Bush's 5-year "serial" war plan.

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Globalresaerch.ca has an article on a 5 year war plan by Bush to invade 7 countries from late 2001. Quoted from Wesley Clark's book "Winning Modern Wars".
"[The] Five-year campaign plan [includes]... a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan" (Pentagon official quoted by General Wesley Clark)
I read about a similar plan shortly after 9/11 that included Afganistan and N. Korea instead of Somalia and Sudan.
Apr 4, 2006
What kind of propaganda do you read? We invaded Iraq and thats it, thats all. So i guess George Bush would have to invade 6 more countries in less then too years to meet your propaganda quota.
May 13, 2002
We have troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. US made weapons and US funded Israeli troops are in Lebanon and have threatened Syria. Military strikes against Iran do not seem completely unlikely and are still openly admitted as possibilities by our administration. Somalia is currently a huge concern for the US. Going back to 2004, the US has expressed interest in Sudan and have threatened sending some US troops, and/or financially supporting international intervention in Sudan, so that doesn't seem too far fetched either.
Apr 4, 2006
2-0-Sixx said:
We have troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. US made weapons and US funded Israeli troops are in Lebanon and have threatened Syria. Military strikes against Iran do not seem completely unlikely and are still openly admitted as possibilities by our administration. Somalia is currently a huge concern for the US. Going back to 2004, the US has expressed interest in Sudan and have threatened sending some US troops, and/or financially supporting international intervention in Sudan, so that doesn't seem too far fetched either.
You cant blame the US for what Israel is doing. Yea i know the liberal left blames there stubbed toes on Bush and the US but this is getting fucking rediculous. Just for your info Isreal is perfectly justified in doing what they are doing.

Look at this list and tell me if they arnt.

Jun 17, 2004
swoop187 said:
What kind of propaganda do you read? We invaded Iraq and thats it, thats all. So i guess George Bush would have to invade 6 more countries in less then too years to meet your propaganda quota.
4 countries left my homely friend, 4 countries...

Afghanistan and Iraq down

Lebanon has already been invaded by Israeli forces with American backing.

Syria is next.

Iran has been on the schedule for some time.

Its a holy (oil?) war on the Middle East with Israel and the U.S. as the crusaders.
May 13, 2002
swoop187 said:
You cant blame the US for what Israel is doing.
They are partially to blame, yes (who funds israel? where do they get their weapons from? who is their biggest ally?)

Yea i know the liberal left blames there stubbed toes on Bush and the US
For the record I'm no liberal.

Just for your info Isreal is perfectly justified in doing what they are doing.
lmao, are you jewish? Why do you constantly defend israel when any logical half-brained human could see that israel is the oppressor?

Look at this list and tell me if they arnt.
And you provided this link for what reasons?

1840, Benjamin Lett destroys a monument to British general Sir Isaac Brock
1901 September 6: American President William McKinley is assassinated by anarchist Leon Czolgosz.
1914 June 28: Assassination in Sarajevo of Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria and his wife, precipitating World War I.​

Are you saying that Palestinians are responsible for every terrorist attack in the history of mankind? What an absolute waste of my time, thanks comrade.

In that very same link you provided they mention something called "state terrorism." Look it up.
May 13, 2002
FunK-3-FivE said:
Syria is next.
Quite possably.

From today:

White House Endorses Column Calling For Israel to Attack Syria »

On Friday, the White House released a document entitled “Setting the Record Straight: President Bush’s Foreign Policy is Succeeding.” One section, headlined “Conservatives Stand Behind The President’s Policies,” contains just one example:

On Wednesday, Max Boot Wrote: “Our Best Response Is Exactly What Bush Has Done So Far – Reject Premature Calls For A Cease-Fire And Let Israel Finish The Job.” (Max Boot, “It’s Time To Let The Israelis Take Off The Gloves,” Los Angeles Times, 7/19/06)​

Also, the Boot column that the White House views as an endorsement of their policies also calls on Israel to attack Syria:

Syria is weak and next door. To secure its borders, Israel needs to hit the Assad regime. Hard. If it does, it will be doing Washington’s dirty work.
Jun 17, 2004
Apr 4, 2006
FunK-3-FivE said:
4 countries left my homely friend, 4 countries...

Afghanistan and Iraq down

Lebanon has already been invaded by Israeli forces with American backing.

Syria is next.

