07/04/2008 Time For A New Declaration Of Independence And Call For Another Revolution

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Jul 2, 2008
From what Ive seen and experienced on my own in my 28 1/2 years on this planet and as a citizen of the United States of America....... and from the many viewpoints of hundreds of thousands of other Americans from various education levels, classes, races, religions, beliefs, affiliations, and ages..... it is obvious that we are in the midst of a major crisis involving our human rights as individuals and our liberties as members of the "Greatest Nation on Earth"....

If you feel your entire life has been completely fine and you are happy with your current situation.......if you are content in your otherwise meaningless day to day activities and you have never once doubted or questioned the ways of the people who are in power....if you dont mind living within great lies and amongst great liars and you feel our government has been more than satisfactorily efficient in directing and controlling your destiny and ultimately your fate......


Continue to feed off your greener grasses with your head towards the ground......keep trusting like the others who are with you and have faith that the trail of grass will lead you all into an eventual utopia like society..... and keep following the herd into the unknown with your belief that the ones leading you would not, nor could not deceive you into walking right in through the fence to your own prison and hell.....

IGNORANCE IS BLISS....i lightweight envy the ignorant......i have been guilty myself of living in denial too many times to count.....i have let myself be distracted my fair share of times but have also remained solid in staying true to myself and my senses and my soul....it is a heavy burden on all truly intelligent individuals' mental health for us to easily recognize the false and to not deny the truth ...... its a huge responsibility for those of us who have managed to escape the processes of dumbing down and brainwashing that the worlds government systems have been using to control the now billions of people who co-exist on this planet.....it is in its most common form a curse and a source of frustration for many people around the world and especially here in America.....

But it is also a gift and it is the light......its time that we all realize it as so and that we push to break the chains of ignorance....its our last chance to inform the uninformed.....and its the only chance to properly educate the generations after us before the cycle is complete and all physical hope is lost on earth......its the only way to make things right and to ensure that our souls dont stay in hell so that we can transcend into the new life and beginning that awaits us soon....

While all the brainwashed sit around unknowingly like some sheep waiting to be slaughtered its up to the rest of us to take control of our own lives and destiny and realize that no man or government should decide whether you and your family should live in misery or die.....

This country was founded on the basis that we all are equal and we have the right to defend our equality and manifest our own fate according to our own individual beliefs....we have the bill of rights and constitutional laws like the 2nd amendment in place to ensure that we have a means of defending ourselves against any who oppose freedom of individuality.....and to ensure that we remain independent from tyranny so we cannot be controlled by other men and used as pawns in a deadly game for their profits.....

We should all be exercising these rights at this time more than ever.... our fore fathers signed the declaration of independence and wrote the constitution/bill of rights in anticipation of the situation that we are in this very moment, with the ideal that the American people would be informed and prepared to handle the rough times that would come eventually....they were the example set for us by our elders as children of this nation....

These documents are meaningless pieces of old shit paper if no one chooses to exercise the rights stated on them....the ink and parchments are easily perishable and subject to being manipulated and misinterpreted if no one knows what the meaning is behind them and if everyone chooses to not use them....none of us has ever held these original documents in our own hands nor actually seen them with our own eyes.....

We learned about them at a minimum in school for those of us who attended.....but it was never really stressed to us how important they are nor how vital they would be in our time....they could be in plain sight but still be lost if no one paid attention to them any more....they might as well become obsolete if no one has the heart to use them in the face of injustice at all times.... especially when the powers that be choose to ignore, bypass and overlook them as well.....and definitely when they are discarded in favor of false security......

Most people push off history as just that....something that is in the past and is over and done with, no longer necessarily relevant to the present or future.....

The Revolution was won over 200 years ago why would we need to worry about it now right?

Evil has succeeded in blinding the masses and comforting the lazy, weak minded, naive, and cowards who make up the majority of this nation into believing that they are safe as long as they listen and that they follow a man made government without question or uprise and to trust that this government knows what is best for them even if it means sacrificing several liberties, lives, and dignity.....

So today while you and your families, friends, homies etc. bbq, drink, smoke, light and watch fireworks or do whatever it is you do to celebrate the 4th of July i ask you to reflect on the reality and history of what today stands for and how many people who died and were willing to die in order for us to have enjoyed the freedoms we have experienced in our lifetime as American Citizens....then i suggest you ask yourself and your close ones how much are you willing to risk and what lengths will you take to ensure that these freedoms continue on through future generations.... so that your children and their children can enjoy true liberty and not become slaves to the New World Orders agenda.....

Talk about it openly with everyone you can talk to....open your mind, eyes and ears.... be cautious but not fearful....be wary of the many distractions set in place to fool you and keep you busy and ignorant of the real agenda taking place.....educate yourself and those around you....separate yourself from the ignorant...focus and start planning for the future of mankind on this planet and most importantly the destiny of your own soul and consciousness because there is a huge price to pay in being ignorant and unprepared....
Apr 18, 2005
Dope shyt homie thank you for preachin' to the uneducated ones on here (which is alot & most wont even understand the first paragraph). I'm right with you.


