Blood In Blood Out-part 2

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May 16, 2002
I don't care how many banners / adds I see for this. I don't believe this is real. And even if it is, it will be a straight to DVD / Blu-Ray film that will probably have less than half the original cast.

What's gonna happen next? Cruzito goes back to being strung out? Paco becomes a crooked cop? Popeye finally get's his chon chon? They finally serve tortillas in the prison lunch line? And Miklo grows his leg back? LOL!


Sicc OG
Mar 15, 2011
I don't care how many banners / adds I see for this. I don't believe this is real. And even if it is, it will be a straight to DVD / Blu-Ray film that will probably have less than half the original cast.

What's gonna happen next? Cruzito goes back to being strung out? Paco becomes a crooked cop? Popeye finally get's his chon chon? They finally serve tortillas in the prison lunch line? And Miklo grows his leg back? LOL!
I feel what you're saying, but I'm sure this would have new characters added if it's for real and take place years after whatever year it was supposed to be toward the end of the film.
Oct 30, 2002
I don't care how many banners / adds I see for this. I don't believe this is real. And even if it is, it will be a straight to DVD / Blu-Ray film that will probably have less than half the original cast.

What's gonna happen next? Cruzito goes back to being strung out? Paco becomes a crooked cop? Popeye finally get's his chon chon? They finally serve tortillas in the prison lunch line? And Miklo grows his leg back? LOL!

:siccness:Next time put spoiler alert breh. U just ruined it........:siccness:
Mar 9, 2003
Didn't they already make a bootleg part 2?
They should make more movies like La Mission(Nothing to do with blood in blood out), maybe next time in LA?