Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
1 celsius is summa, we got like -20 right now
Well yeah you live in Finland lol. Seattle (and most of western WA) doesn't get super cold in the winter too often. We usually don't have more than a two-three days of snow in a year (none so for this winter). It's mostly just decently cold, very cloudy, and then mix in some rain for the winter here. We have been having some pretty crazy fog at night these last couple of days though.


Sicc OG
Apr 11, 2009
Sure is. 33 degrees (1 ceslcius) and partly cloudy here in Seattle right now.
Dude that is crazy hoq the fuck do you sleep? I'd die in that weather. My body is only for tropical aussie climate.

And jake numbers probly is used to slightly hotter weather so he would die a few minutes before me

My garage sale got raided by ppl from juarez at like 4:50a. You think jews are hagglers? Aint nothen on theae fools.
I think you are a jew dis info agent sent here to make the jews seem good

Nobody believe this man!!

Thats a load of crap...I say you should certainly live beyond your means. "Your means" are an illusion displayed to you by the jewish run media and government(s). Living inside a box presented to you based on a list of lies by your known or unknown jewish overlords. I say a direct spit in the face of said jews would be to not give a damn and spend however you please and get away with as much as possible. And eventually when the time comes to pay the piper you skip town and start all over.
You know what? Your god damn right! Enough is enough let us all take a stand against these jew banksters and occupy wall street!

I will bring the weed.


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
Dude that is crazy hoq the fuck do you sleep? I'd die in that weather. My body is only for tropical aussie climate.

And jake numbers probly is used to slightly hotter weather so he would die a few minutes before me
I don't mind it. It's only for a couple months then it starts warming up again. Just need good heating in your house, a quality jacket with a beanie and some gloves and you are good to go. Plus I like actual seasons. It constantly being hot (or cold for that matter) would drive me crazy that's why I could never live somewhere like Arizona, or Finland lol.