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
Human rights and democracy should be the least of your concerns

These are good ideas but they fail for the same reasons that communism failed - they do not work because of human nature which is still the nature of a wild animal despite the elevated intelligence level if that same animal (which in turn we have to admit is actually too rarely observed among our species although we are very proud of it)

The New World Order might be actually a good thing if you think about it seriously and overcome the primal reaction of fear which is entirely egoistically and not rationally based if you again think about seriously
Jul 2, 2008
If i found one siccness member to agree with me than im not alone here and if i can get just one more who was previously unaware, to take an interest and discover for themselves what is real then ive accomplished something great because this board is full of watered down ridiculous and ignorant topics that receive hundreds of even more ignorant responses and thousands of reviews ...... but when a subject of the utmost extreme importance is brought to the table people have no intelligent response and just let it fly right over their heads.....

i posted this same thread in the open forum and its sad that people will not identify with its content at all but rather resort to ignorance in their attempts to be funny and earn credentials from other ignorant individuals....if these folks tried just as hard to reach the truth as they do to gain internet approval they would find it easily yet they sticc to whats familiar with them because they are insecure and scared of reality which is why most of them live on the internet in the 1st place....

A disgusting example of the ignorance is the " WHO BBQ'N 4 THE 4TH? " thread which received plenty of responses all similarly as unintelligent as the original post and proof that the majority are fooled and extremely distracted by the bullshit existence created to keep them occupied and focused on meaningless activities.... everyone took todays holiday as just that....a reason to eat drink smoke and "go dumb" like any other typical weekend the only difference being fireworks to light and watch....

i went throughout my neighborhood tonight and refused to fucc with anyone who couldnt tell me what the day was.....every last person responded "its the 4th of July"....its been so commercialized to the point that no one refers to it as Independence Day anymore which is very disheartening not to mention possibly dangerous and detrimental to our society.....i witnessed countless parents helping their children use a lighter to ignite fire craccers and participate in an illegal activity yet not one of them had discussed the reason for todays celebration to these kids....im not sure if many of these parents know the reason themselves actually....

its a fucced up situation that is ripe for the crooked governments taking.....my generation is lost and the next one is depending on them for direction which is insanity at its core definition.....its the blind leading the deaf and blind now and if there is even another generation after them it will be the deaf and blind leading the dumb deaf and blind and so on and so forth till there is no one left to lead....

Now is the time to move away from the major cities and find shelter and community amongst your true family and friends so you can prepare for the really harsh events that will follow and lead up to 2012....i said it here and you can quote me....alot of people will learn in a matter of moments and quiccly change their whole minds in an instant but it will be too late as well as a huge shocc to their reduced mentality...i really believe most will never be able to recover from this shocc alone and it will be easy for their new slave owners to shaccle them up....

hell theyll probably put on the shaccles themselves....:hurt:
Jul 2, 2008
@ThaG....i agree to a certain extent....it is a good thing...for those who will profit from it sure its a wonderful world.....but i know damn well i nor anybody i know or communicate with including you and the rest of the siccness will be one of those people who will profit from it.....

many obstacles we've had in our lives and or injustices we've faced stemmed from the same ones who are creating this new world so it is not a good thing for us at all....and we havent seen shit yet....when it really goes down you will be one of the ones i just mentioned ready for shaccles.....

its more than just the government im speaking on here.... there will be severe suffering on the planet due to nature taking its course as it completes its 26,000 year cycle and enters into the next phase....the government knows all about it and is using us as generators of cash to fund their escape routes and supply themselves with all the necessary knowledge and precautions to endure the great change so that they may establish the new world according to their will....those outside the government who do manage to survive will face the hardest challenges of adapting and taking care of themselves while avoiding the new world order's reach....


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
I don't agree with everything here, but there are a lot of good points, especially inthe beginning


I had a mild epiphany the other day: it’s not President Bush who’s living in a fantasy world, it’s most of his critics who are. I’m no apologist for Bush – I neither like nor dislike him. He’s no more significant to me than a fly buzzing around outside my window. So permit me to explain my reasoning.

People look at Bush’s invasion of Iraq and see a miserable failure. But a failure to do what? Democratize Iraq? Eliminate Iraq’s WMD arsenal? Reduce global terrorism? If those were, in fact, the reasons for invading Iraq, then the invasion would have to be classified as a failure. But what if the real reason was to secure Iraq’s oil supplies, perhaps not for immediate use, and perhaps not even for use by the United States? Then the invasion of Iraq would have to be judged a success, a “mission accomplished,” so to speak.

Or take Bush’s seemingly irresponsible handling of the domestic economy. How can any sane person fail to understand that cutting revenue while increasing spending will produce deficits, and that those deficits cannot increase in perpetuity? Sooner or later that accumulated debt has got to have consequences. Bush appears to be acting as if there were no tomorrow. But what if there really were no tomorrow, financially speaking? In that case, the reckless economic policies of today would not only be irrelevant, but might actually be shrewd. I mean, if one knows that he is not going to have to pay back his debts tomorrow, then why not borrow money like crazy today? In fact, if civilization is coming to an end, then why not use all that borrowed money to stock up on guns and vital resources, such as oil?

Now, I’m just one person. And I’ve been closely studying economic, environmental, and energy issues for only a few years. And I’m no expert. Yet I’ve come to the conclusion – and I don’t want to be a “Chicken Little” here – that civilization as we have known it for the last century is doomed. Our wasteful manner of living – heck, the sheer size of our human population – is unsustainable. Everywhere you look you can see signs of strain on the Earth, from spreading pollution of the air, water, and land, to disappearance of life in the seas, to depletion of natural resources. Something’s got to give. Things simply cannot continue as they have.

