dropping bombs on syria

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Jan 5, 2018
When did the siccness become InfoWars?
lol dude i turned him on to see what he thought of all this and he was drunk as FUCK. looked like he was gunna puke and was hiccuping. felt kinda bad for him it was a mental breakdown type of thing. a lot of cussin like "Fuck Your Dick I HAtE you fucker!"

Mike Manson

Still Livin'
Apr 16, 2005
One of my best friends is Syrian. Lives here in China, made his masters in Germany, is an Atheist, loves weed and beer, nicest guy you can imagine. We both do stand up and I called him a sand nigger before. All good, but if you have an actual discussion with him about the situation in Syria (and he went back for a visit 2 years ago), you get to hear the truth. The world failed in helping the Syrian people during the initial revolution against Assad. Now the best possible outcome for the people is Assad to win, even if they hate him.
Russia backs Assad, Turkey kills the Kurds, Germany trains Kurdish fighters, Kurds fight IS, Saudi Arabia supports IS, the western world supports Saudi Arabia, but fights IS, Iran is fighting IS, America hates Iran, the Syrian rebels fight for democracy and are supported by the west, etc. Everything is fucked! A big ol' pile of fuckedupshit...
Jan 31, 2008
The world failed in helping the Syrian people during the initial revolution against Assad.
What is this "world" you speak of? All I see is a bunch of super-powers bringing 'democracy'(Corporate pillaging of the land and people for profit).

While many hated Saddam Hussein, and he was a dictator, is Iraq better off now?

There is no "world" acting, unless you are talking from the imagination of a 14 year old girl giving a UN Speech on how we as the world should save the environment and work towards a better future.

Lockheed Martin is the "world" you speak of.