Iran has been on the schedule for some time.

Its a holy (oil?) war on the Middle East with Israel and the U.S. as the crusaders.
We didnt invade Afghanistan. We were allowed into Afghanistan by the government.

Your fucking insane man. WE ARE NOT BACKING ISRAELS IVASION. Do you not understand that?

Good god... this is the reason why people dont vote democratic because people like you give the party a really bad name.
May 13, 2002
swoop187 said:
Your fucking insane man. WE ARE NOT BACKING ISRAELS IVASION. Do you not understand that?
WHAT? lmao, are you fucking kidding me????

On July 22, the New York Times revealed the full extent of the Bush Regime’s participation in crimes being inflicted against the Lebanese people:, “The Bush administration is rushing a delivery of precision-guided bombs to Israel, which requested the expedited shipment last week after beginning its air campaign. . . . The decision to quickly ship the weapons to Israel was made with relatively little debate within the Bush administration, the officials said.”

Bush denounces Syria and Iran for allegedly arming Hezbollah, while he rushes more deadly weapons to Israel. Hmm.

According to the French news service, AFP, “The United States is starting to look isolated in its refusal to rein in Israel’s attacks on Lebanon with key ally Britain criticizing the wholesale killing of Lebanese civilians and widespread destruction.”

The only reason Israel can play the bully role is because the US acts as Israel’s big brother. Without the US, there is NO Israeli aggression. The rest of the world opposes Israelis actions.
Jun 17, 2004
swoop187 said:
We didnt invade Afghanistan. We were allowed into Afghanistan by the government.
Please stop making up things, I must admit you have quite an imagination.

"The officially-stated purpose of the invasion was to target al-Qaeda members, and to punish the Taliban government in Afghanistan which had provided support and haven to al-Qaeda."


...do you feel like a fucktard now? because you should.

I'm not even from your country and I know more about it than you do.

swoop187 said:
Your fucking insane man. WE ARE NOT BACKING ISRAELS IVASION. Do you not understand that?
Look at you, opening your mouth before you even know what you're talking about. Where are you getting all this information? It's obvious you're making it up as you go.

The U.S. funds Israeli military, they are your tanks, your aircraft, and your guns that are being used to invade this country. And the only nation in the UN that is not opposed to it? Of course the U.S.

swoop187 said:
Good god... this is the reason why people dont vote democratic because people like you give the party a really bad name.
Sorry, I'm not democratic and I'm not even from the U.S., but maybe you should research subjects and become educated before you post on a subject.

Your ethnocentrism and ignorance has you looking like a complete fool. You're fulfilling every stereotype the world has of ignorant, homely Americans. It's not even funny, it's actually very very sad :(


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
swoop187 said:
We didnt invade Afghanistan. We were allowed into Afghanistan by the government.

Your fucking insane man. WE ARE NOT BACKING ISRAELS IVASION. Do you not understand that?

Good god... this is the reason why people dont vote democratic because people like you give the party a really bad name.

You know, just like you seem to preach, you shouldn't believe EVERYTHING THE GOV'T TELLS YOU, or the news, or ANYTHING. You seem to have your one way opinion, which is typical of conservative types, and that's not bad, just a generalization after being around a ton of them.

Do you not understand that Israel's airforce is ALL US F14's and other shit? What nation funds them the most? The US....You need to check your own news sources for your conservative party, cause after listening to a ton of conservative newstalk, you seem to be the blind sheep in the group. And that's not an insult, so don't take it like that....All I'm saying is, BE OBJECTIVE. Our country is the way it is because we have the RIGHT to say what we think is right or wrong, and in most cases there isn't ONE right way to do EVERYTHING.....which seems to be your stand point, correct me if I'm wrong.

And in case you want to tell me I'm liberal and stupid, I'm not liberal or conservative...I'm a mix of almost every political philosophy there is.
Apr 4, 2006
2-0-Sixx said:
They are partially to blame, yes (who funds israel? where do they get their weapons from? who is their biggest ally?)
Really the we should be able to bomb the fuck out of Iran then because Iran funds Hammas and Hezbollah right? You wouldnt mind the US bombing Iran now would you? Ofcourse you would because you hate america and america will never be in the right in your mind because your pretty much brainwashed.