If I can see this, I would guess the United States Government, what with its thousands of full time experts, probably can too. Now, if you are the government (and I don’t mean Tom “I am the federal government” DeLay), and your experts tell you that civilization as we know it is doomed, what do you do? Well, for starters, you do not tell your population of sheeple. That would precipitate panic and result in premature doom, which would consume the government along with everything else. Above all, government seeks to survive, so you would maintain the facade of normalcy for the benefit of your population while you use what time you have left to prepare, as quietly as possible, for the inescapable future.

What will matter in this future? Commodities, principally energy, food, and water. Everything else is secondary. Money is far down the list in importance.

So how would you, the government, prepare for a future world in which commodities are king? By securing today as many of those commodities as possible. Hence, the U.S. government’s binge of military base building throughout the commodity-rich regions of the world. What would you not worry about? Money. The only concern you might have for money is to prevent its premature demise. Hence, the smoke and mirrors used to paint a pretty but false portrait of the economy. Some will argue that the government needs more than just energy, food, and water to survive. True, but by controlling the bulk of the world’s key commodities, everything else can be procured, including human labor and loyalty.

In preparing for the future demise of civilization you would also seek to increase the government’s power as much and as rapidly as possible. Why? To maintain control over those increasingly precious resources, and equally important, to control people – especially your own people – by force, if necessary. Viewed in this light, the government’s aggressive pursuit of power during the last five years makes perfect sense. Ironically, President Bush got it right when he reportedly referred to the now totally eviscerated United States Constitution as a “god damned piece of paper.” That’s really all it is anymore.

So what fantasy world are Bush’s critics living in? The fantasy world in which civilization can continue as it has in the past. That we can continue to improve the standard of living of everyone in the world if we just return to a more sharing and egalitarian way of life, like that which we enjoyed between World War II and the mid 1970s. This is a fantasy. The Earth has finite limits. We are finally starting to grasp that fact with respect to oil. But oil depletion is merely the first in a series of coming crises ensuing from the finite confines of our planet. The fundamental problem – and I’m not a Malthusian – is that there are simply too many people for the Earth to sustain. This is why fish are disappearing from the oceans, why the supply of oil is unable to keep up with demand, why the globe is being deforested, why animal and plant species are going extinct, why water wars are in the offing. Perhaps if people were wiser and more willing to share, and implicitly, less greedy, we could sustain the more than six billion people on Earth, but, alas, such idealism does not describe human beings.

The one thing that has enabled the human population to grow to the immense dimensions we see today is oil, the resource facing the greatest challenge from depletion. As the oil supply diminishes, in the absence of herculean efforts to use oil more efficiently and fairly, large numbers of human beings will die off. Before then, soaring prices for oil will probably destroy the economies of the countries most dependent on the stuff, if not the entire intricately linked world economy. This is what I mean by the end of civilization. Of course life will go on. But it won’t be anything like what we’ve been accustomed to. Life will be more like that of the Middle Ages, in which a few wealthy lords controlled all the resources and possessed all the power, and the rest of the people – the lucky ones, anyway – were veritable slaves under these lords. In many ways that state of affairs exists today, but it’s unseen by all but the most observant individuals. The future I’m talking about, though, is considerably more spartan than what the worker bees enjoy today.

I believe that what we’re witnessing today is the inception of a titanic and protracted competition for survival: between countries, between civilizations, between governments and their people. Moreover, I believe the Bush administration is the first to recognize this competitive future, which explains its fundamentally different – seemingly feckless – behavior compared to past administrations. Bush’s favored courtiers, which include corporations, are profiting today and will become the new nobility in the coming New Middle Ages.

Truth and Distractions

The governments of the world, and the U.S. Government in particular, don’t want their people to know the truth. Governments usually end up seeing themselves as entities distinct from their people, and usually end up competing against them. That is true of almost every government on Earth today, and is especially true of the U.S. Government. Keeping the truth from people helps a government achieve its goals, for if the people knew the truth they might demand that the government start actually serving them.

One way to keep the truth from people, aside from today’s favored approach of simply suppressing it, is to feed them a steady diet of compelling distractions.

Elections are one such distraction. Elections arouse peoples’ passions and keep them entertained for weeks or months. Elections even give people the illusion of participation, when, in fact, elections mean absolutely nothing in a country like the United States, which is run by money. Of course, elections are run by, and legitimized by governments.

Sex is another good distraction, both sex scandals and sex-related social issues. Look at how much mileage the media got out of the Catholic Church sex abuse scandals. By comparison, sexual abuses by the government’s own schoolteachers outnumber those by the church, but we hear nary a word about them because they reflect negatively on the government, and the media cooperates in keeping this quiet. Sex between consenting adults, which ought to be nobody’s business except the participants’, also consumes our attention. Look at how much attention people pay to homosexuality. Why is that anybody else’s business? It’s not, obviously, but it’s a great distraction from important things, such as the government’s reverse-Robin Hood economic policies. The same with abortion. Abortion is a personal matter for the people involved. It’s none of society’s business. But government stokes the flames of debate about abortion and it consumes peoples’ attention. Sexually transmitted diseases – diseases in general – are also good distractions and have the added benefit of instilling fear in the population.

