Goodbye and Fuck You

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Howdy everyone – here’s my second installment of my articles of pure shit. Everything in this column is my opinion and I’m probably trying to piss you off – so hopefully you’ll be offended. Anyway…
I’m posting this on the 91siccness message board system because the assholes there need to hear it. I’ll probably be banned for it and OH WELL I DON’T CARE!! Today’s topic is why rap music has become a dancing minstrel show and it sucks; the music industry and music in general are both gay as well. You’re gay.
Where should I start? Perhaps with a little background: I was a gas station attendant in 1998 when I ran into a guy who was going to a recording studio. I don’t know why because he couldn’t rap at all but anyway he went. I asked if I could go with him because I was a stupid 18 year old who wanted to be a rapper because I suffered from asshole syndrome.

Asshole Syndrome Defined: Seeing a smiling, buck dancing sellout rapper on TV popping wine bottles and talking about how tough he is, dancing with fitness models in front of a house and car he doesn’t own. You want to be him, so you figure you can just “rap” a horrible, horrible song and you will “blow up” because “you got skillz.” Here’s the truth of the matter: You will never get a record deal, and even if you do – most people with record deals are broke. And You’re an Asshole.

Anyway so we went to the studio and everyone there had no talent. I naturally wanted to get on the mic and I laid a verse which was horrible by today’s standards but it sounded like Mr. Scarface is Back. It was awesome to them so they took me on as a 5th member to a 5 man group and I was the only one of them who had talent (albeit underdeveloped). They wanted to hang out and dance with whores and go to car shows all night; I wanted to make music so I financed the demo until one of them cried because he thought he was dying with AIDS or something (IS IT SO WRONG OF ME TO WISH HE DIED?!@!?). Who cares, I left them behind – except for one who I’ll discuss later.
Hmm…I’m at work writing this so I lost my train of thought because I keep having to minimize “Word.” Oh yeah, so after those guys were gone I got my first Triton (which my mom bought me because I’m a spoiled suburban piece of shit) and started making beats. I studied songs for 4 long years – lyrically and musically. I transformed myself into one of the greatest MCs this world has seen – and I wish I had the songs to prove it but unfortunately I don’t care what you think so fuck you. I sacrificed my life for 5 years to music and had no other hobby.
Anyway – I’m selling all my equipment, and if you are an aspiring rapper/producer then my advice to you is to QUIT RIGHT THE FUCK NOW! Rap used to be about originality and breaking rules – shock value! Now it’s just another genre that the industry has raped of any musical value.
The only reason why I even did the music thing was to prove to my old high school peers that I wasn’t a horrible human being (that they thought I was). I didn’t even LIKE making music because I guess I am a true artist deep down. I don’t like copying; I like making original sounding compositions with BREAKS, BRIDGES, and OTHER ACTUAL PARTS OF MUSIC – NOT JUST ONE BIG LONG FUCKING LOOP with 2 SYNTH TRACKS AND A DRUM KIT WHICH SOUNDS LIKE A BROKEN STOP WATCH. To do this is hard work – and nobody appreciates it anyway. Music is like poetry i.e. it’s ART. It’s ARTISTIC EXPRESSION. If you don’t have anything new to express lyrically – the beat must compensate and vice versa. When your record is uninspired lyrically and musically then you’re totally up the creek. WHY DON’T PEOPLE REALIZE THIS?!
Take my buddy Nick for example. He was the guy who was originally going to the studio. Now, NWA back in 1989 made a name for themselves by bringing street life and felony crime to wax. It was SHOCK VALUE which made the music different. Dr. Dre then took sampling to a whole other level and even when the lyrics were the same old same old – the music was new and snappy. Tupac and B.I.G. brought the music away from it’s cartoonish, impossible-in-real life excessive violence (nobody kills 100 cops and then smokes a blunt and rides into the sunset) into accurate pictorials of the anguish of a drug dealer. Eminem found a niche after Tupac and B.I.G. lost their market to white people since suburban whites got tired of inner-city rap. They wanted someone like themselves who could rap about how much they hate their parents and then rap about how they’re such a bad boy rebel they do drugs and they threaten to kill people (just like NWA, but now the white people didn’t have to look at a mean old negro who they couldn’t relate to anymore – they had one of their own). New things, new breakthroughs, new innovations. Nick in 1998 – and still to this day in 2003 is just making 3 separate 16-bar verses of threats. “I will kill you,” “I will blast you,” “I will shoot you,” “I am a killer,” “I am real,” “I want to die, life is hard,” and “Women are bitches.”
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH! SO ORIGINAAAAL!!! WHAT A TRUE SUFFERING ARTIST – UNBELIEVABLE POETRY!!! To Nick, and to every single damn rapper in the Bay Area, Sacramento, and Los Angeles – IT IS NOT 1989 ANYMORE!! Would you read a good book cover to cover for 13 YEARS STRAIGHT!??!?! IF YOU DON’T HAVE ANYTHING NEW TO SAY – THEN STOP RAPPING!! If you’re so “real” – then you should have plenty of other aspects of life to talk about besides that crap. FUCK YOU!!! Anyway, lyrics have been bastardized anyway because it doesn’t matter what you’re talking about on a hit record – it just matters if the beat is snappy. So we’ll just leave that alone.


