There's gonna be a lot of rappers at the concert. Other concerts I've been to had like 3 people. From experience, how long does a Strictly Strange 08 concert last?
Normally, the shows in our area start at about 8 and have gone all the way into the early morning. There have been a couple of shows where Tech didn't get on stage until 11, and easily played more than he was supposed to.
Line up is at 6:30. Depending on what's going on inside with set-up, you should expect to enter the club after 7pm. I've waited until almost 9pm for the doors to open because only part of their equipment arrived. It's a slated open time. It's not always exact.
It all depends on how quick they are set up, when the doors open and when the artists are damn good and ready to go perform. This could vary 3-5 hours. Just go have some fun dont worry about how long it is...