Crime is a perennial distraction. Even when the crime rate is falling, the government seems to hype the crime statistics, making it seem as if you’re putting your life at risk by merely setting foot outside your front door. Of course, “crime” breeds prisons, and prisons empower the government. Given the benefits of crime to the government, it comes as no surprise that the government creates crime by criminalizing harmless behavior such as using drugs or hiring a prostitute.

Religion is also a distraction. Domestically, the fashionable debate today revolves around the separation of church and state. There really ought not be any debate. The United States Constitution is unequivocal: the United States Government shall not recognize any particular religion. End of story. It does not say how states may address religion, but it does say that all powers not prohibited to the states belong to the states. In my opinion, then, if a state wants to recognize a religion, it may do so.

The “clash of civilizations” is perhaps the newest distraction, and a completely contrived one at that. The Muslim-Christian antipathy that exists today is both a religious and a cultural distraction. Decades ago, when we were affluent, we were taught to celebrate cultural diversity on our planet. Today that same diversity is touted as the explanation for the “clash of civilizations.” Granted, different cultures are, well, different. But that doesn’t mean that conflict must ensue, and for decades there was no conflict. Clearly, the flames of cultural conflict are being stoked. By whom? The governments of the world and the media. For example, just look at how European media companies and European governments colluded recently to provoke Muslims with those silly cartoons. Cultural conflict not only distracts the masses, but it provides governments with a credible justification to increase their power, for instance, to regulate headgear worn in schools and restrict immigration. Of course, “terrorism” is ancillary to this clash of civilizations and serves to intensify anxiety in the population. How many acts of terrorism are actually perpetrated by governments? It’s impossible to say, but it’s definitely more than zero, a lot more. So why does a government perpetrate an act of terrorism? To create a distraction, to increase its power, or both.

One thing all of these distractions have in common is collusion – intentional or incidental – between the government and the media. The government seems to be involved in all of these distractions to varying degrees, ranging from merely exaggerating the importance of some distractions to actively orchestrating others. And none of these distractions could successfully distract the public without the zealous participation of, and amplification by, the media. One might argue that the media is naturally drawn to report sensational news, as a moth is drawn to light, and most of these distractions qualify as sensational. But I don’t think it’s purely coincidental that the media relishes these stories when there is so much overlap between the agendas of the government and the corporations that comprise the “media.”

Both entities seek to dominate, exploit, and control the “little people.” And the little people, being xenophobic, uneducated, and fearful, are easily manipulated in a formulaic manner to help undermine their own welfare. Simply look at their support for Bush, a leader who has systematically attacked their standard of living, not to mention their liberties. All Bush had to do was push a few buttons labeled “religion,” “sex,” and “culture” to get them to react like Pavlovian dogs. And all this button pushing was, of course, happily assisted by the media.

Resource Competition

We humans like to think of ourselves as so much more sophisticated than “lower” animals. In affluent times and places we can afford to worry about silly things like what movies will win Oscar awards, whether our body looks good at the gym, or where we will take our next family vacation.

But our existence still depends on this fundamental equation: survival = food + water + shelter.

In leaner times, like those we’re heading into, the above equation becomes sharply apparent.

Food production today is highly dependent on oil. Oil powers our farm implements, oil and natural gas are ingredients in commercial pesticides and fertilizers, and oil transports food to market. Today food travels as far as 10,000 miles from where it’s produced to where it’s consumed, which would be impossible without oil. Oil vastly increases agricultural productivity. So it’s because of our largess of oil that the human population has been able to grow as large as it has. One might say that humans eat oil. We can, of course, produce food without oil – barring such evil manifestations as crops that are genetically engineered to require the use of petroleum-based pesticides – but without oil food production will be much lower.

Water is a resource we take for granted. We act as though there is no limit to the supplies of water, and that there are no repercussions to our profligate consumption of it. We’re building cities in places without adequate water supplies – Phoenix and Las Vegas come to mind – and we’re using up vast reservoirs of non-replenishable “fossil” water, such as the Ogallala Aquifer in the American Midwest. Just as we’re failing to plan for economic “rainy days,” we’re failing to regulate our water usage to prepare for a literal lack of rainy days. We seem to think that the replenishable water supply patterns will remain unchanged, an especially optimistic expectation if the Earth’s climate is truly in the midst of major change. But the water situation is even worse in some other places than in America. Water delivery is partly dependent on energy, just as food production is. It takes energy to pump water from the ground, to transport it to where it’s consumed, and even to treat it. Of course, food production is vitally dependent on water.

I hardly need mention the importance of oil except to say that for the first time in history, the demand curve is passing the supply curve. Moreover, the supply curve will soon be heading downward and we’ll find ourselves perpetually chasing this ever dwindling supply downhill. When demand merely exceeds supply the price of oil will increase. But when demand exceeds supply and the supply starts to diminish, then prices will really go up, enough to destroy economies or render impractical the transportation of food and water to some places. But the gap between supply and demand means more than just higher prices. It also means shortages. Those who can afford to buy oil will usually have their needs satisfied, albeit at higher cost. But those who cannot pay the price will do without. Occasionally, even those who can afford to buy oil will be forced to do without because from time to time there simply won’t be any oil to buy on the global market, at any price. Imagine going to your local gas station and seeing a sign out front reading “Sorry, no gas.” Imagine going to your local grocery store and seeing empty shelves because the trucks that deliver goods to the store had no diesel fuel. Imagine having to bundle up in two layers of sweaters inside your house because you have to make half your normal allotment of home heating oil last the entire winter. These hypothetical scenarios will become reality and will occur with increasing frequency as time goes on.

