Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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English Gentleman
Dec 23, 2014
All this talk of yall going to vegas is hella motivating, shit makes me want to work hella hard so 1 day I'll have the money to fly out to vegas and do the same. Or to cali, damn I'd murder 100 people to fly out anywhere in the US. Shit seems hella dope, just for the weather if not for anything else.
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Jan 29, 2005
All this talk of yall going to vegas is hella motivating, shit makes me want to work hella hard so 1 day I'll have the money to fly out to vegas and do the same. Or to cali, damn I'd murder 100 people to fly out anywhere in the US. Shit seems hella dope, just for the weather if not for anything else.
You're going to get to Cali and be extremely disappointed. Every "civilized" place in the world is pretty much the same in the long run.

There's a bunch of Americans saying the same shit about wanting to go somewhere else.

The thing is you get there, think "this is awesome" for a couple days then finally realize "wait, there is nothing different".

Even Vegas wears thin after awhile.

damn I'd murder 100 people to fly out anywhere in the US.
90% of America is hot garbage, examples include: the South and Midwest


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Annoying ass kids singing happy bday and cutting cake again. This time they're wearing party hats and pulling party poppers.

Why do they have to be so fuckin loud? I got my headphones on full blast tryna write an email to killa tay and I can't drown this shit out.
wasnt it your birthday the other day? how come they didnt sing happy birthday to you and give you cake? lol didnt anyone know it was your birthday

Ne Obliviscaris

RIP Cut-Throat and SoCo
Dec 30, 2004
You can say that again.

Lets just hope folks over here start to look past the BBC propaganda and get us out of the fuckin EU.

Farage seems to be slowly but surely gaining support, so maybe we might have a chance when Cameron pulls his dick out of the pigs mouth and finally gets his ass in gear on the referendum.
or, you know, just stop the demonstrably ineffective austerity bullshit, and elect some liberals.