1) Make a record to which people will actually want to listen. Let me help you test if your record is something people want to hear: IF YOU ARE READING THIS RIGHT NOW NOBODY WANTS TO HEAR YOUR GARBAGE. End of test. DID YOU PASS?!?
2) Sell this record. Notice I said “sell this record” and not “sit on your ass and work at Burger King where you lie and tell people that you can rap.”
3) Sell lots of the record.
4) A record company will notice you and sell you a broken dream. You will fall for the dream and get raped.
5) Repeat if you can, or just do everyone a favor and die.

Nobody puts effort into making a hit record anyway; they think it will just happen over night while the tooth fairy has sex with your hamster. YOU HAVE TO PUT EFFORT IN YOU MORONS! YOU HAVE TO WANT IT, AND SACRIFICE YOUR SOCIAL LIFE FOR IT! Ever hear of a “starving artist?” Well if you are an overweight fat piece of shit who spends more time “chillin wit yo niggaz” than recording then you know you are not putting enough effort in. When I told Nick I was selling my equipment, he told me he wanted to buy it because he was “serious.” I was selling a Korg Karma (1300 new), Roland XV 3080 (1000 new), MPC 2000 with maxed out RAM and effects board (worth 800-1000 dollars), and Event 20/20 studio monitors (300 new).
Nick the Dick showed me how “serious” he was by offering me 1200 for all my stuff. Whoah!!! $1200 for EVERYTHING!! YOU HIGH ROLLER YOU! Big face spending Nick! What am I, a fucking wine-o who needs a fix??
I should also mention Nick spent close to 600 bucks on 2 LEATHER jackets he doesn’t need and will not wear when the weather gets warmer in about ONE month. I wonder where his priorities are? “Dead Serious” – Nick, I’m emailing you a copy of this article – you suck. Oh and anyone who is laughing – FUCK YOU YOU’RE JUST AS BAD YOU FAG
So anyway, the “target audience” I was trying so hard to impress is not worth impressing because they are worthless pieces of shit who deserve to die. You can sell your music to illiterate, insane morons who don’t do anything but sell drugs and buy sneakers with the drug money; you can sell your music to women who all have less intelligence than a donkey and they just run around town looking for a dick to suck with “they girrrrls” – one thing women are guilty of more than anyone is they want to be bad girl ghetto rebels so bad that they force ebonics into their vocabulary even if they grew up in Princeton – SUBURB BITCHES DO NOT SAY “GIRLFRIEND” AND “MY NIGGA” SPEAK ENGLISH; You can sell you music to the skaters who do nothing but giggle all day and throw things at eachother because they have no brain cells; or You can sell your music to ah who cares. People suck shit and I have nothing I want to express to the world because the world is a horrible place.
Any piece I compose is NEVER good enough for my ear - I'm always embarrassed and I seldom show it to others. When I do show it to others - I don't value their opinions whatsoever because I think the majority of people on planet earth are stupid. So the logic of my hobby was circular: - I craved attention, so I found a talent at which I excelled, developed my talent in hopes of finding attention, and came to find that the attention I craved was invalid because it emanated from a source I don't respect.