What’s going to happen when people have to vigorously compete for food, water, and energy in order to survive? I think it’s going to get vicious. My opinion of humanity holds that in the face of such adversity, it will be every man for himself. Countries will compete against countries. States will compete against states. Cities will compete against cities. Governments will even compete against their citizens. Civilization, in the sense of the word “civility,” will be no more. Perhaps genetically engineered terminator seeds, depleted uranium, and exotic diseases are secretly intended to reduce the human population to alleviate resource competition.

Clearly, the U.S. invasion of Iraq is one of the opening salvos in the coming resource wars. And the U.S.’s belligerence toward Iran is undoubtedly due to Iran’s possession of vast oil and natural gas resources. Bear in mind that a country need not seek control of vital resources with the intention of consuming them. The country that controls resources can use those resources either as a lever to compel other countries to behave a certain way, or to buy other resources or finished goods, such as weapons and integrated circuit chips.

The End of Money

The 1970s was the apotheosis of the “American Dream.” Wedged between the preceding decade of civil unrest and the subsequent decade of recessions, rapidly rising homelessness, and mass layoffs, the 1970s was a comparatively idyllic decade. It certainly had its problems – stagflation, for instance – but even while living during that time I felt it was a special decade. Life was good; people were happy, friendly, and mellow; TV shows and movies were cheerful; civil liberties were at their peak; government power was at its lowest ebb; the country was affluent and at its peak of industrial prowess. It’s not a coincidence that the tallest buildings in America were built during the 1970s. Those buildings were icons of American industry and power. Although the Vietnam War raged during the first half of the 1970s, it was in the process of winding down and came to an end by the middle of that decade. The cessation of the Vietnam War was as much a reflection of the peoples’ desire to “live and let live” as it was a military defeat. Military conscription also ended in that decade, and even the cold war cooled off because of détente.

Unfortunately, what we didn’t realize at the time was that we would never again have it so good. The 1970s represented a “tipping point,” to use the popular vernacular, for the American Dream. That was when globalization really started to take off and when the serious decline of American industry began, the steel and auto industries being among the first casualties. Interestingly, the 1970s was also the decade of peak oil production in the United States, after which point we became increasingly reliant on imported oil, which greased our downward slide. What I didn’t realize until writing this was how crucial a role President Nixon played in creating this tipping point. Nixon opened the door to trade with China, a major player in today’s globalized economy. Nixon disassociated the U.S. dollar from gold, facilitating the destruction of wealth through unrelenting devaluation of the dollar. Nixon launched the war on drugs, a precursor to today’s war on terror (or is it the war of terror, I can’t tell?). Both the drug war and war on/of terror consume wealth in order to serve the imperial ambitions of the U.S. Government, but contribute nothing to the country’s production of wealth.

The 1980s was a decade in which previously accumulated wealth was systematically extracted, mainly through the mechanism of “Merger Mania.” The 1980s was a decade of marked industrial and economic decline, which was masked to a large extent by releasing into the economy some of the wealth squeezed out of these mergers, as well as by the massive accumulation of debt. The transformations of the 1980s also introduced a new component: the injection of foreign wealth into the country. Many of the assets sold in the 1980s were purchased by foreigners, especially the Japanese, a trend which accelerated toward the latter half of the decade, highlighting America’s economic decline. The 1980s also marked the inception of the mythical “service economy” theory to justify the profitable exporting of American jobs. The economy is like a pyramid. Forming the foundation of this pyramid is the one true source of wealth: natural resources – the free wealth given to us by the Earth and the Sun. Mining for minerals and energy, agriculture, fishing, and forestry are the source of all other wealth. Above this foundation are industries that utilize its products. These second level industries consist primarily of manufacturers that take raw materials and produce something of greater value. Above the manufacturers are companies that serve them, including law firms, advertising agencies, shipping companies, airlines, hotels, restaurants, and even entertainment. As wealth moves up this pyramid a little wealth, constituting salaries and savings, is retained by each level in the pyramid. The myth of the service economy, the darling theory of the 1980s, is that a country could retain the top of the pyramid and outsource the base of it. During the last three decades we have transfered much of the base of this economic pyramid to countries such as China and India and indeed, initially, the money kept flowing to the top of the pyramid which remained in the United States. But after a while, a new top of the pyramid began to form in those countries where we had shipped the base of the pyramid. Witness today not only the exodus of high tech jobs to China and India, but that in those countries pure service companies, such as advertising agencies, are also starting to flourish.

The 1990s was a period of greatly accelerating globalization and economic decline for the United States, aided and abetted by such treaties as NAFTA, GATT, and the WTO. Again, this massive decline was masked by the illusion of wealth that persisted during the huge stock market bubble of the latter half of the 1990s. Like merger mania before it, the stock market bubble attracted a lot of foreign wealth. A bit more previously accumulated wealth was extracted from rising human productivity here in the United States during the 1990s.

