Anyone here use HYDROXYCUT??

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Feb 25, 2006
FDA warns dieters: Stop Hydroxycut use immediately

May 1, 2009

WASHINGTON – Government health officials warned dieters and body builders Friday to immediately stop using Hydroxycut, a widely sold supplement linked to cases of serious liver damage and at least one death.

The Food and Drug Administration said the maker of the dietary supplement has agreed to recall 14 Hydroxycut products. Available in grocery stores and pharmacies, Hydroxycut is advertised as made from natural ingredients. At least 9 million packages were sold last year, the FDA said.

Dr. Linda Katz of the FDA's food and nutrition division said the agency has received 23 reports of liver problems, including the death of a 19-year-old boy living in the Southwest. The teenager died in 2007, and the death was reported to the FDA this March.

Other patients experienced symptoms ranging from jaundice, or yellowing of the skin, to liver failure. One received a transplant and another was placed on a list to await a new liver.

There was no immediate comment from the U.S. distributor of the diet pill, Iovate Health Sciences, headquartered near Buffalo, N.Y. Made by a Canadian company, Hydroxycut is used by people trying to shed pounds and by body builders to sharpen their muscles.

Dietary supplements aren't as tightly regulated by the government as medications. Manufacturers don't need to prove to the FDA that their products are safe and effective before they can sell them to consumers. But regulators monitor aftermarket reports for signs of trouble, and in recent years companies have been put under stricter requirements to alert the FDA when they learn of problems.

Katz said it has taken so long to get a handle on the Hydroxycut problem because the cases of liver damage were rare and the FDA has no authority to review supplements before they're marketed. "Part of the problem is that the FDA looks at dietary supplements from a post-market perspective, and an isolated incident is often difficult to follow," she said.

The FDA relies on voluntary reports to detect such problems, and many cases are never reported, officials acknowledge.

Health officials said they have been unable to determine which Hydroxycut ingredients are potentially toxic, partially because the formulation of the products has changed several times. A medical journal report last month raised questions about one ingredient, hydroxycitric acid, derived from a tropical fruit. The article said it could potentially damage the liver.


On the Net:

FDA press release:
Sep 17, 2007
used to take them all the time to lose weight. if you take more then 2. you gone be on super tweek mode. it usually made me sick after awhile.
but that was before that took out the ephedrine. i dont fuck with them shits no more. i already knew from the gate they was all bad.


Sicc OG
Jan 28, 2008
I been takin ripped fuel but the local wal-mart aint had it in a minute so I copped some hydroxycut. I'ma finish out the bottle then go bacc to the ripped fuel. I think the problem comez in when mufuccaz take more then directed and also that ephedra shit was all bad. I take it in addition to my diet/workout program and I take it as directed. I aint trippin
Mar 8, 2008
hydroxycut makes your heart race like a mutha, I used it once then I felt irregular heart beat the day after, I stopped after that shit.. My cousin used it and was pissing and shitting blood, he stopped too lol
Dec 29, 2008
people need to lose weight the old fashioned way by working out and eating healthy. all that hydoxcut trimspa shit will probably kill you.
Dec 9, 2005
that shit makes you lose water weight.. thats bad.. you need water.
Well caffeine is a natural diuretic, and the shit is loaded with it.

I tried it maybe twice, and I felt hella cracked out, which I usually do since I'm not a coffee drinker, and my body just isn't used to heavy doses of caffeine.