To Heresy – I advise you to quit. You’re a cool dude but I think you’ve got some inaccurate impressions on the way music works. What do you want, man? You say you’re shopping your stuff to major labels, and want to blow up – but don’t you realize that your music has to be catchy and your lyrics have to be pleasant to do that? Yet you refuse to make your beats catchy (you make ear piercing aggressive death metal tracks), and your lyrics are TOTALLY unacceptable to the mainstream population. You take 2 contradictory paths to achieve contradictory goals and then you make decisions to undermine ALL your decisions. Dog, you’re a good person and although I don’t agree with your particular school of Christian thought, you seem to love God. I advise you to quit, just like I’m doing, because you deserve better than a frustrating, pointless hobby which will never give you happiness.
That brings me to another point, musicians are either excess, bored closet homosexuals or starving unsuccessful, underappreciated nobodies… So what are you working so hard for? You’ll either continue to receive NO recognition and success or you will be successful and rich then become so bored and disillusioned with all the money you have – you’ll continue to be miserable because money doesn’t equal happiness and you start experimenting and before you know it you die under a toilet with your gay lover’s dick up your ass and a needle in your vein. Half of you “gangsta” rappers are faggots so stop faking.

I don’t have much more to say except I’d like to give my “shout outs” to the following people on the siccness who should probably die:

Mr. Drawmuh – You’ve got some gaul to be as arrogant a prick as you are. Your music is trash – you have no artistic integrity; you’re a commercial sellout…oh wait what are you selling out when you front like you’re a down ghetto “nigga” when in reality you’re a dago cracker with a little spicarican mixed in. Why do you want to be black? Oh by the way…this guy up here named 4th Quarter gets about 40-50 plays per day on commercial FM radio, built a house in St. Louis, gets his beats from the track boys, and performs with Nelly and the St. Lunatics and he didn’t mention you at ALL. Did you open for Nelly or did you just open the jar of KY for him to run up in you – you little groupie.

Deep Throat – You’re a pseudo intellectual with too much time on your hands. Instead of taking thousands of pictures on the internet and writing fairy tales about people on the 91siccness why don’t you spend your time wisely – like pushing your cripple wife out of a window or at least filing for divorce.

Kevin Mann aka Brotha Lynch – You don’t eat babies, you eat dick.

Sergeant Hustle – You are such a “positive independent black woman,” right? Why do you play degrading music towards women all day on your station? It’s in the name of paying your dues right? So after 10 years go by of you polluting people’s minds with hatred and misogyny you will be able to take a stand once the damage is done. You’re so smart – by the way, get some dog mane and grow some hair you bald headed scandalous dyke.

Sweet916 – You sure are ugly, why do you spend your time on the siccness talking like a hoochie when nobody wants your ugly ass? Maybe some desperate man who will stick his dick in anything with a coochie will want you – get some self respect before your unborn kids pop out and disown you.

Lady Lane – Fuck you.

Roloc – Last and least. You’re not intelligent, creative or important (contrary to what your fat head thinks). You’re a tall ugly moron who fell in love with himself and invented a big message board for people to talk shit. Wow, genius.

Zagg – You can’t rap and you look like a dead porcupine.

