That's cool, but Reason doesn't support plugins. Big big no no on their part. I have Reason 5, but feel waaaaay too limited. I also can't stand the screen size. Wish it would fill up my 1920x1080 resolution.
What's limiting about no plug ins? I have never understood that argument. I have had all kinds of plugs all kinds of hardware and always felt it was a big mess. Reason has made things super simple for me. And the screen in version 6 will fill it up. I am on 1920x1080 in the tutorial on full screen of course its Record but Reason 6 is basically Record 2.0.
I've just now recently started messin with Reason in the last couple months. I like it but for someone coming from a Cubase/VST and before that hardware background it is a tad weird. Plus the screen not taking up the landscape is a bummer so I'm glad they're changing that. The sounds in Reason are ALOT fuller than many VSTs I've played with though so I'm looking forward to learning more. I just learn in a way where if someone can show me "this is how you do it now, here's how you'd do the same thing in Reason" I learn alot faster than alot of the lame YouTube tutorials.