For the record I'm no liberal.
lol, yea well so far your posts say you are.

lmao, are you jewish? Why do you constantly defend israel when any logical half-brained human could see that israel is the oppressor?
No im not Jewish. Who kidnapped who? oh yea so how the fuck is Israel the oppressor? you obviously dont know what you are talking about.

LOOK AT THIS LINK http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorist_attacks

Just for your info Terrorists are not moraly equal to Isreal. Israel is a country and terrorists hate Israel and the Jews and want to kill all of them because they are not Muslims....what dont you understand about that? Muslim hates Jew because Jew is not Muslim, Its that fucking simple.

And you provided this link for what reasons?
Yea i figured you wouldnt care homany times these terrrorist fucks killed innocent people and then hid behind there own using them as human shields.

1840, Benjamin Lett destroys a monument to British general Sir Isaac Brock
1901 September 6: American President William McKinley is assassinated by anarchist Leon Czolgosz.
1914 June 28: Assassination in Sarajevo of Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria and his wife, precipitating World War I.​

Are you saying that Palestinians are responsible for every terrorist attack in the history of mankind? What an absolute waste of my time, thanks comrade.{
Ofcourse not BUT over the last 30 years 75% of terrorist attacks have come from extreme Muslims. Your acting like the fucking muslims are the ones that are provoked most of the time and thats wrong...soo wrong.

Do you realize that these extreme muslims HATE everyone thats not muslim?? They attack there own muslim kind for siding with peace.. Thats fucked up.
May 9, 2002
FunK-3-FivE said:
Your ethnocentrism and ignorance has you looking like a complete fool. You're fulfilling every stereotype the world has of ignorant, homely Americans. It's not even funny, it's actually very very sad :(
And this is what the US govermnet wants...people to BELEIVE their news and call truth spreaders "wacky and crazy conspiracy theorists"....and its people like swoop that keeps the powerhouse of curruption from the "elite" rollin harder and faster than ever....

You need to start opening up your eyes swoop...the government isnt what it says it is....to say the LEAST...too much info is out there for YOU to at least check out...isnt it good to get BOTH sides before making an opinion?
May 9, 2002
swoop187 said:
Really the we should be able to bomb the fuck out of Iran then because Iran funds Hammas and Hezbollah right? You wouldnt mind the US bombing Iran now would you? Ofcourse you would because you hate america and america will never be in the right in your mind because your pretty much brainwashed.
No.Just cus one doesnt AGREE with the US...doesnt mean one wishes harm on ANYONE else....thats the point.

And you are the one brainwashed my friend...its obvious the goverment has done their job...making you believe everything they say...and then you backing them up....

Its too bad...the majority ofthe US thinks like you...and free thinkers aand alternative thinkers..will lose because not enough people want to open their minds to truth...

I guess lies are easier to swallow???


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
What's really shitty, is when people think that the gov't's ideas are their own original ideas, because then you really know they are brainwashed....They spout of the first shit they here on the news like it's gospel when 95% of the journalists today are sellout, pieces of shit, who don't get both sides and aren't objective because they dont' know how to be objective and dont' know how to report....Reporting is organizing facts, sifting through bullshit, cross examining information more than once, and then presenting the most objective story possible. They just go out, talk to some fools that they record on tape, and bring it back for a PAY CHECK. Nobody gives a fuck about the Truth, they only give a fuck about Money.
Apr 4, 2006
Oh Coy!Ocerto said:
No.Just cus one doesnt AGREE with the US...doesnt mean one wishes harm on ANYONE else....thats the point.

And you are the one brainwashed my friend...its obvious the goverment has done their job...making you believe everything they say...and then you backing them up....

Its too bad...the majority ofthe US thinks like you...and free thinkers ar alternative thinkers..will lose because not enough people want to open their minds to truth...

I guess lies are easier to swallow???
lol, I get my news from several media outlets, Liberal, Conservative, Libertarian. I get the Terrorists point of view and I get the Jews point of view then i come up with my own conclusion based on the info i have. The shit you believe is garbage. You think our government is EVIL. How the fuck are they evil and your not???? How does that work? how are all the non evil people civilians and all the evil people government employees? Never mind the fucking fact that we elect them into office. So either every politician is evil OR our government is not evil. Just for you to even believe the shit you believe would make our entire government evil.

I know one thing these fucking extreme leftwingers are insane. They get there news from other brainwashed leftwingers and the NY Times and sit around and make bogus assumptions on limited information that they spin out of controll untill it turns into a conspiracy theory.