Well that’s all for now I’m going to pursue martial arts and hopefully will develop a career teaching it. 91siccness – you’re all fags.
May 17, 2002
you had some good points.....straight clownin though....i hope you find peace in what you are doin playa....lord knows the things we like to do are the things that give us the most frustration.....ill sign up for gong fu class though....only if i get to use


Apr 25, 2002
this fool has lost it.......... . i know shohei and talk 2 him offline. he has lost it. at least he gave me good advice. but the thing is im already in the door and making my name known to the public. a person can sell popsicle sticks to the homeless if the homeless have a NEED for the music.
but don’t you realize that your music has to be catchy and your lyrics have to be pleasant to do that? Yet you refuse to make your beats catchy (you make ear piercing aggressive death metal tracks), and your lyrics are TOTALLY unacceptable to the mainstream population. You take 2 contradictory paths to achieve contradictory goals and then you make decisions to undermine ALL your decisions.
ear piercing aggresive death metal tracks is my genre. my genre is not club shaking ass music. yes the lyrics are unacceptable to the mainstream *URBAN* fans of RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE, SLIP KNOT,KORN,PUBLIC ENEMY,A PERFECT CIRCLE, MANSON and CYPRUS im just fine. i WONT conform. can i flip a track for the ass shaking people? yeah. can i flip a track for commercial fools? yes, YOU have a beat i sent you for that. im gonna post it for everyone to hear and i GURANTEE i get offers 4 it.



man you had the most talent of all the spitters i heard on this board yet you are throwing it ALL away walt. all for nothing.

much success to you brother but im stepping out man. i kept telling you doors were opening up but you dont wanna hear that. see what seperates ME from a lot of people is that they THINK they know business. this is why I network with BUSINESS MEN instead of artist. business men like Lawson and Dorrite.


anyway much success to you in 2003------

god bless and stop that cat from pissin on boxes.

your folx


Nov 16, 2002
so basically u a classic example of a whitey from the burbs who wanna know why no one listens to your know why your shit dont sell..cause you a square. hit the block and have some shit to talk talk about you were the best 'MC' ever...did you rap about workin at the gas station...I could tell like 2 lines into reading your shit you aint nathen but a little gotta be street folks before u can rap...and if you aint...then why you here? Go do some hip hop then. This site is talkin bout gangster rap..not 'MC Gasboy' and his 'Best Album Ever'...You devoted 5 years to some probly spent five years a joke. You probly got a high ass voice, soundin like Eminems little brother, go kick it wit that 'Zigidy' square. Maybe u 2 can make a 'rap group', and then u wont have to quit. In any case, its obvious nobody will care that u quit, except the net geeks on this message board. 'Oh no, dont quit, anything but that' I was waiting for the release of 'MC Gas' 'Best Album Ever'


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
mosthated said:
so basically u a classic example of a whitey from the burbs who wanna know why no one listens to your know why your shit dont sell..cause you a square. hit the block and have some shit to talk talk about you were the best 'MC' ever...did you rap about workin at the gas station...I could tell like 2 lines into reading your shit you aint nathen but a little gotta be street folks before u can rap...and if you aint...then why you here? Go do some hip hop then. This site is talkin bout gangster rap..not 'MC Gasboy' and his 'Best Album Ever'...You devoted 5 years to some probly spent five years a joke. You probly got a high ass voice, soundin like Eminems little brother, go kick it wit that 'Zigidy' square. Maybe u 2 can make a 'rap group', and then u wont have to quit. In any case, its obvious nobody will care that u quit, except the net geeks on this message board. 'Oh no, dont quit, anything but that' I was waiting for the release of 'MC Gas' 'Best Album Ever'
youve obivously never heard this cat spit. he got some real ass shit. i havent heard better from any mc on the siccness. and thats real

man you had the most talent of all the spitters i heard on this board yet you are throwing it ALL away walt. all for nothing.
couldnt have said it better.
Aug 5, 2002
let me get this right--BABA's bitchin' cause he spent the last 5 years doin' music, couldn't get signed/recognized for whatever reason, and then wastes another 3 hours thinkin' of what to type to people he is now calling fags and couldn't give a flyin' fuck about----good luck with karate homie, tell Daniel Son I said what up.......................wax on---------wax off...................outro


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002

tadou said:
Its a shame you have run out of artistic talent & ideas already. Maybe you should have slowed down, and learned how to be more efficient? Oh well...i guess its too late for that.

