Identity Crisis.

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May 5, 2002
Listen to me....You may not feel me but all i ask is for you to listen.

I was born with a plethora of ethnicities in me. Im Mexican, Spanish, Italian, Native American, Irish and yes....My mom's is white.

I grew up with all the folks. I never stuck to a single group or ethinicity. I knew almost all the mexicans, blacks, whites and asians. They all respected me cuz i didn't try to be anyone else but myself. However my crisis is from within, cuz even tho i DON'T give a fuck what others think about me if someone told me to classify myself I wouldn't be able to do it. Everytime I fill out a form that asks your ethnicity, for me to honor each and everyone of them would be impossible. Am I a traitor to one or the other? I consider myself Hispanic cuz my father is Hispanic, Spanish and Italian. My mother is Irish and Native American, do I do her injustice by not announceing her bloodline to the world? I come on here and the big topic seems to be about white folks actin black or Mexicans actin white. How do you act an ethnicity your not? Its more of a culture you accept. Cuz if a black person calls a white person a wigga isn't he talkin down on his people for saying that all of his ethnicty act a certain way?.

What Classification be it Cultural or Ethnical would I be under?.


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
This will sound lame and trendy and everything else, but fuck all this shit. You're American.

I'm Sicilian, Irish, French, Czeck, and a lot of other stuff. I got dark skin so people ask me if i'm black during the summer. I usually just tell everyone i'm Italian cuz that's what i most look like. I don't feel like i'm disprespectin my mom for sayin i'm only Italian. I eat pasta, smoke bud, listen to, write, and record rap music, i do well in school, play football, get in fights, fuck, chill..whatever. That's my culture. I have Jewish, Black, Southern, Chinese, Indian...whatever kinds of influences in my life jsut because of where i live. I can't say my culture is Italian or Irish...its just American. When you go to another country, are you gonna say "I'm Hispanic" or "I'm American". No other country has this identity problem cuz we're 'the melting pot'. But the solution is easy...don't release your ties and disrespect your cultures or customs...but just fucking be an American.

The forms you fill out are demographic bullshit. Just shade in whatever circle will help you succeed the most. That's all you can do.
May 13, 2002
"When you go to another country, are you gonna say "I'm Hispanic" or "I'm American"."

That's a good point. Funny how only here do we classify ourselves with those terms. If anyone was born and raised here when you go to another country you ain't gonna say I'm Mexican or I'm Chinese. Cause first of all they gonna look at you like...what?.... You look American to me. Us Americans stick out.



.........,.,.,.,'s dumbfounding that in this age of racial diversity and transition in america that they don't do something to accomodate these biracial people by doing at least something like requiring that employers or what not to add that special 'choose all that apply' or that 'other' box in the section of a form where they ask for your ethnicity.....,.,.,..,.,.,.,..
Apr 25, 2002
I feel you on this Leatherfaced.

I'm mixed as well, my dad comes from Mexican descent and my mom from German and Irish. I look mostly mexican so to make it easy I say I'm latino, but I always get confused on those forms also.

My dad told me this once...

"Why do they have a spot for Mexican/American, I'm an American of Mexican descent." "They should have a spot that says American/Mexican."

Now that applies to him more than me because I have German and Irish in me, but I think that they shouldnt make you choose what best describes you...I think they should have a black space for you to write what ethinicity you are.