Fossil discovery fills gap in human evolution

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Mar 9, 2005
Dirty Shoez said:
And even if we never found another fossil again, you wouldn't abandon what is YOUR point?QUOTE]

I require no further evidence of evolution, I think the evidence amassed to date is pretty compelling as is. The SIMPLE fact is that there is substantial physical evidence to support evolution, and as far as people like yourself are concerned - suggesting that 'no matter how much evidence exists to support microevolution, none exists to support macroevolution' - do you fail to see that macroevolution is merely the accumulation of small microevolutionary changes? You claim to be a man of unique vision, a member of the intellectual elite and yet you cannot even grasp such a simple concept.

Full wrath, LMFAO - the "fullness of your wrath" is akin to a puppy licking my face. We've established that no-one cares to hear what you have to say, you're merely a little boy who's read a few books and throws around the occasional big word to impress us. You do seem reasonably intelligent, but your arrogance has inflated your self-perception and now you're suffering from the 'I've got a bit of brains but think I'm uber smart' syndrome, making you come across as a complete fuck head.

I care little for your imminent 'prepare for a thrashing' reply - you might as well talk to a brick wall. When you choose to reply, proving your vast superiority of the word, make sure you include the usuals - 'verily' and 'friend', just for my amusement.
Oct 28, 2005

I see you are improving, my esteemed colleague! This is all so exciting.

And no, adding up small changes and saying that constitutes Macro-, makes no sense, because if this little thing called Irreducible Complexity. We did not simply start growing eye-folds for no reason and then magically end up with fully-functional eyes; nor did we start growing nubs that magically turned into arms and hands.

Darwinism cannot explain these things. Darwinism works backwards, because it is incapable of moving forward; that is, it can PROCLAIM Macroevolution, however, it is incapable of PREDICTING or FULLY PROVING it, or even coming close to either, really.

Darwinism is not science. It is Pseudo-science, a bastardization of the combination of Science and Philosophy. Not to mention, Darwinism does not (and cannot) explain, nor prove, nor even so much as demonstrate where the first Cell came from. But hey, if you believe we came from a bunch of amino particles that mutated and fused together billions of years back, then you go right ahead. You sound like the crazy one to me.

Oh yeah. For what its worth, I'm smarter than you. Probably always will be. No amount of book knowledge you learn will ever change that, because your methodology and synthesis will remain fucked-over.
Oct 28, 2005
I am telling you a truth here.

You are simple and rigid. I am fluid and complex. Vocabulary selection has nothing to do with these things, because they remain the realities of our respective situations.

You will be a Counter-Culture Conformist for the rest of your life. You are a walking contradiction. You expect people to be different and open-minded, but then someone like me comes along, and then its "Well...not THAT charismatic and original!"

Your real goal by being this Anti-everything person, is to eliminate competition. In essence, to bitchify Humanity, and make Man a subservient, science/logic-worshipping bitch instead of an arrogant, over-powering Beast. You will not accomplish this while I am around, microevolution be damned.
Oct 28, 2005
That's the best you can do? 'Ignorant'? To describe the man who is obviously the most perceptive one on this forum?

Friend, no. Stubborn is the word you are looking for. Ignorant would be you, for not seeing these things that I see minutes and hours before you are able to perceive them.
Oct 28, 2005
Friend, there is nothing to feel sorry about. This is all funny ass shit. You are a loser and a nerd in real life, and you come on this board, and STILL you can't take over like you want to. You're in Grad school and can't even take down a Undergraduate.

For fucks sake, you'd think on this Gangsta Rap forum, that no smart people would be around, and you'd reign supreme. still fail. And not because you're not trying either--you're just really that simple-minded and limited to book-smarts. That is certified comic status.

Friend, I am sorry for all of this. I know you come on here to escape your Australian Life, and have a piece of Americana, but you need to understand that not everything you see on TV is true. There are Americans out there that will rip you apart in every category, including online shit-talkking, and I am one of them.

I *AM* the gap in American Evolution, friend. You are the past, and are obsolete. These fossils you are leaving behind here, these corny ass cliches and sarcastic de facto white-flags.....the record will show that you were owned, and owned badly.
May 13, 2002
Dirty Shoez said:
because if this little thing called Irreducible Complexity.
From Wikipedia:

Irreducible complexity

In 2001, Michael Behe admitted that his work had a "defect" and does not actually address "the task facing natural selection."[1] Furthermore, the concept of irreducible complexity is ignored or rejected by the majority of the scientific community. This rejection stems from the following: the concept utilises an argument from ignorance, Behe fails to provide a testable hypothesis, and there is a lack of evidence in support of the concept. As such, irreducible complexity is seen by the supporters of evolutionary theory as an example of creationist pseudoscience, amounting to a God of the gaps argument.

In the 2005 Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District trial Behe testified under oath that irreducible complexity did not rule out known evolutionary mechanisms and that there are no peer-reviewed articles supporting his argument that certain complex molecular structures are "irreducibly complex." [2] The result of the trial was the ruling that "intelligent design is not science and is essentially religious in nature."[3]

With that being said, Dirty Shoez, its clear Hutch is not willing to pursue the petty back and forth insults with you anymore. As I have stated before, take personal messages to PM. I'm getting tired of this shit.
Mar 9, 2005
Aye, strange dirty hasn't caught onto my tactics yet with all that intelligence. It's a waste of time arguing with dirty - I finally realised that by arguing with him, it makes it sound as though his opinions actually matter and warrant an intelligent response. I figure fuck it, let him live in his deluded little reality construct and wait until someone gives him a proper wake up call. Of course, even then I'm sure his foundations will remain solid and he'll try and brush it off. Arrogance and self-adulation are the only concepts he seems to understand. Good luck dirty, I hope you don't fall too hard.
Oct 28, 2005
Make up your mind already, you wack-job. Are you talking to ME, 2-0-Sixx, or the Forum as a whole? Talking to someone in the 3rd person, by the way, is about the lamest shit you can possibly do. Show some respect for your elders.


0 + 0 = 1
X + 0 = 1

BBT and Darwinism both are the most flawed theories in the history of science. They stem from an absolute IMPOSSIBILITY, and yet, promise to fill in all the gaps from there, if given enough time. much time will it take? 300 years? 5000 years? Can they make humans `macro-evolve' NOW? No? Why not?

The Fact of the Matter: Macroevolution is a crock of shit. It has never been proven, and in our lifetimes, it never will be. It cannot be. And yet.....people will go around believing in it until they hit their grave. Sounds like Fundamentalism and Brainwashing to me.