Finally, the 2000s so far represent an era massively dependent on inflows of foreign wealth. With our previously accumulated wealth now exhausted and little means left for fundamental wealth production, about the only thing keeping the U.S. economy afloat these days is consumer spending and deficit spending by the government, both of which are financed by growing mountains of debt, which is owed to foreigners. The United States has largely been reduced to a nation of people that sell each other hamburgers, with foreigners paying the checks. Asset sales to foreigners continue as well, the failed Chinese bid for Unocal and the not-so-failed Dubai bid to run some of our seaports being prominent recent examples.

During the last thirty years in America two persistent trends are clear: the steady depletion of existing wealth and decline in the means to produce new wealth; and the steady rise of an imperial U.S. Government.

Today, the economic imbalances in the United States economy are so vast that I cannot see how they can be corrected gracefully. Even more astonishing to me is that people keep buying financial instruments like U.S. Treasury bills. Do these investors really believe they’re ever going to get their money back? The national debt is so large that paying it down is nearly impossible, especially since there is no political will to either increase taxes or reduce spending. Obviously, the U.S. Government knows it cannot pay down the national debt, which is why it covertly relies on dollar devaluation to reduce the value of the national debt.

It’s only a matter of time before the majority of investors in dollar-denominated financial instruments open their eyes and stop buying those assets. When that happens the dollar is doomed. The government’s only recourse when it cannot borrow money will be to print dollars, which will only accelerate the dollar’s demise, possibly even inducing hyperinflation along the way.

If oil prices skyrocket because of the global supply and demand relationship and harm the U.S. economy, that could accelerate the dollar’s demise as well. I personally don’t see how the dollar can avoid substantial devaluation, either slowly or rapidly. I hope the decline is gradual.

All of the world’s government-issued currencies are in similar straits. None are firmly backed by finite, physical resources, such as gold. Consequently, all currencies have the potential to suffer from devaluation, even more so since the economies of the world’s countries are so intricately linked together. If one currency abruptly collapses, especially an important one like the dollar, they could all come crashing down.

Additionally, faith in the world’s currencies depends in part on globalization. The willingness of an investor in Japan to buy American dollars depends in part on the investor’s expectation of a continuing economic relationship between Japan and America. But in an era where global trade is increasingly challenged by oil shortages, faith in other countries’ currencies will diminish too. Countries will increasingly prefer to conduct international trade using universal mediums like gold instead of currency.

If currencies such as the dollar become worthless, even local trade may be conducted using gold or other precious metals. Such trade may, in fact, have to be conducted in black markets, since financially distressed governments will probably seek to confiscate all gold and precious metals from their citizens.

The bottom line is that government-issued currency will be a thing of the past. So how will the government continue to exist?

Acquisition of Resources

Without money or credit, government can only continue to exist through force. The United States government is particularly well endowed in this regard and has demonstrated its willingness to use force to acquire resources, and not as a last resort either.

Iraq’s oil is the first such resource to be acquired by military force. Iran’s oil and natural gas may well be the next. In the long run, the energy-rich regions of central Asia will also attract the hungry gaze of the U.S. Empire. Of course, other powerful, populous, and hungry countries, such as China and India, will also have designs on these energy-rich regions, which will probably result in significant wars. Oil from the Middle East will probably become so valuable that countries will have to provide a military escort for every tanker carrying oil across the ocean.

Domestically, energy will be controlled by the government. It will satisfy its needs first, corporations will have their needs satisfied second, and the populace will be forced to ration whatever is left.

Food is also critical to the government, comprised, as it is, of people. So it’s logical to assume that the government will at some point take control of food production. As with energy, the government will satisfy its own food requirements first, and the populace will be left to ration whatever is left.

If water becomes a scarce or unreliable resource, then we can assume that the government will take control of that as well.

In a future where money has no value, the only way a government can retain people is by providing them with food, water, and shelter. In fact, in a future world where resource competition is the order of the day, people will probably covet a government job – as a bureaucrat, a laborer, or a soldier – simply because it will mean three square meals a day and a roof over their head.

Of course, government needs more than just food, water, and shelter. Government needs weapons, vehicles, computers, communications gear, and myriad other manufactured items. Some of these things are manufactured wholly in other countries, or depend in part on components from other countries. Without money the government cannot buy these things. But it can trade precious resources, such as oil, water, and food, for them. Some critical factories, such as domestic weapons plants, may be taken over wholesale by the government for security reasons.

Slave Labor

Government cannot operate on resources and material alone. It also needs labor. Some of that labor can be “purchased” in exchange for resources. But in order for the government to operate “profitably” it will have to employ slave labor, that is, labor it doesn’t have to pay so richly for.

We already have such a precedent. Many of the two million people already incarcerated in this country are veritable slave laborers. They “earn” anywhere from twenty-five cents to one dollar per hour, often working for major American corporations. But in some cases these poor prisoners are then charged room and board for being in prison, thus wiping out their minuscule income. In effect, since they are being forced to work without making any net income, they are slaves. It does not challenge the imagination to envision future slave laborers working in factories manufacturing everything from machine guns to computers, or working on farms to produce food, returning each night to sleep in their prison cells.