If you're going to bitch, do it about yourself and your lack of artistic integrity; not about a genre of music that you hate because you couldnt conquer.

Good day.
spoken well.
Apr 25, 2002


Super Moderator
Apr 24, 2002
quit whining

go listen 2 the MYSTIKAL song 13 years.......
u have alot of good points n there..
(shit i juss dont care 2 type out 4 people)
but u aint workin 2 fix the lame state of rap...
ure juss givin up.....which makes even the WEAKEST MC
tighter than u that stays with his shit
thru all the hardships and hustles....


Mackie 1202 VLZ Pro Mixer I bought last month for 489 BRAND NEW - I've turned it on exactly one time since I've bought it - someone make me an offer....'

Korg Karma - bought it when it came out like a yaer and half ago for 1500 - mint condition - smoke free dust free, make me an offer


Jaz said:
ill give you 400 bucks for the karma?????????????

one of the main reasons why studio equipment should cost no less than 8000 dollars each (even for headphones). To keep half-assed, part-time pieces of lackadaisical diarrhea like yourself the fuck AWAY from the industry.

go sell drugs or something.


Sicc OG
Jan 2, 2003
It was a joke.

You need to take the D!ck out of you ass pimp. It aint my fault that you came to the conclusion that rap music sucks and you wasted the last 5 years of you life. Thats your bad.
Then you go and vent like a little kid thinkin your droppin something deep and meaningfull because a bunch of cats co sign when they reply to this stupid thread.

Then you go and diss your folks that had a dream with you. What kinda folks is that>???? Do you think your tough now because your gonna be some martial arts expert? After martial arts you should come back to rappin and start a west coast wu tang.
The karma is a piece of junk anyways and is worth about 400 bucks tops. Thats your bad you spent so much on it.
Jun 2, 2002
Jaz said:
It was a joke.

You need to take the D!ck out of you ass pimp. It aint my fault that you came to the conclusion that rap music sucks and you wasted the last 5 years of you life. Thats your bad.
Then you go and vent like a little kid thinkin your droppin something deep and meaningfull because a bunch of cats co sign when they reply to this stupid thread.

Then you go and diss your folks that had a dream with you. What kinda folks is that>???? Do you think your tough now because your gonna be some martial arts expert? After martial arts you should come back to rappin and start a west coast wu tang.
The karma is a piece of junk anyways and is worth about 400 bucks tops. Thats your bad you spent so much on it.
Very true, I agree here.

SHOHEI BABA, your online ramblings of obsurd bullshit are extremely gay and ignorant, nobody really cares. Most of us know that there is no big future in our music expeditions to make money and be successful, but most of us aren't trying to do that, so when you say GIVE UP, or DROP IT, your really only reflecting your own expiriences and are trying to spread it around to everyone else to make it seem like we're all nothing and were all hopeless, well, I make music cause its fun and i have a passion for it, that doesn't mean Im gonna try and chase dead dreams, Im going to college. My point, just cause you failed and waisted time and money doesn't mean everyone else will and it doesn't mean everyone else will go down the same path.



Apr 25, 2002

what the fuck im gonna do with lub and scented candles??????:confused:


man i have been busy as hell. tracking for this rock band,talkin 2 the cat about my POCKETS HURT video, fuckin with goldie gold,doin this lil newspaper interview you name it im tryin to do it. i need a break. give me a ring if you can pimp. i will be home at like 10 pm

552-7962 area code 707...........
