I will paypal you $1 if you vote for me in Just Blaze Rhymestars Contest

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Bro thats hella ghetto, why pay for votes? if you good at what you do then you don't need to pay people for votes
i dont need to but i started the contest really late. The guys with the most votes had a month head start. I just want to get a respectable number of votes so I can be taken seriously.

I hate begging people. Thats one thing I never liked about being an "upcoming" rapper. Every opportunity is like "beg your friends and family to help you!" lol. Fuck all that, da fuck i look like? I'm not a dog. If i want something I go and get it.
May 13, 2002
Thats one thing I never liked about being an "upcoming" rapper. Every opportunity is like "beg your friends and family to help you!" lol. Fuck all that, da fuck i look like? I'm not a dog. If i want something I go and get it.
You've been an "upcoming rapper" for how long now? 10 years? A decade or more and still gotta beg from family and "friends" for votes? idk, im sure there are plenty of rappers that broke out in their 40s.
Im going to need that $100 or ban. Your choice since u think instagram is so much better
I still fuck with siccness I'm old school

Give me 1 Bitcoin and I will do it.
mac Jesus bro I thought you would vote on gp whats good?

You've been an "upcoming rapper" for how long now? 10 years? A decade or more and still gotta beg from family and "friends" for votes? idk, im sure there are plenty of rappers that broke out in their 40s.
12 years. But why settle for less? It takes time to get good. I started late. When its all said and done I'd be more mad if i didn't try then try and fail. I've been goin hard this whole time. I'll let God put me where I know I'll be when the times right.

Who would you rather listen to anyway as a consumer, some guy who just made his first song, or some overhyped unseasoned amateur. Or someone who knows his shit. Personally, I want to hear greatness. Not somebody still learning, or just cashing in on hype. Great music is timeless. I want to make great music. Greatness takes time.
Last edited:
Jan 18, 2006
Nothing like a Malki thread to get shit going a bit around here. i feel like you even know you will never be shit in the rap game and you do this for shits and giggles at least i hope thats what it is
Nothing like a Malki thread to get shit going a bit around here. i feel like you even know you will never be shit in the rap game and you do this for shits and giggles at least i hope thats what it is
Hey if Riff Raff made it why can't Malki.
Fila knows whats up! I grew up with many platinum artists so i got a real good look at before and after, and after realistically assessing myself, yes i am a factor! Most successful artists you would have laughed at before they were on! Just look at half of these cats high school photos lmao. Never give up never quit! Everything aint what it seems. The fame and hype be making people seem 1000x rawer than they really are! But im really raw! Straight up! Cash cow!

By the way im at 149 votes or something now! In the top 25 just gotta get a few more! We on bruh!