The United States military is currently exploring ways to utilize civilian prisoners to satisfy the military’s labor needs. It’s only a matter of time before they come up with a justification for doing so.

Once the framework for utilizing slave laborers – all nice and legal, of course – is established, it’s quite easy to increase the pool of potential laborers, if necessary. The government merely has to criminalize more behaviors. Caught driving your car on the “wrong” day? Three months in prison loading ammunition cartridges. Caught possessing gold coins? Six months in prison assembling computers. Caught saying “subversive” things over the telephone to your aunt? Five years on a prison farm – for the both of you – tending crops. Of course, prison sentences will likely be accompanied by asset forfeiture, that is, if you have anything the government wants. There is already a precedent today for asset forfeiture too, even for minor offenses such as hiring a prostitute or having a marijuana cigarette in your car. Heck, simply walking through an airport today with “too much” cash on your person might result in it being confiscated.


Although this essay has mainly been a description of the United States and its future, much of it is applicable to the world as a whole. Some other countries may well face worse times ahead because they lack the natural resources and/or military might that the United States possesses.

The goal of this essay is not to propose solutions to the many problems facing us, although there are solutions, but to explain the seemingly irrational behavior we see around the world. Viewing the world today in light of the foregoing essay, Bush’s actions are understandable, even though I don’t endorse them: the competitive pursuit of resources, the rolling back of civil liberties, the carefree handling of the economy.
Jul 2, 2008
i didnt read the entire thing yet but what i did read is basically what i feel is the case at hand....but it does make me think that it might be a good thing for myself if i am one of the few who decides to take heed and prepare as much as possible i might be able to make it through the changes and live a much better life minus the rest of the world to bother me....i think i am just very intolerant of ignorance and expect everyone to figure things out the way i do.....i guess i been tryin to wake up a bunch a useless deadbeats anyway....i mean if they all listen now then it goes down theyll fucc around and look to me and others like me for leadership or something and expect us to have all the answers and depend on us for their survival the cycle would just end up repeating itself....im pretty sure Noah found peace and alot of free time after the flood....lol....

go on and die you fuccs and leave this world to those who deserve it....
Jan 31, 2008
Human rights and democracy should be the least of your concerns

These are good ideas but they fail for the same reasons that communism failed - they do not work because of human nature which is still the nature of a wild animal despite the elevated intelligence level if that same animal (which in turn we have to admit is actually too rarely observed among our species although we are very proud of it)

The New World Order might be actually a good thing if you think about it seriously and overcome the primal reaction of fear which is entirely egoistically and not rationally based if you again think about seriously

so how do you suppose humanity will evolve to believing in science if they hadnt started off at this point? how do you believe science would have existed as it is if it didnt evolve from this point or the point before us?

i mean how many times do scientists experiment and fail before they finally get it right? is this really a flaw then or is it all a part of the journey to social evolution?


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
before pointing out how many times scientists got it wrong (and then corrected the mistake themselves), ask yourself how many times somebody else got something right
May 13, 2002
Human rights and democracy should be the least of your concerns

These are good ideas but they fail for the same reasons that communism failed - they do not work because of human nature which is still the nature of a wild animal despite the elevated intelligence level if that same animal (which in turn we have to admit is actually too rarely observed among our species although we are very proud of it)

The New World Order might be actually a good thing if you think about it seriously and overcome the primal reaction of fear which is entirely egoistically and not rationally based if you again think about seriously
Human nature is not the nature of a wild animal, that's only the "nature" humans acquire living in this society. In a society based on equality, sharing, love, etc., the "nature" of humans will change.
May 13, 2002
wishful thinking
And your "real" way of thinking, what good comes from it? If everyone is convinced that humans are competitive by nature like wild animals, than it will be that way.

If everyone was convinced that humans aren't competitive by nature, but communitarian and mutually beneficial with all, than things will change towards that.

Do you approve of having people believe that it's an all out Darwinian experience? Do you not think that school of thought will go ahead and shape everyone else's mentality to follow it?

Call me wishful or hopeful or a dreamer, but I honestly believe that the "nature" of humans today is simply a reflection of the way the "New World" was formed, including fundamental ideas such as white privilege, manifest destiny, colonization, etc., If these were the fundamental ideas of worldwide society today and also the most important vehicles in bringing us to where we are today, then "human nature" is going to reflect those values.

Therefore, the "human nature" you speak of is nothing more than a way of thinking that people are conditioned and trained into accepting.


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
I will elaborate on that later, I don't have time for it right now, but I am not talking about what you try to present arguments against
Apr 22, 2002
i posted this same thread in the open forum and its sad that people will not identify with its content at all but rather resort to ignorance in their attempts to be funny and earn credentials from other ignorant individuals....
I think you're part to blame for that. Your online persona doesn't lend too much credibility to anything you say..

I don't know you in real life, but from the shit you've posted in the past it's hard to take you seriously. Not to get off topic, cuz I think you actually bring up some good points, but you have to take accountability for some of it..

