Aaron Hernandez

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May 4, 2002
Wouldn't it have been better to just not do the stupid shit in the first place that got him put in jail, so that his daughter could still have a father and he could have made more than $15 million for his daughter for the rest of her life?

we as humans make mistakes, most of us learn from it and move on, some people dont and in this case we see the results. in a perfect world dude woulda went on and made money, the world isnt perfect.
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May 7, 2013
and that makes it ok for him to murder people?
Kind of an odd question to ask, when you consider the impact severe CTE has on neurological processes.

On another note, we (humans) murder people all of the time and many forms of it are socially acceptable. His alleged murders were deemed heinous by a state that supports some of these other forms of murder, based on testimony of snitches looking to save themselves. I don't care if he did it or not and I surely don't care about the so called victims, who were not innocent upstanding human beings in their own right, were they. The state loves to play god too and I don't support it.