that say''Go to your home,get under a table,go to your basements,Saddam is dead meat...in arabic.#8-Give the people of iraq(because that isn't who my quarrel is with and i want the least ammount of civilian deaths possible)about 24 hours to hide and get safe#9-time to do this!!!Send in planes and bomb baghdad and the sorrounding area HARD...so hard that if saddam didnt step down,his own troops would lynch him for ruining there homeland,lol(i could always be hopeful,right)#10-send in U.S. ground troops with all the fixings,with orders to kill anyone that is in iraqi soldier uniform that isnt holding a white flag or bowing down.#11-call the troops back for some weed and hennesy.
Aug 15, 2002
If I were the president, there wouldn't be a situation cause I'm I would be content with my $250,000 salary (I'm not sure if this is correct) and wouldn't need the extra oil money.
Apr 25, 2002
i got a question for the people that think this is about oil?How the hell do you think the U.S. is going to take their oil?????How???You must be stupid,point blank.And by the way,you know that'd make this a war crime right??And another thing,why if iraq has the most oil,are they one of the poorest countries???Why do the people of iraq live like shit????Hmmmmmm.........your answers will intrest me.Taking their oil under the front of war would be a war crime and Bush would be locked up.Stupid ass people that have no clue what they talk about.Think before you speak.@Heresy,you got problems if you support someone blowing up your own land,WHERE YOU LIVE!!!!!!!You are intelligent,but with what your saying,you make yourself look stupid.I know you like to argue,thats probably why you say dumb shit like that.If you dont like america,LEAVE......go live under saddam,let him gas you and your family..........let him humiliate your mother or wife or daughter by hanging her upside down when she's on her menstral period....let him rape your wife/sis/daughter infront of your face.............i think most of you people just don't care about the iraqi people,thats why your against it.
Apr 25, 2002
They are not going there for oil..................get it through your head............and just how ezactly are these companies going to cover up the fact they stole Iraq's oil?????And no,your wrong again kemosabe............there poor because saddam has to have 32 palaces in one damn city and has people working for peanuts for HIS benefit.............how can you even feel the slightest bit of compasion for an asshole like this????????I'm not mad,just so you know.........i only answer fucked up to people that answer me fucked up.........i'm glad you tried,but that article proves nothing.It's opinion,you believe everything you read,homie???I hope not.
Aug 15, 2002
I got no compassion for Saddam, I think he is an evil piece of shit. That said, I still think that Bush has alterior motive for going to war.
Jul 7, 2002
thapro said:
I got no compassion for Saddam, I think he is an evil piece of shit. That said, I still think that Bush has alterior motive for going to war.
serious you can't belive whht you just wrote.

thats makes it competly legal to attack iraq.
Jul 6, 2002
If I was that frail ass lily white crackhead y'all call YOUR president- I'd say fuck it, and go to IRACK my damn self, get some of that good cocaine my father has been sittin on since the early 80's, toot up some yowdah- scarface style- and find Saddam myslef!


Apr 25, 2002
.@Heresy,you got problems if you support someone blowing up your own land,WHERE YOU LIVE!!!!!!!You are intelligent,but with what your saying,you make yourself look stupid.I know you like to argue,thats probably why you say dumb shit like that. If you dont like america,LEAVE......go live under saddam,let him gas you and your family..........let him humiliate your mother or wife or daughter by hanging her upside down when she's on her menstral period....let him rape your wife/sis/daughter infront of your face.............i think most of you people just don't care about the iraqi people,thats why your against it.
ok let me take this apart.

Heresy,you got problems if you support someone blowing up your own land,WHERE YOU LIVE!!!!!!!
i support those who are defending themself. thats what saddam is doing. he has NOT launched ANYTHING at america.
You are intelligent,but with what your saying,you make yourself look stupid.
in your eyes this MIGHT be the case how ever opinions are like assholes.....hint......hint....

CALIFORNIA=the 5TH largest ECONOMY in the WORLD. if you disturb the balance in california you will inflict MAJOR damage to america and the WORLD.

1.in the bay area alone we have 6-7 refineries within a 120 mile radius.

2.in the bay area alone we have 4 major bridges.

3.the northern california is the MECCA of technology (silicon valley).

4.california exports A LOT of produce. from oranges,to grapes to wheat crops to chickens to cows.

5.california is **heavily** populated.

now what kind of damage would happen if 3 suitcase nukes(each) were set off at a refinery,the golden gate,san jose,los angeles and napa valley?

let him blow it up. i DONT care. its a part of WAR, you reap what you sow.
thats probably why you say dumb shit like that.
the more explosions the better.
If you dont like america,LEAVE
i AM leaving!!!!
go live under saddam,let him gas you and your family
why would saddam gas my family? there is no proof that he has gassed anyones family.
let him humiliate your mother or wife or daughter by hanging her upside down when she's on her menstral period
the american government did this to african slaves (my ancestors).
let him rape your wife/sis/daughter infront of your face
slave masters did this.....american slave masters....

if people did not care about iraq you would not have people praying for iraq and marching in protest.