You also might want to kill the air of superiority bullshit. Most people aren't receptive when the message comes across as condescending..
Jan 31, 2008
before pointing out how many times scientists got it wrong (and then corrected the mistake themselves), ask yourself how many times somebody else got something right
the scientists evolution was aimed at aquiring knowledge on specific subjects, while the peoples evolution is aimed at a whole social reconstruction to reach the point of "science".

as a science advocate you should know that different things evolve at different paces.

it isnt even like scientists got it right, as none of us are done evolving.
maybe this is point in your life where you finally realize that you havent reached the destination of life and that science is but a stage in evolution as is religion, then maybe you can see what im trying to convey here with your own current personal evolution.
Mar 4, 2007

Call me wishful or hopeful or a dreamer
, but I honestly believe that the "nature" of humans today is simply a reflection of the way the "New World" was formed, including fundamental ideas such as white privilege, manifest destiny, colonization, etc.,

Therefore, the "human nature" you speak of is nothing more than a way of thinking that people are conditioned and trained into accepting.

I think you're part to blame for that. Your online persona doesn't lend too much credibility to anything you say..

I don't know you in real life, but from the shit you've posted in the past it's hard to take you seriously. Not to get off topic, cuz I think you actually bring up some good points, but you have to take accountability for some of it..

You also might want to kill the air of superiority bullshit. Most people aren't receptive when the message comes across as condescending..

yes, that is very true.

i understand the frustration graffsicc/ccystzo but hey, open forum isn't really there for serious discussion, maybe about keyshia cole's boobies =/

and the superiority that you present makes me feel very negative about the post all in all, even though, i know about every single thing that you wrote about, and i understand how your feeling, but its the fact that we are not here to point out "how much smarter we are" than everyone else here(GOM), if anything we TRY to treat one another w/ basic respect and acting like you are so much greater than a fellow human being just because they don't have the same exact reality as you, isn't basic respect.

for me, i feel of course scared of what is to come, but that is just from my social conditioning of thinking; no government=no good. :ermm:

and i'm gonna keep quiet on behalf of my "cult" lol.
Jul 2, 2008
I think you're part to blame for that. Your online persona doesn't lend too much credibility to anything you say..

I don't know you in real life, but from the shit you've posted in the past it's hard to take you seriously. Not to get off topic, cuz I think you actually bring up some good points, but you have to take accountability for some of it..

You also might want to kill the air of superiority bullshit. Most people aren't receptive when the message comes across as condescending..

thats just your percepetion of me....i have never once ever been FAKE on this site so however you feel about the posts ive made is irrelevant cuz it stems from your mind and is only your opinion....not like im some sort of phony whos been proved to be a fake and not what i say i am....

its hard to take me serious yet ive posted my address up and people seen pics of me and ive met various siccness members in real life and have done business with many....

theres dozens of people who been postin on this site just as long or maybe even longer but no one still has ever seen them or knows them in real life....some of them act way more superior and condescending than myself.....im sure they can be taken real serious right? majority of the members whove been posting here for years act worse than me but its acceptable because they are friends with mods n shit and know them in real life and act like this is high school....

many of them are older than me and got kids and shit and act way immature....excuse me for participating once in a while but like i said ive always been on some real shit and ive always had my own opinion....theres plenty others here who know inside that they are fake n phony and fear being exposed so they keep it coo....i aint got shit to hide....

i dont think my credibility is questionable at all....cuz if it was than someone should of been come to checc my credit if you wanna talk about real life credibility....but i guess your speaking on internet cred which is impossible for me to earn cuz that requires being a coward online and acting like a bitch behind a screen.....

about the only thing i could see you not liking about me Vamps on a real serious tip is my drama wit jade cuz she was your friend but i made shit coo with her and thats all that really matters to me.....even though she herself was nothing like she portrayed to be online once i got to know her....fact is she knew a lot of people business on here because all yall run ya mouths about each other to each other and i seen so much shit on her screen while living with her its ridiculous.....

thats what a lot of people really dont like about me cuz ive pulled a few cards on the succas who used to jocc jade and type to her like lil girls unaware that i was reading it all....a few of these fools play the tough role on the sicc and act like they gangstas and playas but gangstas dont run they fingers gossiping and playas dont try to hate on a mafucca they never even met to his girl just to try to earn points thinking they gonna get some pussy out of it.....them niggaz mad cuz she teased them for years but chose to fucc wit me after barely knowing me online for like a month.....their credibility is whats questionable if you ask me.....
Jul 2, 2008

yes, that is very true.

i understand the frustration graffsicc/ccystzo but hey, open forum isn't really there for serious discussion, maybe about keyshia cole's boobies =/

and the superiority that you present makes me feel very negative about the post all in all, even though, i know about every single thing that you wrote about, and i understand how your feeling, but its the fact that we are not here to point out "how much smarter we are" than everyone else here(GOM), if anything we TRY to treat one another w/ basic respect and acting like you are so much greater than a fellow human being just because they don't have the same exact reality as you, isn't basic respect.

for me, i feel of course scared of what is to come, but that is just from my social conditioning of thinking; no government=no good. :ermm:

and i'm gonna keep quiet on behalf of my "cult" lol.

oh well if mafuccaz is gonna be ignorant than i feel i am superior at least in intelligence if nothing else....and if they dont like it they have themselves to blame.... they should get some game....a truly intelligent person doesnt take it to heart cuz they feel similar or at least know that i aint talking about them and wont be so insecure or feel threatened by me.....

its nothing though ive had plenty of idiots in real life react the same way so im used to it....only difference with this boards idiots is they know they are safe from gettin slapped around so they take the shit talk a lot further than someone in real life would....